Man pages for OHDSI/ETL-Synthea
A Builder for Converting the Synthea Data to the OMOP CDM

backupCDMBackup Vocabulary and Event tables before pruning.
CreateCDMIndexAndConstraintScriptsCreate Index and Constraint DDL SQL scripts for CDM tables on...
CreateCDMIndicesCreate Indices on Common Data Model Tables.
CreateCDMTablesCreate Common Data Model Tables.
createExtraIndicesCreate Optional Extra Indices for ETL Performance
CreateMapAndRollupTablesCreate Vocab Mapping and Visit Rollup Tables.
createPrunedTablesCreate pruned CDM and Vocab tables.
CreateSyntheaTablesCreate Synthea Tables.
CreateVisitRollupTablesCreate Tables for Visit Rollup Logic.
CreateVocabMapTablesCreate Vocabulary Mapping Tables.
DropEventTablesDrop OMOP Event Tables.
DropMapAndRollupTablesDrop Vocabulary Mapping And Visit Rollup Tables.
DropSyntheaTablesDrop Synthea Tables.
DropVocabTablesDrop Vocabulary Tables.
ETLSyntheaBuilder-packageETLSyntheaBuilder: A Builder for Converting the Synthea Data...
exportToSQLiteExport a CDM (Vocabulary and Event tables) into a SQLite...
getEventConceptIdGet All Concept_ids In All Event Tables.
LoadEventTablesLoad CDM Non-Vocabulary Tables.
LoadSyntheaTablesLoad Synthea Tables.
LoadVocabFromCsvLoad Vocabulary Tables From CSV Files.
LoadVocabFromSchemaLoad Vocabulary Tables From a Preexisting Schema.
pruneCDMPrune a CDM.
restoreCDMTablesRestore the CDM (undo the pruning).
TruncateEventTablesTruncate Event Tables.
TruncateVocabTablesTruncate Vocabulary Tables.
OHDSI/ETL-Synthea documentation built on July 28, 2024, 4:51 a.m.