
Defines functions fieldIndex

Documented in fieldIndex

#' fieldIndex 
#' @title Building vegetation indices using Red, Green, Blue, Red Edge, and NIR band
#' @description Different vegetation indices can be calculated using at least 3 bands. 
#' For the list of indices please visit the FIELDimageR manual at link
#' @param mosaic object of class stack with at least 3 bands.
#' @param Red vector with the vegetation indices to be calculated. 
#' @param Green user can calculate a diferent index using the bands names, e.g. "(Green+Blue)/Red-NIR/RedEdge"
#' @param Blue if is TRUE the original and crop image will be plotted.
#' @param RedEdge vector with the vegetation indices to be calculated. 
#' @param NIR if is TRUE the original and crop image will be plotted.
#' @param index vector with the vegetation indices to be calculated. 
#' @param myIndex user can calculate a diferent index using the bands names, e.g. "(Green+Blue)/Red-NIR/RedEdge"
#' @param plot if is TRUE the original and crop image will be plotted.
#' @importFrom utils read.csv
#' @return A Image format stack.
#' @export
fieldIndex<- function(mosaic, Red = 1, Green = 2, Blue = 3, RedEdge = NULL, NIR = NULL, index = "HUE",
                      myIndex = NULL, plot = TRUE) {
  # Load index data
  Ind <- read.csv(file = system.file("extdata", "Indices.txt", package = "FIELDimageR", mustWork = TRUE),
                  header = TRUE, sep = "\t")
  num.band <- nlyr(mosaic)
  print(paste(num.band, " layers available", sep = ""))
  if (num.band < 3) {
    stop("At least 3 bands (RGB) are necessary to calculate indices")
  if (!is.null(RedEdge) || !is.null(NIR)) {
    if (num.band < 4) {
      stop("RedEdge and/or NIR is/are not available in your mosaic")
  IRGB <- as.character(Ind$index)
  if (is.null(index)) {
    stop("Choose one or more indices")
  if (!all(index %in% IRGB)) {
    stop(paste("Index: ", index[!index %in% IRGB], " is not available in FIELDimageR"))
  NIR.RE <- as.character(Ind$index[Ind$band %in% c("RedEdge", "NIR")])
  if (any(NIR.RE %in% index) && is.null(NIR)) {
    stop(paste("Index: ", NIR.RE[NIR.RE %in% index], " needs NIR/RedEdge band to be calculated", sep = ""))
  B <- mosaic[[Blue]]
  G <- mosaic[[Green]]
  R <- mosaic[[Red]]
  names(mosaic)[c(Blue, Green, Red)] <- c("Blue", "Green", "Red")
  if (!is.null(RedEdge)) {
    RE <- mosaic[[RedEdge]]
    names(mosaic)[RedEdge] <- "RedEdge"
  if (!is.null(NIR)) {
    NIR1 <- mosaic[[NIR]]
    names(mosaic)[NIR] <- "NIR"
  for (i in 1:length(index)) {
    new_layer <- eval(parse(text = as.character(Ind$eq[Ind$index == index[i]])))
    mosaic <- append(mosaic,new_layer)
    names(mosaic)[num.band + i] <- as.character(index[i])
    for(m1 in 1:length(myIndex)){
      my_ind <- eval(parse(text = as.character(myIndex[m1])))
      if(length(myIndex)==1){names(mosaic)[(nlyr(mosaic))] <- "myIndex"}
      if(length(myIndex)>1){names(mosaic)[(nlyr(mosaic))] <- paste("myIndex", m1)}
  if (plot) {
    terra::plot(mosaic, axes = FALSE, box = FALSE)
OpenDroneMap/FIELDimageR documentation built on June 3, 2024, 12:13 a.m.