
# @file CreateChronicPhenotypeModel.R
# Copyright 2022 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of PheValuator
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Create the phenotype model for chronic diseases
#' @description
#' Create the phenotype model for chronic diseases
#' @details
#' Function to run through the complete phenotype evaluation process from model building to developing an
#' evaluation cohort to using the evaluation cohort to determine the performance characteristics of phenotype algorithms
#' for chronic health conditions.
#' @param connectionDetails      connectionDetails created using the function createConnectionDetails
#'                               in the DatabaseConnector package.
#' @param cdmDatabaseSchema      The name of the database schema that contains the OMOP CDM instance.
#'                               Requires read permissions to this database. On SQL Server, this should
#'                               specifiy both the database and the schema, so for example
#'                               'cdm_instance.dbo'.
#' @param databaseId             Short name for the database (default="TestDB")
#' @param cohortDatabaseSchema   The name of the database schema that is the location where the cohort
#'                               data used to define the at risk cohort is available. Requires read
#'                               permissions to this database.
#' @param cohortTable            The tablename that contains the at risk cohort. The expectation is
#'                               cohortTable has format of COHORT table: cohort_concept_id, SUBJECT_ID,
#'                               COHORT_START_DATE, COHORT_END_DATE.
#' @param outDatabaseSchema      The name of a database schema where the user has write capability.  A
#'                               temporary cohort table will be created here.
#' @param modelOutputFileName    A string designation for the training model file
#' @param evaluationOutputFileName  A string designation for the evaluation cohort file
#' @param phenotypeEvaluationFileName A string designation for the .csv file with the results for the phenotype alogrithm evaluation
#' @param xSpecCohortId            The number of the "extremely specific (xSpec)" cohort definition id in
#'                               the cohort table (for noisy positives)
#' @param xSensCohortId            The number of the "extremely sensitive (xSens)" cohort definition id
#'                               in the cohort table (used to exclude subjects from the base population)
#' @param prevalenceCohortId       The number of the cohort definition id to determine the disease prevalence,
#'                               (default=xSensCohortId)
#' @param excludedCovariateConceptIds       A list of conceptIds to exclude from featureExtraction.  These should include all
#'                               concept_ids that were used to define the xSpec model (default=NULL)
#' @param includedCovariateIds   A list of covariate IDs that should be restricted to.
#' @param addDescendantsToExclude        Should descendants of excluded concepts also be excluded? (default=FALSE)
#' @param mainPopulationCohortId   The number of the cohort ID to be used as a base population for the model
#'                               (default=NULL)
#' @param baseSampleSize         The maximum number of subjects in the evaluation cohort (default=2M)
#' @param lowerAgeLimit          The lower age for subjects in the model (default=NULL)
#' @param upperAgeLimit          The upper age for subjects in the model (default=NULL)
#' @param startDays              The days to include prior to the cohort start date (default=0)
#' @param endDays                The days to include after the cohort start date (default=10000)
#' @param visitLength            The minimum length of index visit for noisy negative comparison (default=3)
#' @param gender                 The gender(s) to be included (default c(8507, 8532))
#' @param race                   The race(s) to be included.
#' @param ethnicity              The ethnicity(s) to be included.
#' @param startDate              The starting date for including subjects in the model (default=NULL)
#' @param endDate                The ending date for including subjects in the model (default=NULL)
#' @param removeSubjectsWithFutureDates             Should dates be checked to remove future dates (default=TRUE)
#' @param cdmVersion             The CDM version of the database (default=5)
#' @param outFolder              The folder where the output files will be written (default=working directory)
#' @param savePlpData            Should large PLP data file be saved (default=FALSE)
#' @param createModel            Run the function to create the diagnostic predictive model (default=TRUE)
#' @param createEvaluationCohort Run the function to create the evaluation cohort (default=TRUE)
#' @param cohortDefinitionsToTest A dataframe with cohorts to evaluate. Leave blank to not test any cohort definitions (default=Null)
#' with the format: atlasId - The cohort ID in ATLAS; atlasName - The full name of the cohort; cohortId - The cohort ID to use in the package. Usually the same as the cohort ID in ATLAS;
#' name - A short name for the cohort, to use to create file names. Do not use special characters; washoutPeriod - The mininum required continuous observation time prior to index date for subjects within the cohort to test
#' @importFrom stats runif
#' @export
createChronicPhenotypeModel <- function(connectionDetails,
                                        databaseId = "TestDB",
                                        modelOutputFileName = "train",
                                        evaluationOutputFileName = "eval",
                                        phenotypeEvaluationFileName = "results",
                                        excludedCovariateConceptIds = c(),
                                        includedCovariateIds = c(),
                                        addDescendantsToExclude = TRUE,
                                        mainPopulationCohortId = 0,
                                        baseSampleSize = 2000000,
                                        lowerAgeLimit = 0,
                                        upperAgeLimit = 120,
                                        startDays = 0,
                                        endDays = 10000,
                                        visitLength = 10000,
                                        gender = c(8507, 8532),
                                        race = 0,
                                        ethnicity = 0,
                                        startDate = "19000101",
                                        endDate = "21000101",
                                        removeSubjectsWithFutureDates = TRUE,
                                        cdmVersion = "5",
                                        outFolder = getwd(),
                                        savePlpData = FALSE,
                                        createModel = TRUE,
                                        createEvaluationCohort = TRUE,
                                        cohortDefinitionsToTest = NULL) {

  options(error = NULL)

  if(createModel == TRUE) {
    errorCheck(callingProgram = "createPhenotypeModel",
               connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
               cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
               cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
               cohortTable = cohortTable,
               outDatabaseSchema = outDatabaseSchema,
               modelOutputFileName = modelOutputFileName,
               evaluationOutputFileName = evaluationOutputFileName,
               xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
               xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
               prevalenceCohortId = prevalenceCohortId,
               excludedCovariateConceptIds = excludedCovariateConceptIds,
               mainPopulationCohortId = mainPopulationCohortId,
               outFolder = outFolder,
               cohortDefinitionsToTest = cohortDefinitionsToTest)

    writeLines(paste("xSpecCohortId ", xSpecCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("cdmDatabaseSchema ", cdmDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("cohortDatabaseSchema ", cohortDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("cohortTable ", cohortTable))
    writeLines(paste("outDatabaseSchema ", outDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("modelOutputFileName ", modelOutputFileName))
    writeLines(paste("xSensCohortId ", xSensCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("prevalenceCohortId ", prevalenceCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("excludedCovariateConceptIds ", c(excludedCovariateConceptIds)))
    writeLines(paste("addDescendantsToExclude ", addDescendantsToExclude))
    writeLines(paste("modelProportion ", modelProportion))
    writeLines(paste("mainPopulationCohortId ", mainPopulationCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("lowerAgeLimit ", lowerAgeLimit))
    writeLines(paste("upperAgeLimit ", upperAgeLimit))
    writeLines(paste("startDays ", startDays))
    writeLines(paste("endDays ", endDays))
    writeLines(paste("visitLength ", visitLength))
    writeLines(paste("gender ", gender))
    writeLines(paste("race ", race))
    writeLines(paste("ethnicity ", ethnicity))
    writeLines(paste("startDate ", startDate))
    writeLines(paste("endDate ", endDate))
    writeLines(paste("removeSubjectsWithFutureDates ", removeSubjectsWithFutureDates))
    writeLines(paste("cdmVersion ", cdmVersion))
    writeLines(paste("outFolder ", outFolder))

    covariateSettings <- createDefaultChronicCovariateSettings(
      excludedCovariateConceptIds = excludedCovariateConceptIds,
      includedCovariateIds = includedCovariateIds,
      addDescendantsToExclude = addDescendantsToExclude,
      startDays = startDays,
      endDays = endDays)

    model <- createPhenotypeModel(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                                  cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                                  cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                                  cohortTable = cohortTable,
                                  outDatabaseSchema = outDatabaseSchema,
                                  modelOutputFileName = modelOutputFileName,
                                  xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
                                  xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
                                  prevalenceCohortId = prevalenceCohortId,
                                  covariateSettings = covariateSettings,
                                  modelProportion = modelProportion,
                                  mainPopulationCohortId = mainPopulationCohortId,
                                  lowerAgeLimit = lowerAgeLimit,
                                  upperAgeLimit = upperAgeLimit,
                                  visitLength = visitLength,
                                  gender = c(gender),
                                  race = race,
                                  ethnicity = ethnicity,
                                  startDate = startDate ,
                                  endDate = endDate,
                                  removeSubjectsWithFutureDates = removeSubjectsWithFutureDates,
                                  cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                                  outFolder = outFolder,
                                  modelType = 'chronic')

  if(createEvaluationCohort == TRUE) {
    errorCheck(callingProgram = "createEvaluationCohort",
               connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
               cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
               cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
               cohortTable = cohortTable,
               outDatabaseSchema = outDatabaseSchema,
               modelOutputFileName = modelOutputFileName,
               evaluationOutputFileName = evaluationOutputFileName,
               xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
               xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
               prevalenceCohortId = prevalenceCohortId,
               excludedCovariateConceptIds = excludedCovariateConceptIds,
               mainPopulationCohortId = mainPopulationCohortId,
               outFolder = outFolder,
               cohortDefinitionsToTest = cohortDefinitionsToTest)

    writeLines(paste("xSpecCohortId ", xSpecCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("xSensCohortId ", xSensCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("cdmDatabaseSchema ", cdmDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("cohortDatabaseSchema ", cohortDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("cohortTable ", cohortTable))
    writeLines(paste("outDatabaseSchema ", outDatabaseSchema))
    writeLines(paste("evaluationOutputFileName ", evaluationOutputFileName))
    writeLines(paste("modelOutputFileName ", modelOutputFileName))
    writeLines(paste("modelProportion ", modelProportion))
    writeLines(paste("mainPopulationCohortId ", mainPopulationCohortId))
    writeLines(paste("baseSampleSize ", baseSampleSize))
    writeLines(paste("lowerAgeLimit ", lowerAgeLimit))
    writeLines(paste("upperAgeLimit ", upperAgeLimit))
    writeLines(paste("startDays ", startDays))
    writeLines(paste("endDays ", endDays))
    writeLines(paste("visitLength ", visitLength))
    writeLines(paste("gender ", gender))
    writeLines(paste("race ", race))
    writeLines(paste("ethnicity ", ethnicity))
    writeLines(paste("startDate ", startDate))
    writeLines(paste("endDate ", endDate))
    writeLines(paste("cdmVersion ", cdmVersion))
    writeLines(paste("outFolder ", outFolder))

    covariateSettings <- createDefaultChronicCovariateSettings(
      excludedCovariateConceptIds = excludedCovariateConceptIds,
      includedCovariateIds = includedCovariateIds,
      addDescendantsToExclude = addDescendantsToExclude,
      startDays = startDays,
      endDays = endDays)

    evalCohort <- createEvaluationCohort(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                                         xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
                                         xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
                                         cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
                                         cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                                         cohortTable = cohortTable,
                                         outDatabaseSchema = outDatabaseSchema,
                                         evaluationOutputFileName = evaluationOutputFileName,
                                         covariateSettings = covariateSettings,
                                         modelOutputFileName = modelOutputFileName,
                                         modelProportion = modelProportion,
                                         mainPopulationCohortId = mainPopulationCohortId,
                                         baseSampleSize = baseSampleSize,
                                         lowerAgeLimit = lowerAgeLimit,
                                         upperAgeLimit = upperAgeLimit,
                                         gender = c(gender),
                                         race = race,
                                         ethnicity = ethnicity,
                                         startDate = startDate,
                                         endDate = endDate,
                                         cdmVersion = cdmVersion,
                                         outFolder = outFolder,
                                         savePlpData = savePlpData,
                                         modelType = 'chronic')

  if(!is.null(cohortDefinitionsToTest)) {
    errorCheck(callingProgram = "testPhenosFromFile",
               connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
               cdmDatabaseSchema = cdmDatabaseSchema,
               cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
               cohortTable = cohortTable,
               outDatabaseSchema = outDatabaseSchema,
               modelOutputFileName = modelOutputFileName,
               evaluationOutputFileName = evaluationOutputFileName,
               xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
               xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
               prevalenceCohortId = prevalenceCohortId,
               excludedCovariateConceptIds = excludedCovariateConceptIds,
               mainPopulationCohortId = mainPopulationCohortId,
               outFolder = outFolder,
               cohortDefinitionsToTest = cohortDefinitionsToTest)

    cohortsToTest <- testPhenosFromFile(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
                                        evaluationOutputFileName = evaluationOutputFileName,
                                        phenotypeEvaluationFileName = phenotypeEvaluationFileName,
                                        databaseId = databaseId,
                                        xSpecCohortId = xSpecCohortId,
                                        xSensCohortId = xSensCohortId,
                                        prevalenceCohortId = prevalenceCohortId,
                                        cohortDatabaseSchema = cohortDatabaseSchema,
                                        cohortTable = cohortTable,
                                        cohortDefinitionsToTest = cohortDefinitionsToTest,
                                        outFolder = outFolder,
                                        modelType = 'chronic')

OHDSI/PheValuator documentation built on Jan. 28, 2024, 4:05 a.m.