Defines functions EBMF_bkft EBMF_greedy EBMF_sigFct EBMF_rank1 ebnm poster ebnm_normalPrior logLik

## ===========================================================================================
## ===========================================================================================
### 1 normal prior (simple)
logLik = function(par, x, s) {
  V = exp(par[2])
  -sum(dnorm(x, mean = par[1], sd = sqrt(s^2 + V), log = TRUE))

# logLik(c(0,1), rnorm(10), rep(1,10))

ebnm_normalPrior = function(x, s, init = c(0, 0)) {
  res = optim(par = init, fn = logLik, method = "BFGS", x = x, s = s)

# mu, V = cat(res[1], exp(res[2]))

# x = rnorm(10); s = rep(1,10)
# ebnm_normalPrior(x,s)
poster = function(x, s, par) {
  pMu = (x / s^2 + par[1] / exp(par[2])) / (1 / s^2 + 1 / exp(par[2]))
  pSigma2 = 1 / (1 / s^2 + 1 / exp(par[2]))
  return(list(pMu = pMu, pSigma2 = pSigma2))

ebnm = function(x, s, init = c(.1, .1)) {
  par = ebnm_normalPrior(x, s, init = init)
  posterior = poster(x, s, par)

## ===========================================================================================
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# ----- simple one factor- rank1
# ----- Algorithm 2

EBMF_rank1 = function(Y, tol = 1e-3, maxIter = 1000) {
  n = dim(Y)[1]
  p = dim(Y)[2]

  ## init with SVD
  res = svd(Y)
  d = res$d[1]
  LL = matrix(res$u[, 1], nrow = n) * sqrt(d)
  FF = matrix(res$v[, 1], nrow = p) * sqrt(d)
  LL2 = LL^2
  FF2 = FF^2
  yhat = list(LL %*% t(FF))
  LLlist = list(LL)
  FFlist = list(FF)

  for (iter in 1:maxIter) {
    ## update tau
    R2 = (Y - LL %*% t(FF))^2 + LL2 %*% t(FF2) - LL^2 %*% t(FF^2)
    tau = n * p / sum(R2)

    ## update ll
    s2_hat = 1 / sum(tau * FF2)
    ll_hat = tau * Y %*% FF / sum(tau * FF2)
    ll_res = ebnm(ll_hat, sqrt(s2_hat))
    LL = ll_res$pMu
    LL2 = matrix(ll_res$pSigma2 + ll_res$pMu^2, nrow = n)

    ## update ff
    s2_hat2 = 1 / sum(tau * LL2)
    ff_hat = t(tau * t(LL) %*% Y / sum(tau * LL2))
    ff_res = ebnm(ff_hat, sqrt(s2_hat2))
    FF = ff_res$pMu
    FF2 = matrix(ff_res$pSigma2 + ff_res$pMu^2, nrow = p)

    LLlist[[iter + 1]] = LL
    FFlist[[iter + 1]] = FF
    yhat[[iter + 1]] = LL %*% t(FF)

    if (sum((yhat[[iter + 1]] - yhat[[iter]])^2) < tol) {
      # if(sum((LLlist[[iter+1]] - LLlist[[iter]])^2)/n/p < tol){
      message("tolerance satisfied || rank 1 fitting || ", iter, "-th iteration")

  return(list(LL = LL, FF = FF, LL2 = LL2, FF2 = FF2, tau = tau))
# res = EBMF_rank1(Y)

# sum((res$LL%*% t(res$FF) - LL %*% t(FF))^2)

## ===========================================================================================
# ----- Single-factor update for EBMF (rank K)
# ----- Algorithm 3
EBMF_sigFct = function(Y, LL, FF, LL2, FF2, k) { # update k-th factor
  n = dim(Y)[1]
  p = dim(Y)[2]
  K = dim(LL)[2]

  ## update tau
  R2 = (Y - LL %*% t(FF))^2 + LL2 %*% t(FF2) - LL^2 %*% t(FF^2)
  tau = n * p / sum(R2)

  ## Residual matrix
  Rk = Y - LL[, -k, drop = FALSE] %*% t(FF[, -k, drop = FALSE])

  ## update llk -- single factor, only involve FF[,k] and FF2[,k], computation same as same as rank 1
  s2_hat = 1 / sum(tau * FF2[, k])
  ll_hat = tau * Rk %*% FF[, k] / sum(tau * FF2[, k])
  ll_res = ebnm(ll_hat, sqrt(s2_hat))
  lk = ll_res$pMu
  lk2 = matrix(ll_res$pSigma2 + ll_res$pMu^2, nrow = n)

  ## update ffk
  s2_hat2 = 1 / sum(tau * lk2)
  ff_hat = t(tau * t(lk) %*% Rk / sum(tau * lk2))
  ff_res = ebnm(ff_hat, sqrt(s2_hat2))
  fk = ff_res$pMu
  fk2 = matrix(ff_res$pSigma2 + ff_res$pMu^2, nrow = p)

  return(list(lk = lk, fk = fk, lk2 = lk2, fk2 = fk2, tau = tau))
# res = EBMF_sigFct(Y, LL, FF, LL2, FF2, 1)

## ===========================================================================================
# ----- Greedy Algorithm for EBMF
# ----- Algorithm 4
EBMF_greedy = function(Y, tol = 1e-3, maxIter = 1000, maxK) {
  n = dim(Y)[1]
  p = dim(Y)[2]
  # K is estimated rank, first we do rank-1 EBMF
  # First we do rank-1 EBMF
  K = 1
  res = EBMF_rank1(Y, tol = 1e-3)
  LL = res$LL
  FF = res$FF
  LL2 = res$LL2
  FF2 = res$FF2
  tau = res$tau

  # while (iter <= maxIter) {  ###  problem!
  while (K < maxK) {
    K = K + 1
    ## Residual matrix for deciding whether add new factor K
    RK = Y - LL %*% t(FF)

    ## init with SVD
    res = svd(RK)
    lk = matrix(res$u[, 1], nrow = n)
    fk = matrix(res$v[, 1], nrow = p)
    lk2 = lk^2
    fk2 = fk^2
    LL = cbind(LL, lk)
    FF = cbind(FF, fk)
    LL2 = cbind(LL2, lk2)
    FF2 = cbind(FF2, fk2)

    iter = 1
    lkfk = list(lk %*% t(fk))
    while (TRUE) {
      iter = iter + 1

      res = EBMF_sigFct(Y, LL, FF, LL2, FF2, K)
      LL[, K] = res$lk
      FF[, K] = res$fk
      LL2[, K] = res$lk2
      FF2[, K] = res$fk2

      lkfk[[iter]] = res$lk %*% t(res$fk)

      if (sum((lkfk[[length(lkfk)]] - lkfk[[length(lkfk) - 1]])^2) < tol) {
        message("tolerance satisfied || for ", K, "-th factor single update")
    if (sum(abs(lk)) <= 1e-4 | sum(abs(fk)) <= 1e-4) {
      message("encounter lk or fk identically 0")
  return(list(LL = LL, FF = FF, LL2 = LL2, FF2 = FF2, tau = tau))

# res = EBMF_greedy(Y,maxK = 20)

## ===========================================================================================
# ----- Backfitting algorithm for EBMF (rank K)
# ----- Algorithm 5
EBMF_bkft = function(Y, K, initMethod = c("greedy", "svd"), tol = 1e-3, maxIter = 1000) {
  n = dim(Y)[1]
  p = dim(Y)[2]

  ## init
  if (initMethod == "svd") {
    ## init with SVD
    res = svd(Y)
    d = res$d
    if (K < min(n, p)) d[(K + 1):min(n, p)] = 0
    D = sqrt(diag(d))
    LL = (matrix(res$u, nrow = n) %*% D)[, 1:K, drop = FALSE]
    FF = (matrix(res$v, nrow = p) %*% D)[, 1:K, drop = FALSE]
    LL2 = LL^2
    FF2 = FF^2
    message("SVD init complete")
  } else if (initMethod == "greedy") {
    res = EBMF_greedy(Y, maxK = K)
    LL = res$LL
    FF = res$FF
    LL2 = res$LL2
    FF2 = res$FF2
    message("greedy init complete")
  } else {
    stop("init method must be SVD or greedy")

  yhat = list(LL %*% t(FF))

  for (iter in 1:maxIter) {
    for (k in 1:K) {
      res = EBMF_sigFct(Y, LL, FF, LL2, FF2, k)
      LL[, k] = res$lk
      FF[, k] = res$fk
      LL2[, k] = res$lk2
      FF2[, k] = res$fk2
      tau = res$tau
      message(k, "-th factor updated || ", iter, "-th iteration")

    yhat[[iter + 1]] = LL %*% t(FF)

    if ((sum(yhat[[iter + 1]] - yhat[[iter]])^2) < tol) {
      message("tolerance satisfied || ", iter, "-th iteration")
  return(list(LL = LL, FF = FF, LL2 = LL2, FF2 = FF2, tau = tau))

# K = 20; initMethod = "svd"; tol = 1e-3; maxIter = 10
# EBMF_bkft(Y, K = 20, initMethod = "svd", tol = 1e-3, maxIter = 1000)
OliverXUZY/waveST documentation built on June 9, 2024, 6:18 a.m.