df_demo_metabolic_data: Simulated Metabolic Data

Description Usage Format Source See Also


A simulated, demo data frame that contains metabolic profiles, basic information and diabetes outcomes for 1887 fictional individuals. The data frame contains values for 250 serum biomarkers quantified by the NMR platform of Nightingale Health Ltd.




A data frame (tibble) with 1887 rows and 256 columns. id is a character variable with the ID number of fictional individual; gender is a character variable with the gender information on each individual; baseline_age is a numeric variable with the age at the time of blood draw; BMI is a numeric variable with the BMI of each individual at the time of blood draw; incident_diabetes is a numeric variable with values 1 or 0 for whether the diabetes event occured or not during the observed time, respectively; age_at_diabetes is a numeric variable with the age at the end of the study and the rest of the variables are numeric containing the machine readable names of Nightingale NMR blood biomarkers.


Simulated NMR data; Nightingale Health Ltd, https://nightingalehealth.com/.

See Also


NightingaleHealth/ggforestplot documentation built on April 10, 2020, 7:01 p.m.