#'@title Compute a simple moving average for a given time series
#'@description Compute a moving average using prior or later elements
#'@usage tsData.ma <- getMA(tsData,N)
#'@details If N is null and direction is "prior", then the current point and all prior points are used in the compuation.
#' If N is null and direction is "later", then the current point and all later points are used in the computation.
#' If N is not null, then an N point moving average is computed in the direction specified (default is "prior").
#' In any case, a one-sided (non-centered) moving average is computed.
#' If direction is "prior", then the current point and the prior N-1 points are included in the computation.
#' If direction is "later", then the current point and the later N-1 points are included in the computation.
#' If there are not enough points to compute an N-point MA, then the original values are retained.
#'@param tsData A time series object.
#'@param N An integer indicating how many prior or later elements to include.
#'@param direction A string indicating which elements to use to compute the moving average relative to each point. Valid values are "prior" and "later".
#'@return A time series of moving averages
getMA <- function(tsData, N = NULL, direction = "prior")
ma <- numeric(length(tsData))
if (is.null(N)) {
if (direction == "prior")
# Include more points in the moving average as your proceed through time
for (k in 1:length(tsData))
ma[k] <- sum(tsData[1:k])/k
else if (direction == "later")
# Include fewer points in the moving average as your proceed through time
# (exclude points before the current point)
for (k in 1:length(tsData))
ma[k] <- sum(tsData[k:length(tsData)])/(length(tsData)-k+1)
} else {
if (direction == "prior")
# Compute an N point moving average, where the first N-1 elements retain their original values
for (k in 1:length(tsData))
if (k < N)
ma[k] <- tsData[k]
ma[k] <- sum(tsData[(k-N+1):k])/N
else if (direction == "later")
for (k in 1:length(tsData))
if (k > length(tsData)-N)
ma[k] <- tsData[k]
ma[k] <- sum(tsData[k:(k+N-1)])/N
maTs <- ts(data = ma, start=start(tsData), end=end(tsData), frequency=frequency(tsData))
return (maTs)
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