#' @title LabelConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of the labels of a `ggplot` object
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
LabelConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
public = list(
#' @description Create a new `LabelConfiguration` object
#' @param title character or `Label` object defining title
#' @param subtitle character or `Label` object defining subtitle
#' @param xlabel character or `Label` object defining xlabel
#' @param ylabel character or `Label` object defining ylabel
#' @param caption character or `Label` object defining caption
#' @return A new `LabelConfiguration` object
initialize = function(title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
xlabel = NULL,
ylabel = NULL,
caption = NULL) {
# y2label not available for all plots but time profile
y2label <- NULL
inputs <- c("title", "subtitle", "xlabel", "ylabel", "caption", "y2label")
labels <- list(
"title" = title,
"subtitle" = subtitle,
"xlabel" = xlabel,
"ylabel" = ylabel,
"caption" = caption,
"y2label" = y2label
# Check label type is either a character or `Label` object
lapply(labels, function(x) {
validateIsOfType(x, c("Label", "character"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(labels$ylabel, "Label")) {
if (labels$ylabel$font$angle %% 360 %in% c(0, 180)) {
labels$ylabel$font$maxWidth <- unit(100, "pt")
if (labels$ylabel$font$angle %% 360 %in% c(90, 270)) {
labels$ylabel$font$maxWidth <- NULL
if (isOfType(labels$xlabel, "Label")) {
if (labels$xlabel$font$angle %% 360 %in% c(0, 180)) {
labels$xlabel$font$maxWidth <- NULL
if (labels$xlabel$font$angle %% 360 %in% c(90, 270)) {
labels$xlabel$font$maxWidth <- unit(100, "pt")
currentTheme <- tlfEnv$currentTheme$clone(deep = TRUE)
for (labelName in names(labels)) {
label <- labels[[labelName]]
if (!isOfType(label, "Label")) {
label <- asLabel(text = label, font = currentTheme$fonts[[labelName]])
# Check chosen angle is available
# use modulo 360 to in case minus angles were provided
label$font$angle <- .checkIsInAvailableAngles(label$font$angle %% 360)
private[[paste0(".", labelName)]] <- asLabel(label)
#' @description Update labels of a `ggplot` object and their properties
#' @param plotObject a `ggplot` object
#' @return A `ggplot` object
updatePlot = function(plotObject) {
validateIsOfType(plotObject, "ggplot")
# Update titles and axes labels
plotObject <- plotObject + ggplot2::labs(
title = private$.title$text,
subtitle = private$.subtitle$text,
x = private$.xlabel$text,
y = private$.ylabel$text,
caption = private$.caption$text
plotObject <- plotObject +
plot.title = private$.title$createPlotTextBoxFont(),
plot.subtitle = private$.subtitle$createPlotTextBoxFont(),
axis.title.x = private$.xlabel$createPlotTextBoxFont(),
axis.title.y = private$.ylabel$createPlotTextBoxFont(),
axis.title.y.right = private$.y2label$createPlotTextBoxFont(),
plot.caption = private$.caption$createPlotTextBoxFont()
active = list(
#' @field title `Label` object defining the title of the plot
title = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.title <- asLabel(value)
private$.title <- asLabel(value, font = private$.title$font)
#' @field subtitle `Label` object defining the subtitle of the plot
subtitle = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.subtitle <- asLabel(value)
private$.subtitle <- asLabel(value, font = private$.subtitle$font)
#' @field xlabel `Label` object defining the xlabel of the plot
xlabel = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.xlabel <- asLabel(value)
private$.xlabel <- asLabel(value, font = private$.xlabel$font)
#' @field ylabel `Label` object defining the ylabel of the plot
ylabel = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.ylabel <- asLabel(value)
private$.ylabel <- asLabel(value, font = private$.ylabel$font)
#' @field caption `Label` object defining the caption of the plot
caption = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.caption <- asLabel(value)
private$.caption <- asLabel(value, font = private$.caption$font)
#' @field y2label `Label` object defining the y2label of the plot
y2label = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, c("character", "Label"), nullAllowed = TRUE)
if (isOfType(value, "Label")) {
private$.y2label <- asLabel(value)
private$.y2label <- asLabel(value, font = private$.y2label$font)
private = list(
.title = NULL,
.subtitle = NULL,
.xlabel = NULL,
.ylabel = NULL,
.caption = NULL,
.y2label = NULL
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