
Defines functions InvWaveTransCoefs WaveTransCoefs

Documented in WaveTransCoefs

#### wavelets and shrinkage functions

#' wavelet transformation
#' Performs a separable two-dimensional discrete wavelet transform (DWT) on a matrix of dyadic dimensions. Applying
#' indicated thresholds.
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x length D^2 vector, vectorized matrix for DWT
#' @param wf name of the wavelet filter to use
#' @param J depth of the wavelet basis decomposition, must be a number less than or equal to log(min(M,N),2)
#' @param thresholdMethod wavelet shrinkage method used  "hybrid" thresholding or "manual" thresholding, see "details"
#' @param tau constant threshold when using manual thresholding
#' @return a \code{tibble} with two columns, \code{level} and \code{coef}, see details
#' @details  The coefficients after wavelet thresformation and thresholding is a list structure
#'          containing the 3J+1 sub-matrices from the decomposition. The \code{coef} is the vectorized
#'          coefficients.
#'          The "hybrid" thresholding combined the SURE and universal thresholds. The manual thresholding set a constant threshold.
#'          see Section 3.2 in references.
#' @references G. P. Nason. Wavelet methods in statistics with R. Springer, 2008.
WaveTransCoefs = function(x, wf = "d4", J = 4, thresholdMethod = NULL, tau = NULL) {
  ## contruct it as coor matrix image
  m = matrix(x, nrow = sqrt(length(x)))
  ## apply wavelet transformation and threshold
  coef = dwt.2d(m, wf = wf, J = J)
  if (!is_null(thresholdMethod)) {
    if (thresholdMethod == "hybrid") coef = hybrid.thresh(coef)
    if (thresholdMethod == "manual") coef = manual.thresh.dwt.2d(coef, value = tau, hard = TRUE)

  ## populate it into long vector whose length is the number of coefficients
  # coefs = coef %>%
  #  map_dfr(~ tibble(coef = as.numeric(.)))
  coefs = tibble(coef = unlist(coef))

## for each long vectorized coefficients, compute its original vector,  return a dim DxD matrix
## @ x: length D^2 vector
## @ coef1 stores coefficient list attribute info
## @ level stores coefficient long vector level info
InvWaveTransCoefs = function(x, coef1, level) {
  coe_df = data.frame(x = x, level = level)
  coe_ls = coe_df %>%
    split(.$level) %>%
    map(~ matrix(.$x, nrow = sqrt(dim(.)[1])))

  # rearrange list to match the correct  order of coefficient list, and add attributes, for it fed into idwt.2d()
  coe_ls = coe_ls[names(coef1)]
  attributes(coe_ls) = attributes(coef1)

  reconsCM = idwt.2d(coe_ls)

#' Inverse Two-Dimensional Discrete Wavelet Transform
#' Performs Inverse wavelet transformation
#' @docType methods
#' @export
#' @param x vectorized coefficients after wavelet transformation
#' @param raws original D^2 by P input
#' @return a D^2 matrix
InvWaveTrans = function(x, raws) {
  #### ======== This part save partial info for inverse wavelet transformation ####========
  ## gene1 is col1
  raws = raws %>% as.matrix()
  col1 = raws[, 1]

  m = matrix(col1, nrow = sqrt(length(col1)))
  ## save coefficient list attribute info
  coef1 = dwt.2d(m, wf = "d4", J = 5)

  ## save coefficient long vector level info
  coef1M = coef1 %>%
    map_dfr(~ tibble(coef = as.numeric(.)), .id = "level") # ; coef1M
  level = coef1M$level
  #### ======== This part save partial info for inverse wavelet transformation ####========

  coe_df = data.frame(x = x, level = level)
  coe_ls = coe_df %>%
    split(.$level) %>%
    map(~ matrix(.$x, nrow = sqrt(dim(.)[1])))

  # rearrange list to match the correct  order of coefficient list, and add attributes, for it fed into idwt.2d()
  coe_ls = coe_ls[names(coef1)]
  attributes(coe_ls) = attributes(coef1)

  reconsCM = idwt.2d(coe_ls)

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manual.thresh.dwt.2d = function(wc, max.level = 4, value, hard = TRUE) {
  wc.fine = unlist(wc[1:3])
  factor = median(abs(wc.fine)) / .6745

  wc.shrink = wc

  if (hard) {
    # Hard thresholding
    for (i in names(wc)[1:max.level]) {
      wci = wc[[i]]
      unithresh = factor * value
      wc.shrink[[i]] = wci * (abs(wci) > unithresh)
  } else {
    # Soft thresholding
    for (i in names(wc)[1:max.level]) {
      wci = wc[[i]]
      unithresh = factor * value
      wc.shrink[[i]] = sign(wci) * (abs(wci) - unithresh) *
        (abs(wci) > unithresh)

universal.thresh.dwt.2d = function(wc, max.level = 4, hard = TRUE) {
  n = length(idwt.2d(wc))

  wc.fine = unlist(wc[1:3])
  factor = median(abs(wc.fine)) / .6745

  wc.shrink = wc

  if (hard) {
    # Hard thresholding
    for (i in names(wc)[1:max.level]) {
      wci = wc[[i]]
      unithresh = factor * sqrt(2 * log(n))
      wc.shrink[[i]] = wci * (abs(wci) > unithresh)
  } else {
    # Soft thresholding
    for (i in names(wc)[1:max.level]) {
      wci = wc[[i]]
      unithresh = factor * sqrt(2 * log(n))
      wc.shrink[[i]] = sign(wci) * (abs(wci) - unithresh) *
        (abs(wci) > unithresh)

###### ============== 1. Threshold on wavelet coefficient
### below thresholding comes from sec 3.2 in G.P Nason Wavelet medthods in Statistics in R

threshold_coef = function(viz, geneID, hard = c(TRUE, FALSE), ...) {
  viz$gene = df[, geneID]
  gridValue = coorToGrid(viz)

  genedwt = dwt.2d(gridValue, ...)

  ## set up layout
  lay = layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))

  ## original
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt), asp = 1)

  ## SURE threshold
  genedwt_sure = sure.thresh(genedwt, hard = hard)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_sure), asp = 1)

  ## universal threshold with value sqrt(2logn)
  genedwt_universal = universal.thresh.dwt.2d(genedwt, hard = hard)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_universal), asp = 1)

  ## hybrid threhold: SURE threshold + universal threshold with value sqrt(2logn)
  genedwt_hybrid = hybrid.thresh(genedwt)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_hybrid), asp = 1)

OliverXUZY/waveST documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:18 a.m.