##' Indicate whether the encoding of input string is GBK.
##' @title Indicate whether the encoding of input string is GBK.
##' @param string A character vector.
##' @param combine Whether to combine all the strings.
##' @return Logical value.
##' @author Jian Li <\email{rweibo@@sina.com}>
isGBK <- function(string, combine = FALSE)
string <- .verifyChar(string)
if (length(string) == 1) {
OUT <- .C("CWrapper_encoding_isgbk",
characters = as.character(string),
numres = 2L)
OUT <- as.logical(OUT$numres)
} else {
if (combine) {
OUT <- isGBK(paste(string, collapse = ""))
} else {
OUT <- as.vector(sapply(string, isGBK))
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