# Wrapper for lm and diallel models
# Last edited: 20/03/2023
# Added check of scheme and balance
lm.diallel <- function(formula, Block = NULL, Env = NULL,
fct = "GRIFFING2", data){
# formula Ftime + Block + Par1 + Par2, data = df
cl <- match.call()
mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "Block", "Env", "data"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
mf[[1L]] <- quote(stats::model.frame)
mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
mt <- attr(mf, "terms")
Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
mlm <- is.matrix(Y)
ny <- if (mlm)
else length(Y)
bName <- deparse(substitute(Block)) # storing name of Blocks
Block <- model.extract(mf, "Block")
eName <- deparse(substitute(Env)) # storing name of Env
Env <- model.extract(mf, "Env")
pars <- attr(mt, "term.labels")
if(missing(data) == T){
Par1 <- mf[,2]
Par2 <- mf[,3]
} else {
Par1 <- mf[,2]
Par2 <- mf[,3]
# Before starting, the mating scheme and balance is checked
# Updated on 20/03/2023
Par1 <- factor(Par1)
Par2 <- factor(Par2)
chk_design <- checkScheme(Par1, Par2)
if(!is.null(chk_design$missingCrosses) & (fct != "GRIFFING4" | chk_design$matingScheme != 4)){
# Se ci sono missing crosses, lavora solo con GRIFFING4
stop("Missing cells (crosses/selfs) were detected. In this condition, only 'GRIFFING4' model (with mating scheme 4) is allowed. Enhancements are on their way.")
if(!is.null(chk_design$missingCrosses) & fct == "GRIFFING4" & length(chk_design$parNoMis) == 0){
# Nessun parent non ha missing crosses
stop("Missing crosses can be handled with GRIFFING4 only when at least one parent has no missing crosses!")
if(chk_design$matingScheme == 1 & (fct == "GRIFFING2" | fct == "GRIFFING3" | fct == "GRIFFING3") ) {
wrnmsg <- paste("Mating scheme", chk_design$matingScheme, "has been detected. The model you selected may not be appropriate for this scheme",
sep = " ")
warning(wrnmsg, call. = FALSE)
if((fct == "HAYMAN1" | fct == "HAYMAN2") & chk_design$matingScheme != 1){
msg <- paste("Mating scheme ", chk_design$matingScheme, " detected. ", sep = "")
stop(paste(msg, "The HAYMAN1 and HAYMAN2 models can only be fitted to full diallel experiments (mating scheme 1)", sep = ""))
if((fct == "GE2" | fct == "GE3") & chk_design$matingScheme != 2){
msg <- paste("Mating scheme ", chk_design$matingScheme, " detected. ", sep = "")
stop(paste(msg, "The GE2 and GE3 models can only be fitted to diallel experiments with mating scheme 2", sep = ""))
if((fct == "GE2r" | fct == "GE3r") & chk_design$matingScheme != 1){
msg <- paste("Mating scheme ", chk_design$matingScheme, " detected. ", sep = "")
stop("The GE2r and GE3r models can only be fitted to diallel experiments with mating scheme 1")
X <- model.matrixDiallel(~ Par1 + Par2, Block=Block, Env = Env,
fct = fct, type = "nested")
z <- lm.fit(X, Y)
class(z) <- c(if (mlm) "mlm", "lm")
z$response <- Y
z$fct <- fct
z$Env <- ifelse(is.null(Env), F, T)
z$Block <- ifelse(is.null(Block), F, T)
z$na.action <- attr(mf, "na.action")
z$offset <- NULL
z$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
z$call <- cl
z$terms <- mt
z$model <- mf
z$namEff <- attr(X, "namEff")
z$modMatrix <- X
z$matingScheme <- chk_design$matingScheme
z$chk_design <- chk_design
class(z) <- c("diallel", "lm")
summary.diallel <- function (object, # correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE,
MSE = NULL, dfr = NULL, ...)
{ #print(is.null(object$MLcoefficients))
if(!is.null(MSE) & !is.null(dfr)){
sigma <- sqrt(MSE)
if(any(class(object) == "diallel") == T) {X <- object$modMatrix
} else { X <- model.matrix(object)}
ses <- sqrt(diag(solve( t(X) %*% X ))) * sigma
tab <- data.frame("Estimate" = object$coef, "SE" = ses)
tab$"t value" <- tab[,1]/tab[,2]
tab$"Pr(>|t|)" <- 2 * pt(abs(tab$"t value"), dfr, lower.tail = F)
z <- object
class(z) <- "lm"
vcov.diallel <- function(object, MSE = NULL, ...)
so <- summary(object)
if(is.na(so$sigma) & is.null(MSE)){
cat("No residual variance estimate is available")
stop() #retVal <- NA
} else if(is.na(so$sigma) == T & is.null(MSE) == F){
retVal <- MSE * so$cov.unscaled
} else if(is.na(so$sigma) == F & is.null(MSE) == F){
retVal <- MSE * so$cov.unscaled
} else if(is.na(so$sigma) == F & is.null(MSE) == T){
retVal <- so$sigma^2 * so$cov.unscaled
predict.diallel <- function(object, ...){
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