View source: R/DemographicSummary.R
getDemographicSummary | R Documentation |
Get a demographic summary
getDemographicSummary(prediction, predictionType, typeColumn = "evaluation")
prediction |
A prediction object |
predictionType |
The type of prediction (binary or survival) |
typeColumn |
A column that is used to stratify the results |
Generates a data.frame with a prediction summary per each 5 year age group and gender group
A dataframe with the demographic summary
# simulate data
plpData <- simulatePlpData(simulationProfile, n=500)
# create study population, split into train/test and preprocess with default settings
population <- createStudyPopulation(plpData, outcomeId = 3)
data <- splitData(plpData, population, createDefaultSplitSetting())
data$Train$covariateData <- preprocessData(data$Train$covariateData)
saveLoc <- file.path(tempdir(), "demographicSummary")
# fit a lasso logistic regression model using the training data
plpModel <- fitPlp(data$Train, modelSettings=setLassoLogisticRegression(seed=42),
analysisId=1, analysisPath=saveLoc)
demographicSummary <- getDemographicSummary(plpModel$prediction,
typeColumn = "evaluationType")
# show the demographic summary dataframe
# clean up
unlink(saveLoc, recursive = TRUE)
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