
# @name record_group
# @title Multistage deterministic record linkage
# @description Match records in consecutive stages with different matching conditions.
# Each set of linked records are assigned a unique identifier with relevant group-level information.
# @param df \code{[data.frame]}. Deprecated. One or more datasets appended together. See \code{Details}.
# @param ... Arguments passed to \bold{\code{\link{links}}}.
# @param to_s4 \code{[logical]}. Deprecated. Output type - \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}} (\code{TRUE}) or \code{data.frame} (\code{FALSE}).
# @return \code{\link[=pid-class]{pid}}
# @seealso \code{\link{links}}
# @details
# \bold{\code{record_group()}} is superseded. Moving forward, please use \bold{\code{\link{links}}}.
# @aliases record_group
record_group <- function(df, ..., to_s4 = TRUE){
  args <- as.list(substitute(...()))
  if (length(names(args)[names(args) == ""] > 0)){
    err <- paste0("Every argument must be specified:\n",
                  "i- `record_group()` has been retired!\n",
                  "i - Your values will be passed to `links()`.\n",
                  "i - Please specify any argument you've use.")
    stop(err, call. = FALSE)

  out <- bridge_record_group(df = df, args = args)
  if(out$err_cd == FALSE) {
    stop(out$err_nm, call. = FALSE)
  warning(paste0("`record_group()` has been retired!:\n",
                 "i - Please use `links()` instead.\n",
                 "i - Your values were passed to `links()`."), call. = FALSE)
  if(to_s4 != TRUE){
    out <- to_df(out$err_nm)
    out <- out$err_nm
  rm(list = ls()[ls() != "out"])
OlisaNsonwu/diyar documentation built on April 22, 2024, 6:27 p.m.