
context("Covariance and Correlation Matrix")

# Tests which replicate options available in SPSS
data("pcaPhoneTestData", package = "flipExampleData")
test.data.1 <- pcaPhoneTestData$data.set # Most cases have some missing observations (named "q23 20% Missing" in SPSS file)
test.data.2 <- pcaPhoneTestData$data.set.original # Most cases do not have missing observations (named "q23" in SPSS file)
test.weight <- pcaPhoneTestData$weight
test.calibrated.weight <- pcaPhoneTestData$q.calibrated.weight
single.values <- matrix(NA, ncol = 4, nrow = 100)
single.values[1, 1] <- 1
single.values[2, 2] <- 2
single.values[2, 3] <- 3
single.values[, 4] <- 4

data("adult.2000", package = "flipExampleData")
factor.data <- adult.2000[, !(names(adult.2000) %in% c("country", "education", "occupation"))]

# Note that comparisons with SPSS using weighted data will differ when these functions are used in
# DisplayR because there we always supply QCalibratedWeight.

# Replicated options in SPSS and paste value (3,4) from the correlation/covariance matrix

test_that("Correlation and covariance matrices are calculated correctly",
    test.complete.obs <- !is.na(rowSums(test.data.2)) & test.weight > 0

    # Weighted Correlation Matrix with Pairwise
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.1, test.weight, correlation = TRUE)[3,4], 0.151448808216322)

    # Weighted Covariance Matrix with Pairwise
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.1, test.weight, correlation = FALSE)[3,4], 0.220870616976875)

    # Compare correlation against 'weights' package
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.1, test.weight, correlation = TRUE),
        weights::wtd.cors(test.data.1, weight = test.weight))

    # Weighted Correlation Matrix with Complete Obs Only
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.2[test.complete.obs, ],
        correlation = TRUE)[3,4], 0.142891895221493)
    expect_equal(CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix(test.data.2, weights = test.weight, pairwise = FALSE, use.correlation = TRUE)[3,4], 0.142891895221493)

    # Weighted Covariance Matrix with Complete Obs Only
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.2[test.complete.obs, ],
        correlation = FALSE)[3,4], 0.184031773635988)
    expect_equal(CovarianceAndCorrelationMatrix(test.data.2, weights = test.weight, pairwise = FALSE, use.correlation = FALSE)[3,4], 0.184031773635988)

    # Compare correlation against 'weights' package
    expect_equal(weightedPartialCovarianceMatrix(test.data.2[test.complete.obs, ],
        test.weight[test.complete.obs], correlation = TRUE),
        weights::wtd.cors(test.data.2[test.complete.obs, ], weight = test.weight[test.complete.obs]))

    # Un-weighted Correlation Matrix with Pairwise
    expect_equal(cor(test.data.1, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")[3,4], 0.237209928184647)

    # Unweighted Covariance Matrix with Complete Obs Only
    expect_equal(cov(test.data.2, use = "complete.obs")[3,4], 0.235279345882637)

    # Unweighted Covariance Matrix with Pairwise Obs
    expect_equal(cov(test.data.1, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")[3,4], 0.314795729067899)


    x <- c(NA, 1:10)
    y <- c(NA, 2, 2:10)
    w <- c(NA, rep(1, 10))
    expect_equal(Correlation(x, y, w), Correlation(x, y))
    expect_equal(cor(x, y, use = "complete.obs"), Correlation(x, y))
    w <- c(NA, 1:10)
    expect_equal(Correlation(x, y, w), 0.998631, 0.0000001)

test_that("Correlation significance",
    test.output <- CorrelationsWithSignificance(test.data.1, test.weight)
    expect_equal(test.output$cor[3,4], 0.151448808216322)
    expect_equal(test.output$p[3,4], 0.1227358415903436)
    expect_true(all.equal(test.output$t, test.output$cor/test.output$standard.errors))
    expect_equal(CorrelationsWithSignificance(test.data.1, test.weight, spearman = TRUE)$cor[3,4], 0.1534977186961468)
    expect_equal(CorrelationsWithSignificance(test.data.1, test.weight, spearman = TRUE)$p[3,4], 0.09251195118913291)

    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2,
                                   filter = rep(FALSE, nrow(test.data.2)), weights = NULL), "No data remains after applying any filter and treatment of missing data.")
    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2, missing.data = "wrong",
                                   filter = NULL, weights = NULL), "Missing data option not handled: wrong")
    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2, missing.data = "Error if missing data",
                                   filter = NULL, weights = NULL), "The data contains missing values. Change the 'missing' option to run the analysis.")
    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2,
                                   filter = c(T, F), weights = NULL), "Input data and filter must be same length.")
    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2,
                                   filter = NULL, weights = c(1,2,3)), "Input data and weights must be same length.")
    expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = test.data.2,
                                   filter = T, weights = test.weight), NA)
    cm <- expect_error(CorrelationMatrix(input.data = single.values), NA)
    expect_true(all(is.nan(cm$cor[row(cm$cor) != col(cm$cor)])))
    expect_error(dat <- ExtractChartData(cm), NA)
    expect_is(dat, "matrix")
    expect_equal(dim(dat), c(4, 4))
    expect_equal(dat, attr(cm, "ChartData"))

test_that("Correlation with factors",
    no.bin <- suppressWarnings(CorrelationMatrix(factor.data, categorical.as.binary = FALSE))
    expect_equal(ncol(no.bin$cor), 11)
    bin <- CorrelationMatrix(factor.data, categorical.as.binary = TRUE)
    expect_equal(ncol(bin$cor), 35)
NumbersInternational/flipStatistics documentation built on May 13, 2024, 1:26 a.m.