#' @title TimeProfilePlotConfiguration
#' @description R6 class defining the configuration of a `ggplot` object for time profile plots
#' @field lloqDirection Whether to draw LLOQ lines for x (vertical), y (horizontal) or x and y (both).
#' @export
#' @family PlotConfiguration classes
TimeProfilePlotConfiguration <- R6::R6Class(
inherit = PlotConfiguration,
public = list(
lloqDirection = NULL,
#' @description Create a new `TimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
#' @param y2label character or `Label` object defining plot y2label
#' @param y2Axis `YAxisConfiguration` object defining y-axis properties
#' @param y2Scale name of y2-axis scale. Use enum `Scaling` to access predefined scales.
#' @param y2AxisLimits numeric vector of length 2 defining y axis limits
#' @param y2ValuesLimits numeric vector of length 2 defining y values limits
#' @param y2Limits `r lifecycle::badge("deprecated")`. Replaced by y2AxisLimits argument.
#' @param lloqDirection Whether to draw LLOQ lines for x (vertical), y (horizontal) or x and y (both).
#' @param data data.frame used by `.smartMapping`
#' @param metaData list of information on `data`
#' @param dataMapping R6 class or subclass `TimeProfileDataMapping`
#' @param ... parameters inherited from `PlotConfiguration`
#' @return A new `TimeProfilePlotConfiguration` object
initialize = function(...,
# Y2 label
y2label = NULL,
# Y2-Axis configuration
y2Axis = NULL,
y2Scale = NULL,
y2ValuesLimits = NULL,
y2AxisLimits = NULL,
y2Limits = lifecycle::deprecated(),
lloqDirection = "horizontal",
# Smart configuration using metaData
data = NULL,
metaData = NULL,
dataMapping = NULL) {
if (lifecycle::is_present(y2Limits)) {
lifecycle::deprecate_warn("1.5.0", "TimeProfilePlotConfiguration(y2Limits)", "TimeProfilePlotConfiguration(y2AxisLimits)")
y2AxisLimits <- y2Limits
data = data,
metaData = metaData,
dataMapping = dataMapping
validateEnumValue(lloqDirection, Directions)
self$lloqDirection <- lloqDirection
# Update Y2 label
private$.labels$y2label <- y2label %||% private$.labels$y2label
if (!is.null(data)) {
dataMapping <- dataMapping %||% TimeProfileDataMapping$new(data = data)
private$.labels$y2label <- asLabel(
y2label %||%
.dataMappingLabel(dataMapping$y2Axis, metaData) %||%
dataMapping$y2Axis %||%
font = private$.labels$y2label$font
# On right axis, ggtext mirror angles. This is a workaround to get the
# correct angle
if (private$.labels$y2label$font$angle %% 360 == 180) {
private$.labels$y2label$font$angle <- 270
if (private$.labels$y2label$font$angle %% 360 == 270) {
private$.labels$y2label$font$angle <- 180
# Set maximum text width depending on the text orientation
if (private$.labels$y2label$font$angle %in% c(0, 180)) {
private$.labels$y2label$font$maxWidth <- unit(100, "pt")
if (private$.labels$y2label$font$angle %in% c(90, 270)) {
private$.labels$y2label$font$maxWidth <- NULL
# Y2-Axis configuration, overwrite some properties only if they are defined
validateIsOfType(y2Axis, "YAxisConfiguration", nullAllowed = TRUE)
private$.y2Axis <- y2Axis %||% YAxisConfiguration$new(
scale = self$defaultYScale,
expand = self$defaultExpand
private$.y2Axis$position <- "right"
private$.y2Axis$valuesLimits <- y2ValuesLimits %||% private$.y2Axis$valuesLimits
private$.y2Axis$axisLimits <- y2AxisLimits %||% private$.y2Axis$axisLimits
private$.y2Axis$scale <- y2Scale %||% private$.y2Axis$scale
active = list(
#' @field y2Axis `YAxisConfiguration` object defining properties of y2-axis
y2Axis = function(value) {
if (missing(value)) {
validateIsOfType(value, "YAxisConfiguration", nullAllowed = TRUE)
private$.y2Axis <- value %||% private$.y2Axis
private$.y2Axis$position <- "right"
private = list(
.y2Axis = NULL
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