View source: R/ExternalValidatePlp.R
createValidationDesign | R Documentation |
createValidationDesign - Define the validation design for external validation
populationSettings = NULL,
restrictPlpDataSettings = NULL,
recalibrate = NULL,
runCovariateSummary = TRUE
targetId |
The targetId of the target cohort to validate on |
outcomeId |
The outcomeId of the outcome cohort to validate on |
populationSettings |
A list of population restriction settings created
by |
restrictPlpDataSettings |
A list of plpData restriction settings
created by |
plpModelList |
A list of plpModels objects created by |
recalibrate |
A vector of characters specifying the recalibration method to apply, |
runCovariateSummary |
whether to run the covariate summary for the validation data |
A validation design object of class validationDesign
or a list of such objects
# create a validation design for targetId 1 and outcomeId 2 one l1 model and
# one gradient boosting model
createValidationDesign(1, 2, plpModelList = list(
"pathToL1model", "PathToGBMModel"))
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