# Test data that include a NA value
testData <- data.frame(
x = c(1, 2, 3),
y = c(1, 2, NA)
# To prevent copy/paste, expressions are used in the sequel
plotNames <- c("TimeProfile", "ObsVsPred", "ResVsPred", "PKRatio", "DDIRatio")
# Expression is "<plotname>DataMapping <- <PlotName>DataMapping$new()"
createDataMapping <- parse(text = paste0(tolower(plotNames), "DataMapping <- ", plotNames, "DataMapping$new(x='x',y='y')"))
# createPlot expression is "plot<PlotName>(data=testData, dataMapping=<plotname>DataMapping)"
createPlot <- paste0("plot", plotNames, "(data=testData, dataMapping = ", tolower(plotNames), "DataMapping)")
ggplotExpression <- parse(text = paste0("expect_s3_class(", createPlot, ', "ggplot")'))
warningExpression <- parse(text = paste0("expect_silent(", createPlot, ")"))
test_that("Plot is produced as a ggplot object", {
expect_s3_class(addScatter(data = testData), "ggplot")
expect_s3_class(addLine(data = testData), "ggplot")
test_that("No warnings were produced when creating/printing the plot", {
expect_silent(addScatter(data = testData))
expect_silent(addLine(data = testData))
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