
Defines functions decomp threshold_coef

### helper functions
threshold_coef = function(gridValue, hard = c(TRUE, FALSE), ...) {
  genedwt = dwt.2d(gridValue, ...)

  ## set up layout
  lay = layout(matrix(1:4, 2, 2, byrow = TRUE))

  ## original
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt), asp = 1)

  ## SURE threshold
  genedwt_sure = sure.thresh(genedwt, hard = hard)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_sure), asp = 1)

  ## universal threshold with value sqrt(2logn)
  genedwt_universal = universal.thresh.dwt.2d(genedwt, hard = hard)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_universal), asp = 1)

  ## hybrid threhold: SURE threshold + universal threshold with value sqrt(2logn)
  genedwt_hybrid = hybrid.thresh(genedwt)
  image.plot(idwt.2d(genedwt_hybrid), asp = 1)


## This is an encapsulated function for decomposition alone
## @ raws raw data matrix with dim is D^2 by Number of genes
## @ decom_method do we decompose on raw data or wavelet?
## @ K designated number of factors
## @ threshold threshold for selecting K number of factors, not using if K is specified
## @ wf wavelet filter
## @ J wavelet level
## @ thresholdMethod: method for thresholding, c("hybrid", "manual")
## @ tau: wavelet threshold in manual thresholding, only used for manual thresholding
decomp = function(raws, decom_method = c("raw", "wave"), K = NULL, threshold = 500, replacement = TRUE,
                  wf = "d4", J = 5, thresholdMethod = "manual", tau = 0) {
  ########## =================== ##########=================== ##########=================== ##########===================
  ########## =================== raw decomposition
  if (decom_method == "raw") {
    ########## ===================  SVD
    s = svd(raws)
    if (is_null(K)) {
      K = sum(s$d > threshold)

    u = s$u[, 1:K]
    D = diag(s$d[1:K])
    v = s$v[, 1:K]

    recon_SVD = u %*% D %*% t(v)

    SVD = list(u = u, D = D, v = v, recon_SVD = recon_SVD)

    ########## ==================== EBMF
    res = EBMF_bkft(as.matrix(raws), K = K, initMethod = "greedy", tol = 1e-10, maxIter = 30)

    recon_EBMF = res$LL %*% t(res$FF)

    EBMF = list(LL = res$LL, FF = res$FF, recon_EBMF = recon_EBMF)

    return(list(SVD = SVD, EBMF = EBMF))

  ########## =================== ##########=================== ##########=================== ##########===================
  ########## =================== wavelet decomposition
  if (decom_method == "wave") {
    ## apply WaveTransCoefs and threshold to each column of raws x
    coefs_matrix = 1:dim(raws)[2] %>%
      map_dfc(~ WaveTransCoefs(raws[, .x], wf = wf, J = J, thresholdMethod = thresholdMethod, tau = tau))

    ########## ===================  SVD
    s = svd(coefs_matrix)
    if (is_null(K)) {
      K = sum(s$d > threshold)
    u = s$u[, 1:K]
    D = diag(s$d[1:K])
    v = s$v[, 1:K]

    SVD = u %*% D %*% t(v)
    recon_SVD = split(SVD, col(SVD)) %>%
      map(~ InvWaveTrans(.x, raws = raws)) %>%
      map_dfc(~ as.vector(.)) %>%

    SVD = list(u = u, D = D, v = v, recon_SVD = recon_SVD)

    ########## ==================== EBMF

    res = EBMF_bkft(as.matrix(coefs_matrix), K = K, initMethod = "greedy", tol = 1e-10, maxIter = 30)

    EBMF = res$LL %*% t(res$FF)
    recon_EBMF = split(EBMF, col(EBMF)) %>%
      map(~ InvWaveTrans(.x, raws = raws)) %>%
      map_dfc(~ as.vector(.)) %>%

    EBMF = list(LL = res$LL, FF = res$FF, recon_EBMF = recon_EBMF)

    return(list(SVD = SVD, EBMF = EBMF))

## This is an encapsulated function for decomposition alone
## @ raws raw data matrix with dim is D^2 by Number of genes
## @ decom_method do we decompose on raw data or wavelet?
## @ K designated number of factors
## @ threshold threshold for selecting K number of factors, not using if K is specified
## @ wf wavelet filter
## @ J wavelet level
## @ thresholdMethod: method for thresholding, c("hybrid", "manual")
## @ tau: wavelet threshold in manual thresholding, only used for manual thresholding
decomp2 = function(raws, wavemethod = c("raw", "wave"), decom_method = c("SVD", "EBMF"), K = NULL, threshold = 500,
                   wf = "d4", J = 5, thresholdMethod = "manual", tau = 0) {
  raws = raws %>% as.matrix()
  ########## =================== ##########=================== ##########=================== ##########===================
  ########## =================== raw decomposition
  if (wavemethod == "raw") {
    s = svd(raws)
    if (is_null(K)) {
      K = sum(s$d > threshold)
    if (decom_method == "SVD") {
      ########## ===================  SVD

      u = s$u[, 1:K]
      D = diag(s$d[1:K])
      v = s$v[, 1:K]

      recon_SVD = u %*% D %*% t(v)

      SVD = list(f = u, D = D, l = v, recon = recon_SVD)


    if (decom_method == "EBMF") {
      ########## ==================== EBMF
      res = EBMF_bkft(as.matrix(raws), K = K, initMethod = "greedy", tol = 1e-10, maxIter = 30)

      recon_EBMF = res$LL %*% t(res$FF)

      EBMF = list(f = res$FF, D = diag(rep(1, K)), l = res$LL, recon = recon_EBMF)


  ########## =================== ##########=================== ##########=================== ##########===================
  if (wavemethod == "wave") {
    ########## =================== wavelet decomposition
    ## apply WaveTransCoefs and threshold to each column of raws x
    coefs_matrix = 1:dim(raws)[2] %>%
      map_dfc(~ WaveTransCoefs(raws[, .x], wf = wf, J = J, thresholdMethod = thresholdMethod, tau = tau))

    s = svd(coefs_matrix)
    if (is_null(K)) {
      K = sum(s$d > threshold)
    if (decom_method == "SVD") {
      ########## ===================  SVD

      u = s$u[, 1:K]
      D = diag(s$d[1:K])
      v = s$v[, 1:K]

      SVD = u %*% D %*% t(v)
      recon_SVD = split(SVD, col(SVD)) %>%
        map(~ InvWaveTrans(.x, raws = raws)) %>%
        map_dfc(~ as.vector(.)) %>%

      SVD = list(f = u, D = D, l = v, recon = recon_SVD)

    if (decom_method == "EBMF") {
      ########## ==================== EBMF

      res = EBMF_bkft(as.matrix(coefs_matrix), K = K, initMethod = "greedy", tol = 1e-10, maxIter = 30)

      EBMF = res$LL %*% t(res$FF)
      recon_EBMF = split(EBMF, col(EBMF)) %>%
        map(~ InvWaveTrans(.x, raws = raws)) %>%
        map_dfc(~ as.vector(.)) %>%

      EBMF = list(f = res$FF, D = diag(rep(1, K)), l = res$LL, recon = recon_EBMF)

OliverXUZY/waveST documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:18 a.m.