Man pages for Nina-Song/stJoincount
stJoincount - Join count statistic for quantifying spatial correlation between clusters

customDictGenerate dict of cluster names
dataPrepFromSeuratData Preparation from Seurat Object
dataPrepFromSpEData Preparation from SpatialExperiment Object
extentBufferFind optimal number of buffer for extent
joincountAnalysisJoin count analysis
mosaicIntPlotMosaic plot
rasterizeEachClusterCreate a raster object from a labeled sample
rasterPrepRaster layer preparation
resolutionCalcResolution calculation
zscoreMatrixGenerate Z-score matrix
zscorePlotVisulization of Z-score heatmap.
Nina-Song/stJoincount documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 8:31 a.m.