
Defines functions launchWorkPackageExplorer

Documented in launchWorkPackageExplorer

# Copyright 2021 Observational Health Data Sciences and Informatics
# This file is part of WorkPackages
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
#     http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

#' Launch the WorkPackages Shiny app
#' @param connectionDetails An object of type \code{connectionDetails} as created using the
#'                          \code{\link[DatabaseConnector]{createConnectionDetails}} function in the
#'                          DatabaseConnector package, specifying how to connect to the server where
#'                          the study results results have been uploaded using the
#'                          \code{\link{uploadResults}} function.
#' @param databaseSchema  The schema on the database server where the results
#'                               have been uploaded.
#' @param dataFile         (Optional) The name of the .RData file with results. It is commonly known as the
#'                         Premerged file.
#' @param runOverNetwork   (optional) Do you want the app to run over your network?
#' @param port             (optional) Only used if \code{runOverNetwork} = TRUE.
#' @param launch.browser   Should the app be launched in your default browser, or in a Shiny window.
#'                         Note: copying to clipboard will not work in a Shiny window.
#' @details
#' Launches a Shiny app that allows the user to explore WorkPackages
#' @examples
#' connectionDetails <- DatabaseConnector::createConnectionDetails(
#'   dbms = "postgresql",
#'   server = paste(keyring::key_get("workPackagesServer"),
#'               keyring::key_get("workPackagesDatabase"),
#'               sep = "/"),
#'   user = keyring::key_get("workPackagesReadOnlyUser"),
#'   password = keyring::key_get("workPackagesReadOnlyPassword"))
#' launchWorkPackageExplorer(connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
#'                           databaseSchema = paste0(keyring::key_get("workPackagesDatabase"), ".work_packages"))
#' @export
launchWorkPackageExplorer <- function(
                                 connectionDetails = NULL,
                                 databaseSchema = NULL,
                                 dataFile = NULL,
                                 aboutText = NULL,
                                 runOverNetwork = FALSE,
                                 port = 80,
                                 launch.browser = FALSE) {

  appDir <- system.file("shiny", package = "WorkPackages")

  if (!is.null(connectionDetails) &&
      connectionDetails$dbms != "postgresql") {
    stop("Shiny application can only run against a Postgres database")

  if (!is.null(connectionDetails)) {
    dataFile <- NULL
    if (is.null(databaseSchema)) {
      stop("databaseSchema is required to connect to the database.")

  if (launch.browser) {
    options(shiny.launch.browser = TRUE)

  if (runOverNetwork) {
    myIpAddress <- system("ipconfig", intern = TRUE)
    myIpAddress <- myIpAddress[grep("IPv4", myIpAddress)]
    myIpAddress <- gsub(".*? ([[:digit:]])", "\\1", myIpAddress)
    options(shiny.port = port)
    options(shiny.host = myIpAddress)
  shinySettings <- list(
    connectionDetails = connectionDetails,
    databaseSchema = databaseSchema,
    dataFile = dataFile
  .GlobalEnv$shinySettings <- shinySettings
  on.exit(rm("shinySettings", envir = .GlobalEnv))
  shiny::runApp(appDir = appDir)
OHDSI/WorkPackages documentation built on Jan. 28, 2022, 5 a.m.