View source: R/FeatureEngineering.R
createRareFeatureRemover | R Documentation |
Create the settings for removing rare features
createRareFeatureRemover(threshold = 0.001)
threshold |
The minimum fraction of the training data that must have a feature for it to be included |
An object of class featureEngineeringSettings
# create a rare feature remover that removes features that are present in less
# than 1% of the population
rareFeatureRemover <- createRareFeatureRemover(threshold = 0.01)
plpData <- getEunomiaPlpData()
analysisId <- "rareFeatureRemover"
saveLocation <- file.path(tempdir(), analysisId)
results <- runPlp(
plpData = plpData,
featureEngineeringSettings = rareFeatureRemover,
outcomeId = 3,
executeSettings = createExecuteSettings(
runModelDevelopment = TRUE,
runSplitData = TRUE,
runFeatureEngineering = TRUE),
saveDirectory = saveLocation,
analysisId = analysisId)
# clean up
unlink(saveLocation, recursive = TRUE)
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