#' Get Area Deprivation Index (ADI) and Berg Indices (ADI-3)
#' Returns the ADI and ADI-3 of user-specified areas.
#' Returns a [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] or [`sf`][sf::sf] object of the Area
#' Deprivation Indices (ADIs) and Berg Indices (ADI-3s) of user-specified
#' locations in the United States, utilizing US Census data. Locations that are
#' listed as having zero households are excluded from ADI and ADI-3 calculation:
#' their ADI and ADI-3 values will be `NA`.
#' @param geography A character string denoting the level of census geography
#' whose ADIs and ADI-3s you'd like to obtain. Must be one of `c("state",
#' "county", "tract", "block group", "zcta")`. Required.
#' @param state A character string specifying states whose ADI and ADI-3 data is
#' desired. Defaults to `NULL`. Can contain full state names, two-letter state
#' abbreviations, or a two-digit FIPS code/GEOID (must be a vector of strings,
#' so use quotation marks and leading zeros if necessary). Must be left as
#' `NULL` if using the `geoid` or `zcta` parameter.
#' @param county A vector of character strings specifying the counties whose ADI
#' and ADI-3 data you're requesting. Defaults to `NULL`. If not `NULL`, the
#' `state` parameter must have a length of 1. County names and three-digit
#' FIPS codes are accepted (must contain strings, so use quotation marks and
#' leading zeros if necessary). Must be blank if using the `geoid` parameter.
#' @param geoid A character vector of GEOIDs (use quotation marks and leading
#' zeros). Defaults to `NULL`. Must be blank if `state`, `county`, or `zcta`
#' is used. Can contain different levels of geography (see details).
#' @param zcta A character vector of ZCTAs or the leading digit(s) of ZCTAs (use
#' quotation marks and leading zeros). Defaults to `NULL`. Must be blank if
#' `state`, `county`, or `geoid` is used.
#' Strings under 5 digits long will yield all ZCTAs that begin with those
#' digits.
#' Requires that `geography = "zcta"`. If `geography = "zcta"` and `zcta =
#' NULL`, all ZCTAs in the US will be used.
#' @param year Single integer specifying the year of US Census data to use.
#' @param dataset The data set used to calculate ADIs and ADI-3s. Must be one of
#' `c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial")`, denoting the 5-, 3-, and 1-year
#' ACS along with the decennial census. Defaults to `"acs5"`.
#' When `dataset = "decennial"`, `year` must be in `c(1990, 2000, 2010)`.
#' The 2010 decennial census did not include the long-form questionnaire used
#' in the 1990 and 2000 censuses, so this function uses the 5-year estimates
#' from the 2010 ACS to supply the data not included in the 2010 decennial
#' census. In fact, the only 2010 decennial variables used are H003002,
#' H014002, P020002, and P020008.
#' Important: data are not always available depending on the level of
#' geography and data set chosen. See
#' <https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/guidance/estimates.html>.
#' @param geometry Logical value indicating whether or not shapefile data should
#' be included in the result, making the result an [`sf`][sf::sf] object
#' instead of a plain [`tibble`][tibble::tibble]. Defaults to `FALSE`.
#' The shapefile data that is returned is somewhat customizable by passing
#' certain arguments along to the `tidycensus` functions via `...`.
#' @param keep_indicators Logical value indicating whether or not the resulting
#' [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] or [`sf`][sf::sf] object will contain the
#' socioeconomic measures used to calculate the ADI and ADI-3 values. Defaults
#' to `FALSE`.
#' See [`acs_vars`] and [`decennial_vars`] for basic descriptions of the raw
#' census variables.
#' @param cache_tables The plural version of the `cache_table` argument in
#' [tidycensus::get_acs()] or [tidycensus::get_decennial()]. (`get_adi()`
#' calls the necessary `tidycensus` function many times in order to return
#' ADIs and ADI-3s, so many tables are cached if `TRUE`). Defaults to `TRUE`.
#' @param key Your Census API key as a character string. Obtain one at
#' <http://api.census.gov/data/key_signup.html>. Defaults to `NULL`. Not
#' necessary if you have already loaded your key with [census_api_key()].
#' @param raw_data_only Logical, indicating whether or not to skip calculation
#' of the ADI and ADI-3 and only return the census variables. Defaults to
#' `FALSE`.
#' @param seed Passed to [calculate_adi()].
#' @param ... Additional arguments to be passed onto [tidycensus::get_acs()] or
#' [tidycensus::get_decennial()]. These must all be named. Must not match any
#' of the `tidycensus` formal arguments that `sociome` needs to set
#' explicitly.
#' This may be found to be helpful when setting `geometry = TRUE`, since the
#' `tidycensus` functions pass `...` onto the appropriate `tigris` function
#' (namely, one of [tigris::states()], [tigris::counties()],
#' [tigris::tracts()], [tigris::block_groups()], or [tigris::zctas()],
#' according to the the value of `geography`). This enables the user to
#' somewhat customize the shapefile data obtained.
#' @section Reference area: **The concept of "reference area" is important to
#' understand when using this function.** The algorithm that produced the
#' original ADIs employs factor analysis. As a result, the ADI is a relative
#' measure; the ADI of a particular location is dynamic, varying depending on
#' which other locations were supplied to the algorithm. In other words, **ADI
#' will vary depending on the reference area you specify.**
#' For example, the ADI of Orange County, California is *x* when calculated
#' alongside all other counties in California, but it is *y* when calculated
#' alongside all counties in the US. The `get_adi()` function enables the user
#' to define a **reference area** by feeding a vector of GEOIDs to its `geoid`
#' parameter (or alternatively for convenience, states and/or counties to
#' `state` and `county`). The function then gathers data from those specified
#' locations and performs calculations using their data alone.
#' The Berg Indices (ADI-3) were developed with this principle of relativity
#' in mind, and as such there is no set of seminal ADI-3 values. Thus, the
#' terms "Berg Indices" and "ADI-3" refer more nearly to any values generated
#' using the algorithm employed in this package.
#' Areas listed as having zero households are excluded from the reference
#' area, and their ADI and ADI-3 values will be `NA`.
#' @section The `geoid` parameter: Elements of `geoid` can represent different
#' levels of geography, but they all must be either 2 digits (for states), 5
#' digits (for counties), 11 digits (for tracts), or 12 digits (for block
#' groups). It must contain character strings, so use quotation marks as well
#' as leading zeros where applicable.
#' @section ADI and ADI-3 factor loadings: The returned
#' [`tibble`][tibble::tibble] or [`sf`][sf::sf] is of class `adi`, and it
#' contains an attribute called `loadings`, which contains a tibble of the PCA
#' loadings of each factor. This is accessible through
#' [`attr`]`(name_of_tibble, "loadings")`.
#' @section Missingness and imputation: While this function allows flexibility
#' in specifying reference areas (see the **Reference area** section above),
#' data from the US Census are masked for sparsely populated places, resulting
#' in many missing values.
#' Imputation is attempted via [`mice::mice`]`(m = 1, maxit = 50, method =
#' "pmm", seed = seed)`. If imputation is unsuccessful, an error is thrown,
#' but the dataset of indicators on which imputation was unsuccessful is
#' available via [rlang::last_error()]`$adi_indicators` and the raw census
#' data are available via [rlang::last_error()]`$adi_raw_data`. The former
#' excludes areas with zero households, but the latter includes them.
#' One of the indicators of both ADI and the Financial Strength component of
#' ADI-3 is median family income, but methodological issues with the 2015 and
#' 2016 ACS have rendered this variable unavailable at the block group level
#' for those years. When requested, this function will use median household
#' income in its place, with a `warning()`. See
#' <https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/technical-documentation/user-notes/2016-01.html>.
#' @section API-related error handling: Depending on user input, this function
#' may call its underlying functions ([tidycensus::get_acs()] or
#' [tidycensus::get_decennial()]) many times in order to accommodate their
#' behavior. When these calls are broken up by state or by state and county, a
#' message is printed indicating the state or state and county whose data is
#' being pulled. These calls are wrapped in
#' [`purrr::insistently`]`(`[purrr::rate_delay()]`, quiet = FALSE)`, meaning
#' that they are attempted over and over until success, and `tidycensus` error
#' messages are printed as they occur.
#' @section Warnings and disclaimers: Please note that this function calls data
#' from US Census servers, so execution may take a long time depending on the
#' user's internet connection and the amount of data requested.
#' For advanced users, if changing the `dataset` argument, be sure to know the
#' advantages and limitations of the 1-year and 3-year ACS estimates. See
#' <https://www.census.gov/programs-surveys/acs/guidance/estimates.html> for
#' details.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' # Wrapped in \dontrun{} because all these examples take >5 seconds
#' # and require a Census API key.
#' # ADI of all census tracts in Cuyahoga County, Ohio
#' get_adi(geography = "tract", year = 2017, state = "OH", county = "Cuyahoga")
#' # ADI and ADI-3 of all counties in Connecticut, using the 2014 ACS1 survey.
#' # Returns a warning because there are only 8 counties.
#' # A minimum of 30 locations is recommended.
#' get_adi(geography = "county", state = "CT", year = 2014, dataset = "acs1")
#' # Areas with zero households will have an ADI and ADI-3 of NA:
#' queens <-
#' get_adi(
#' "tract",
#' year = 2017,
#' state = "NY",
#' county = "Queens",
#' keep_indicators = TRUE,
#' geometry = TRUE
#' )
#' queens %>%
#' dplyr::as_tibble() %>%
#' dplyr::select(GEOID, NAME, ADI, households = B11005_001) %>%
#' dplyr::filter(is.na(ADI) | households == 0) %>%
#' print(n = Inf)
#' # geoid argument allows for highly customized reference populations.
#' # ADI of all census tracts in the GEOIDs stored in "delmarva" below:
#' # Notice the mixing of state- ("10") and county-level GEOIDs (the others).
#' delmarva_geoids <- c("10", "51001", "51131", "24015", "24029", "24035",
#' "24011", "24041", "24019", "24045", "24039", "24047")
#' delmarva <-
#' get_adi(
#' geography = "tract",
#' geoid = delmarva_geoids,
#' dataset = "acs5",
#' year = 2009,
#' geometry = TRUE
#' )
#' # Demonstration of geom_sf() integration:
#' require(ggplot2)
#' # The na.value argument changes the fill of NA ADI areas.
#' delmarva %>% ggplot() + geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI), lwd = 0)
#' # Setting direction = -1 makes the less deprived areas the lighter ones
#' # The argument na.value changes the color of zero-household areas
#' queens %>%
#' ggplot() +
#' geom_sf(aes(fill = ADI), lwd = 0) +
#' scale_fill_viridis_c(na.value = "red", direction = -1)
#' # Obtain factor loadings:
#' attr(queens, "loadings")
#' }
#' @return If `geometry = FALSE`, (the default) a [`tibble`][tibble::tibble]. If
#' `geometry = TRUE` is specified, an [`sf`][sf::sf].
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @export
get_adi <- function(geography,
state = NULL,
county = NULL,
geoid = NULL,
zcta = NULL,
dataset = c("acs5", "acs3", "acs1", "decennial"),
geometry = FALSE,
keep_indicators = FALSE,
raw_data_only = FALSE,
cache_tables = TRUE,
key = NULL,
seed = NA,
...) {
geography <- validate_geography(geography)
year <- validate_year(year)
dataset <- validate_dataset(dataset, year, geography)
# Any given call to get_adi() necessitates one or more calls to
# tidycensus::get_acs() and/or tidycensus::get_decennial(). The following
# creates the skeletons of these calls, irrespective of location (i.e.,
# state/county/geoid/zcta)
partial_tidycensus_calls <-
decennial =
# The 2010 decennial census did not gather the same detailed data that
# the 2000 and 1990 censuses did (i.e., the 2010 census has no SF3), so
# its gaps are filled with the 2010 5-year ACS estimates (in reality,
# only a few data points are available from the 2010 decennial census
# and most of the data is taken from the ACS)
if (year == 2010) {
get_decennial =
.fn = "get_decennial",
geography = geography,
variables =
sociome::decennial_vars$year == 2010,
drop = TRUE
table = NULL,
cache_table = cache_tables,
year = 2010,
sumfile = "sf1",
geometry = geometry,
output = "tidy",
keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
summary_var = NULL,
key = key,
get_acs =
.fn = "get_acs",
geography = geography,
variables =
table = NULL,
cache_table = cache_tables,
year = 2010,
output = "tidy",
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
summary_var = NULL,
key = key,
survey = "acs5",
} else {
# Everything prior to pmap() creates 2 by 2 tibble with column
# sumfile = c("sf1", "sf3") and list column "variables" that
# contains the corresponding SF1 and SF3 variables.
sociome::decennial_vars[sociome::decennial_vars$year == year, ] %>%
eval(expr = quote(split(variable, f = sumfile))) %>%
tibble::enframe(name = "sumfile", value = "variables") %>%
.f = tidycensus_call,
.fn = "get_decennial",
geography = geography,
table = NULL,
cache_table = cache_tables,
year = year,
geometry = geometry,
output = "tidy",
keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
summary_var = NULL,
key = key,
# i.e., if ACS data requested instead of decennial
variables_set <-
if (year >= 2011) {
if (any(2015:2016 == year) && geography == "block group") {
} else if (year == 2011 && dataset == "acs5") {
} else {
} else if (year == 2010) {
if (dataset == "acs5") {
} else {
} else if (dataset == "acs1" && year >= 2008) {
} else {
get_acs =
.fn = "get_acs",
geography = geography,
variables =
drop = TRUE
table = NULL,
cache_table = cache_tables,
year = year,
output = "tidy",
geometry = geometry,
keep_geo_vars = FALSE,
summary_var = NULL,
key = key,
survey = dataset,
raw_data <-
geography = geography,
state = state,
county = county,
geoid = geoid,
zcta = zcta,
year = year,
dataset = dataset,
partial_tidycensus_calls = partial_tidycensus_calls,
geometry = geometry
if (raw_data_only) {
} else {
calculate_adi(raw_data, keep_indicators = keep_indicators, seed = seed)
# exec_tidycensus <- function(state = NULL, county = NULL, ...) {
# if (!is.null(state)) {
# message("\nState: ", paste(state, collapse = ", "))
# if (!is.null(county)) {
# message("\nCounty: ", paste(county, collapse = ", "))
# }
# }
# exec_insistently(..., state = state, county = county)
# }
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