
Defines functions Select.array Select.matrix Select.data.frame selectIndices Select.default Select

Documented in Select Select.array Select.data.frame Select.default Select.matrix

#' \code{Select}
#' @description Subscripts a range of elements (e.g., from a vector or list), based on the
#' name of the elements.
#' @param x The object to be subscripted.
#' @param from The name of the first element to be selected.
#' @param to The name of the last element to be selected.
#' @param MARGIN The margin of the object to select from. Only used with arrays and matrices.
#' @param drop Whether to drop the final dimension. This parameter is only used for arrays and matrices.
#' @export
Select <- function(x, from, to, MARGIN = NULL, drop = FALSE)

#' @inherit Select
#' @export
Select.default <- function(x, from, to, MARGIN = NULL, drop = FALSE)
    out <- x[selectIndices(names(x), from, to)]
    # Subscripting QTables (verbs:::`[.QTable`) already updates attributes
    if (!inherits(x, "QTable")) out <- CopyAttributes(out, x)

selectIndices <- function(names, from, to)
    if (is.null(names))
        stop("There are no names to select from.")
    frm <- match(from, names)
    if (is.na(frm))
        stop("'", from, "' is not one of the names.")
    t <- match(to, names)
    if (is.na(t))
        stop(to, " is not one of the names.")

#' @inherit Select
#' @export
Select.data.frame <- function(x, from, to, MARGIN = NULL, drop = FALSE)
    out <- x[, selectIndices(names(x), from, to)]
    CopyAttributes(out, x)

#' @inherit Select
#' @export
Select.matrix <- function(x, from, to, MARGIN = NULL, drop = FALSE)
    if (is.null(MARGIN))
        stop("'MARGIN needs to be specified. A 1 for rows and 2 for columns.")
    Select.array(x, from, to, MARGIN, drop)

#' @inherit Select
#' @export
Select.array <- function(x, from, to, MARGIN = NULL, drop = FALSE)
    if (is.null(MARGIN))
        stop("'MARGIN needs to be specified.")
    dims <- dim(x)
    if (!MARGIN %in% seq_len(length(dims)))
        stop("'MARGIN' is invalid (not compatible with dimensions of the array).")

    names <- dimnames(x)[[MARGIN]]
    args <- c(list(x), rep(alist(, )[1L], length(dims)), drop = drop)
    args[[MARGIN + 1L]] <- selectIndices(names, from, to)
    # Updating 'x'
    out <- do.call(`[`, args)
    # Subscripting QTables (verbs:::`[.QTable`) already updates attributes
    if (!inherits(x, "QTable")) out <- CopyAttributes(out, x)
NumbersInternational/flipU documentation built on Aug. 10, 2024, 8:11 p.m.