
Defines functions containsWholeYear durationInYears StackYears

Documented in StackYears

#' StackYears
#' Stacks years to make seasonal patterns and growth easier to see.
#' @param x A \code{\link{vector}}, \code{\link{list}},
#'     \code{\link{table}}.  or \code{\link{data.frame}}.
#' @param date An optional vector containing dates. Where not
#'     provided, the dates are assumed to be in the row or column
#'     names, first row or column, or first element of \code{x}.
#' @param n.years The number of years to stack. Older data is ignored.
#' @param calendar If true, the years are calendar. Otherwise, they
#'     end at the final time point. When this is done,
#'     some years can have different numbers of values (e.g., weeks).
#' @param period.number If TRUE, period numbers instead of dates are
#'     returned in the column names.
#' @param transpose If TRUE, the result is transposed.
#' @return A \code{\link{matrix}}, with the column names containing
#'     the dates or time periods, and the rows the years.
#' @importFrom lubridate year years interval duration day
#' @importFrom flipTime AsDate
#' @export
StackYears <- function(x, date = NULL, n.years = NULL, calendar = TRUE,
                       period.number = FALSE, transpose = FALSE)
    x <- TidyTabularData(x, date)
    date <- AsDate(names(x), on.parse.failure = "silent")
    latest.year <- year(max(date))
    year.index <- if (calendar)
        latest.year - year(date) + 1
        sapply(date, durationInYears, max(date)) + 1
    number.years <- max(year.index)
    if (is.null(n.years))
        n.years <- number.years
    else if (n.years > number.years)
        n.years <- number.years
        warning("Specified number of years exceeds the number in the data")
    year.table <- table(year.index)
    if (!containsWholeYear(date, year.index, year.table, calendar))
        stop("At least one whole year of data is required.")
    n.periods <- max(year.table)
    colnm <- if(period.number)
    else if (all(day(date) == 1)) # monthly or multiple of months
        first <- date[year.index == 1][1]
        seq.by <- if (n.periods == 12) "month" else paste(12 / n.periods, "months")
        format(seq(first, by = seq.by, length.out = n.periods), "%Y-%m")
    else # period is fixed number of days, e.g., week or fortnight
        date.diff <- date[2] - date[1]
        first <- date[year.index == 1][1]
        if (date.diff == 7 && calendar) # if weekly, make first date 1st Jan
            first <- first - day(first) + 1
            warning("In order to stack weekly observations consistently ",
                    "each year has been rebased to start from January 1st, which ",
                    "may differ from the actual first observation in each year. ",
                    "You may prefer to stack by period number instead.")
        as.character(seq(first, by = date.diff, length.out = n.periods))
    rnm <- latest.year:(latest.year - n.years + 1)
    result <- matrix(NA, nrow = n.years, ncol = n.periods,
        dimnames = list(Year = rnm, Date = colnm))
    for (i in seq_len(n.years - 1))
        result[i, 1:year.table[i]] <- x[year.index == i]
    if (year.table[n.years] + 1 >= n.periods) # Checking to see if last year is incomplete.
        result[n.years, 1:year.table[n.years]] <- x[year.index == n.years]
        result[n.years, (n.periods - year.table[n.years]+ 1):n.periods] <- x[year.index == n.years]
    if (transpose)
        result <- t(result)

# Duration in years where we round down
#' @importFrom lubridate year month day
durationInYears <- function(start.date, end.date)
    if (start.date > end.date)
        stop("Start date cannot be after end date")

    result <- year(end.date) - year(start.date)
    if (month(end.date) < month(start.date) ||
        (month(end.date) == month(start.date) && day(end.date) < day(start.date)))
        result <- result - 1

# Check that the data contains at least one whole year
containsWholeYear <- function(date, year.index, year.table, calendar)
    if (length(unique(year.index)) > 2)

    ind <- which(year.index == which.max(year.table))

    if (all(day(date) == 1)) # monthly or multiple of months
        return(length(ind) == 12 / (month(date[ind[2]]) - month(date[ind[1]])))
    else # period is fixed number of days, e.g., week or fortnight
        period.duration = date[2] - date[1]
        start.date <- date[ind[1]]
        end.date <- date[ind[length(ind)]]
        if (calendar)
            yr <- year(start.date)
            return(yr > year(start.date - period.duration) &&
                   yr < year(end.date + period.duration))
            return(durationInYears(start.date, end.date + period.duration) > 0)
NumbersInternational/flipTables documentation built on June 12, 2024, 11:39 a.m.