
Defines functions calculate_metric calculate_metrics

Documented in calculate_metrics

#' Calculate Metrics
#' Calculates exposure matrix and quantifies it by calculating four IT-derived metrics: entropy (ent), joint entropy (joinent), conditional entropy (condent) and mutual information (mutinf).
#' Entropy is associated with measuring racial diversity and mutual information is associated with measuring racial segregation.
#' @param x SpatRaster with realizations
#' @param w SpatRaster with local densities
#' @param neighbourhood The number of directions in which cell adjacencies are considered as neighbours: `4` (rook's case), `8` (queen's case). The default is `4`.
#' @param fun Function to calculate values from adjacent cells to contribute to exposure matrix, `"mean"` - calculate average values of local population densities from adjacent cells, `"geometric_mean"` - calculate geometric mean values of local population densities from adjacent cells, or `"focal"` assign value from the focal cell
#' @param size Expressed in the numbers of cells, is a length of the side of a square-shaped block of cells. It defines the extent of a local pattern. If `size=NULL` calculations are performed for a whole area
#' @param shift Defines the shift between adjacent squares of cells along with the N-S and W-E directions. It describes the density (resolution) of the output grid. The resolution of the output map will be reduced to the original resolution multiplied by the shift. If shift=size the input map will be divided into a grid of non-overlapping square windows. Each square window defines the extent of a local pattern. If shift < size - results in the grid of overlapping square windows.
#' @param na_action Decides on how to behave in the presence of missing values in `w`. Possible options are `"replace"`, `"omit"`, `"keep"`. The default, `"replace"`, replaces missing values with 0, `"omit"` does not use cells with missing values, and `"keep"` keeps missing values.
#' @param base The unit in which entropy is measured. The default is "log2", which compute entropy in "bits". `"log"` and `"log10"` can be also used
#' @param ordered The type of pairs considered. Either ordered (`TRUE`) or unordered (`FALSE`). The default is `TRUE`
#' @param threshold The share of NA cells to allow metrics calculation in a square-shaped window
#' @return a data.frame
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(terra)
#' race_raster = rast(system.file("extdata/race_raster.tif", package = "raceland"))
#' x = create_realizations(race_raster, n = 5)
#' w = create_densities(x, race_raster, window_size = 10)
#' #1
#' df = calculate_metrics(x, w, neighbourhood = 4, fun = "mean")
#' #2
#' df2 = calculate_metrics(x, w, neighbourhood = 4, fun = "mean", size = 10, threshold = 0.5)
#' my_grid = create_grid(x, size = 10)
#' df3 = dplyr::filter(df2, realization == 2)
#' result = dplyr::left_join(my_grid, df2, by = c("row", "col"))
#' plot(result)
calculate_metrics = function(x, w, neighbourhood = 4, fun, size = NULL, shift = NULL,
                             na_action = "replace", base = "log2", ordered = TRUE,
                             threshold = 0.5){
  is_raster_x = check_is_raster(x)
  is_raster_w = check_is_raster(w)
  x = check_input(x, is_raster_x)
  w = check_input(w, is_raster_w)
  if (is.null(size)){
    size = 0
  if (is.null(shift)){
    shift = size
  out = if (requireNamespace("pbapply", quietly = TRUE)){
    pbapply::pbmapply(calculate_metric, terra::as.list(x), terra::as.list(w),
                      MoreArgs = list(neighbourhood = neighbourhood, fun = fun,
                                      size = size, shift = shift,
                                      na_action = na_action, base = base,
                                      ordered = ordered, threshold = threshold),
                      SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  } else {
    out = mapply(calculate_metric, terra::as.list(x), terra::as.list(w),
                 MoreArgs = list(neighbourhood = neighbourhood, fun = fun,
                                 size = size, shift = shift,
                                 na_action = na_action, base = base,
                                 ordered = ordered, threshold = threshold),
                 SIMPLIFY = FALSE)

  out = mapply(function(x, y) "[<-"(x, "realization", value = y), out, seq_along(out), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
  out = do.call(rbind, out)
  out = out[c("realization", "row", "col", "ent", "joinent", "condent", "mutinf")]


calculate_metric = function(x, w, neighbourhood, fun, size = NULL, shift = NULL,
                            na_action = "replace", base = "log2", ordered = TRUE, threshold = 0.5){
  if (is.null(size)){
    size = 0
  if (is.null(shift)){
    shift = size
  my_directions = as.matrix(neighbourhood)
  df_metrics = get_metrics(x = terra::as.matrix(x, wide = TRUE), w = terra::as.matrix(w, wide = TRUE),
              directions = my_directions, fun = fun,
              na_action = na_action, base = base,
              ordered = ordered, size = size, shift = shift, na_threshold = threshold)
Nowosad/raceland documentation built on April 21, 2023, 10 a.m.