#' @title HistogramDataMapping
#' @description R6 class for mapping `x`, `bins`, `binwidth`,`stack` and `distribution` to `data`
#' @export
#' @family DataMapping classes
HistogramDataMapping <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = XYGDataMapping,
public = list(
#' @field frequency logical defining if histogram displays a frequency in y axis
frequency = NULL,
#' @field stack logical defining if histogram bars should be stacked
stack = NULL,
#' @field bins number of bins or binning values/methods passed on `ggplot2::geom_histogram`
bins = NULL,
#' @field binwidth width of bins passed on `ggplot2::geom_histogram`. Overwrites `bins`
binwidth = NULL,
#' @field distribution Name of distribution to fit to the data.
#' Only 2 distributions are currently available: `"normal"` and `"logNormal"`
distribution = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `HistogramDataMapping` object
#' @param frequency logical defining if histogram displays a frequency in y axis
#' @param stack logical defining if histogram bars should be stacked
#' @param bins argument passed on `ggplot2::geom_histogram`
#' @param binwidth width of bins passed on `ggplot2::geom_histogram`. Overwrites `bins`
#' @param distribution Name of distribution to fit to the data.
#' Only 2 distributions are currently available: `"normal"` and `"logNormal"`
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `XYGDataMapping`
#' @return A new `HistogramDataMapping` object
initialize = function(frequency = FALSE,
stack = FALSE,
bins = NULL,
binwidth = NULL,
distribution = NULL,
...) {
validateIsIncluded(distribution, c("none", "normal", "logNormal"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
self$frequency <- frequency
self$stack <- stack
self$bins <- bins %||% tlfEnv$defaultAggregation$bins
self$binwidth <- binwidth
self$distribution <- distribution %||% "none"
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