# Set options for knitr
knitr::opts_chunk$set(comment=NA, warning=FALSE, echo=TRUE,
                      error=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.align='center',
                      fig.width=8, fig.height=6, dpi = 144, 
                      fig.path = "figure/Analyze_")


SDP's College-Going Success analyses are a set of data visualizations about student pathways through high school and college. We adapted these analyses for the OpenSDP project from SDP's College-Going toolkit (available for download at sdp.cepr.harvard.edu/toolkit). The toolkit was designed as a tutorial on college-going data. Though we maintain the toolkit's step-by-step instructions, we intend these analyses to go beyond tutorial. Furthering the mission of OpenSDP, this work will allow the research-practitioner community to discuss and collaborate on high impact analysis on this important topic. We invite you to contribute to our collection of policy-relevant data visualizations.

About OpenSDP

OpenSDP is a set of free, iterable data analytic tools that will enable analysts in state and local agencies to conduct sophisticated, research-based analyses with their own administrative data. These tools will enable users to efficiently produce useful data on the performance of the local education system and its students, in order to provide more accurate information to leaders of state and district school systems. The tools will also help with visualization, allowing analysts to communicate findings from sophisticated analyses to decision makers more effectively.

Structure of Analyses

The college-going analyses are divided into six sections:

With each analysis, you will find:

Loading the OpenSDP Dataset


Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions

One of the most important decisions in running each analysis is defining the sample. Each analysis corresponds to a different part of the education pipeline and as a result requires different cohorts of students.

If you are using the synthetic data we have provided, the sample restrictions have been predefined and are included below. If you run this code using your own agency data, change the sample restrictions based on your data. Note that you will have to run these sample restrictions at the beginning of your script so they will feed into the rest of your code.

library(tidyverse) # main suite of R packages to ease data analysis
library(magrittr) # allows for some easier pipelines of data
# Read in some R functions that are convenience wrappers
library(haven) # required for importing .dta files

# Read in global variables for sample restriction
# Agency name
agency_name <- "Agency"

# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting to the second year of college
chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 = 2005
chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2 = 2005

# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school on time
chrt_ninth_begin_grad = 2005
chrt_ninth_end_grad = 2006

# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school one year late
chrt_ninth_begin_grad_late = 2005
chrt_ninth_end_grad_late = 2005

# High school graduation cohorts you can observe enrolling in college the fall after graduation
chrt_grad_begin = 2008
chrt_grad_end = 2009

# High school graduation cohorts you can observe enrolling in college two years after hs graduation
chrt_grad_begin_delayed = 2008
chrt_grad_end_delayed = 2008

# In RStudio these variables will appear in the Environment pane under "Values"

Based on the sample data, you will have no more than two cohorts (sometimes only one) for analysis. If your own agency data is more extensive, you may decide to aggregate results for three or four cohorts to report your results. This decision depends on 1) how much historical data you have (you may only have two cohorts of data) and 2) what balance to strike between reliability and averaging away information on recent trends. We suggest you average results for the last three cohorts to take advantage of larger sample sizes and improve reliability. However, if you have data for more than three cohorts, you may decide to not average data out for fear of losing information about trends and recent changes in your agency.

Attainment Along the Education Pipeline

Attainment along the Education Pipeline analyses summarize student attainment from ninth grade through college using three milestones: 1) on-time high school completion, 2) seamless college transition, and 3) persistence to the second year of college.

Through these analyses, you identify drop-offs along the education pipeline for students as a group and as subgroups. For different subgroups, these analyses illuminate disparities in college attainment by race, family income, high school attended, and academic achievement. A steep decline in college enrollment from high school completion date for specific subgroups may indicate barriers to college access. On the other hand, a steep decline from initial college enrollment to second-year persistence might suggest students were not prepared for rigorous college coursework during high school.

Overall Progression

Purpose: This analysis tracks the overall percent of ninth graders who complete high school on-time, seamlessly enroll in college, and persist to the second year of college. To examine the range of attainment at each milestone, the minimum and maximum values of any high school are shown.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts for which persistence to the second year of college can be reported.

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of first-time ninth graders that progress to each step along the education pipeline.

# Step 1: Load the college-going analysis file into Stata
# library(haven) # commented out, we've already read it in above
# To read data from a zip file and unzip it in R we can 
# create a connection to the path of the zip file
tmpfileName <- "analysis/CG_Analysis.dta"
# This assumes analysis is a subfolder from where the file is read, in this 
# case inside the zipfile
con <- unz(description = "data/analysis.zip", filename = tmpfileName, 
           open = "rb")
# The zipfile is located in the subdirectory data, called analysis.zip
cgdata <- read_stata(con) # read data in the data subdirectory
close(con) # close the connection to the zip file, keeps data in memory
# Step 1: Load data if not already loaded above

# Step 2: Read in global variables if you have not already done so
# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting to the second year of college
chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 = 2004
chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2 = 2006

# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school on time
chrt_ninth_begin_grad = 2004
chrt_ninth_end_grad = 2006

# Ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school one year late
chrt_ninth_begin_grad_late = 2004
chrt_ninth_end_grad_late = 2006

# High school graduation cohorts you can observe enrolling in college the 
# fall after graduation
chrt_grad_begin = 2007
chrt_grad_end = 2009

# High school graduation cohorts you can observe enrolling in college 
# two years after hs graduation
chrt_grad_begin_delayed = 2007
chrt_grad_end_delayed = 2009

# In RStudio these variables will appear in the Environment pane under "Values"
# Step 3: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting to the 
# second year of college

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2)
# Step 4: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
#  "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"

plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad ==1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
# Step 4: Create agency-level average outcomes

# 2. Calculate the mean of each outcome variable by agency

agencyData <- plotdf %>%  
  summarize(grad = mean(grad), 
            seamless_transitioners_any = mean(seamless_transitioners_any,
            second_year_persisters = mean(second_year_persisters, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n())

agencyData$school_name <- "AGENCY AVERAGE"
# 2. Calculate the mean of each outcome variable by first high school attended
schoolData <- plotdf %>% group_by(first_hs_name) %>% 
  summarize(grad = mean(grad), 
            seamless_transitioners_any = mean(seamless_transitioners_any,
            second_year_persisters = mean(second_year_persisters, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n())
# 1. Create a variable school_name that takes on the value of students’ first 
## high school attended
names(schoolData)[1] <- "school_name"

# 3. Identify the agency maximum values for each of the three outcome variables
maxSchool <- schoolData %>% summarize_all(.funs = funs("max"))
maxSchool$school_name <- "AGENCY MAX HS"

# 4. Identify the agency minimum values for each of the three outcome variables
minSchool <- schoolData %>% summarize_all(.funs = funs("min"))
minSchool$school_name <- "AGENCY MIN HS"
# 5. Append the three tempfiles to the school-level file loaded into R
schoolData <- bind_rows(schoolData, agencyData, 
                        minSchool, maxSchool)
rm(agencyData, minSchool, maxSchool)
# Step 6: Prepare to graph the results
schoolData$cohort <- 1
schoolData <- schoolData %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -N, -school_name)
schoolData$subset <- grepl("AGENCY", schoolData$school_name)

schoolData$outcome[schoolData$outcome == "cohort"] <- "Ninth Graders"
schoolData$outcome[schoolData$outcome == "grad"] <- "On-time Graduates"
schoolData$outcome[schoolData$outcome == "seamless_transitioners_any"] <- 
  "Seamless College Transitioner"
schoolData$outcome[schoolData$outcome == "second_year_persisters"] <- 
  "Second Year Persisters"
## Step 7: Graph the results

       aes(x = outcome, y = measure, group = school_name, 
           color = school_name, linetype = school_name)) + 
  geom_line(size = 1.1) + geom_point(aes(group = 1), color = I("black")) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(measure * 100, 1)), vjust = -0.8, hjust = -0.25, 
            color = I("black")) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = c(0.825, 0.825)) + 
  guides(color = guide_legend("", keywidth = 6, 
                              label.theme = element_text(face = "bold", 
                                                         size = 8,
                                                         angle = 0)), 
         linetype = "none") +
  labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
       title = "Student Progression from 9th Grade Through College", 
       subtitle = "Agency Average", x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n", 
                  "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                        "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

Progression by Student Race/Ethnicity

Purpose: This analysis tracks the percent of ninth graders of different races/ethnicities who complete high school on-time, seamlessly enroll in college, and persist to the second year of college.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of first-time ninth graders that progress to each step along the education pipeline.

# Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting to 
## the second year of college

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2)

# Step 2: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
## "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"
plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad ==1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
# Step 3: Create agency-level average outcomes
progressRace <- plotdf %>% group_by(race_ethnicity) %>% 
  summarize(grad = mean(grad), 
            seameless_transitioners_any = mean(seamless_transitioners_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            second_year_persisters = mean(second_year_persisters, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n())
# Step 4: Reformat the data for plotting
progressRace$cohort <- 1
progressRace <- progressRace %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -N, -race_ethnicity)

# Step 5: Recode variables for plot-friendly labels
progressRace$outcome[progressRace$outcome == "cohort"] <- "Ninth Graders"
progressRace$outcome[progressRace$outcome == "grad"] <- "On-time Graduates"
progressRace$outcome[progressRace$outcome == "seameless_transitioners_any"] <- 
  "Seamless College Transitioner"
progressRace$outcome[progressRace$outcome == "second_year_persisters"] <- 
  "Second Year Persisters"

progressRace$subset <- ifelse(as.numeric(progressRace$race_ethnicity) %in% 
                                c(1, 3, 2, 5), 
                              TRUE, FALSE)
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 1] <- "Black"
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 2] <- "Asian"
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 3] <- "Hispanic"
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 4] <- "Native American"
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 5] <- "White"
progressRace$race_ethnicity[progressRace$race_ethnicity == 6] <- "Multiple/Other"
# Step 6: Graph the results
       aes(x = outcome, y = measure, group = race_ethnicity, 
           color = race_ethnicity, linetype = race_ethnicity)) + 
  geom_line(size = 1.1) + geom_point(aes(group = 1), color = I("black")) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(measure * 100, 1)), vjust = -0.8, hjust = -0.25, 
            color = I("black")) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = c(0.825, 0.825)) + 
  guides(color = guide_legend("", keywidth = 6, 
                          label.theme = 
                            element_text(face = "bold", size = 8,
                                         angle = 0)), linetype = "none") +
  labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
       title = "Student Progression from 9th Grade Through College", 
       subtitle = "By Student Race/Ethnicity", x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n", 
                  "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                       "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

Progression by Student Race/Ethnicity, Among FRPL Students

Purpose: This analysis tracks the percent of ninth graders of different races/ethnicities who ever qualified for free or reduce price lunch who complete high school on-time, seamlessly enroll in college, and persist to the second year of college.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of first-time ninth graders that progress to each step along the education pipeline.

## Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting to 
## the second year of college AND are ever FRPL-eligible

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2) %>% 
  filter(frpl_ever_hs > 0)

# Step 2: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
## "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"

plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad == 1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1, 1, 0)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1, 1, 0)

# Step 4: Create agency-level average outcomes
# Calculate the mean of each outcome variable by race/ethnicity

progressRaceFRL <- plotdf %>% group_by(race_ethnicity) %>% 
  summarize(grad = mean(grad), 
            seameless_transitioners_any = mean(seamless_transitioners_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            second_year_persisters = mean(second_year_persisters, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n())

# Step 5: Reformat the data file so that one variable contains all the 
# outcomes of interest

progressRaceFRL %<>% filter(N >= 20)
# Step 6: Prepare to graph the results
## Reshape the data 
progressRaceFRL$cohort <- 1
progressRaceFRL <- progressRaceFRL %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -N, -race_ethnicity)

## Recode the variables for plot friendly labels

progressRaceFRL$outcome[progressRaceFRL$outcome == "cohort"] <- 
  "Ninth Graders"
progressRaceFRL$outcome[progressRaceFRL$outcome == "grad"] <- 
  "On-time Graduates"
progressRaceFRL$outcome[progressRaceFRL$outcome == "seameless_transitioners_any"] <-
  "Seamless College Transitioner"
progressRaceFRL$outcome[progressRaceFRL$outcome == "second_year_persisters"] <- 
  "Second Year Persisters"

progressRaceFRL$subset <- ifelse(as.numeric(progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity) %in% c(1, 3, 5), 
                              TRUE, FALSE)
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 1] <- "Black"
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 2] <- "Asian"
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 3] <- "Hispanic"
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 4] <- "Native American"
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 5] <- "White"
progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity[progressRaceFRL$race_ethnicity == 6] <- "Multiple/Other"
       aes(x = outcome, y = measure, group = race_ethnicity, 
           color = race_ethnicity, linetype = race_ethnicity)) + 
  geom_line(size = 1.1) + geom_point(aes(group = 1), color = I("black")) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(measure * 100, 1)), vjust = -0.8, hjust = -0.25, 
            color = I("black")) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = c(0.825, 0.825)) + 
  guides(color = guide_legend("", keywidth = 6, 
                              label.theme = element_text(face = "bold", 
                                                         size = 8,
                                                         angle = 0)), 
         linetype = "none") +
  labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
       title = "Student Progression from 9th Grade Through College", 
       subtitle = paste0(c(
         "Among Students Qualifying for Free or Reduced Price Lunch \n", 
                           "By Student Race/Ethnicity")), 
       x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n",
                   "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records.\n", 
                        "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

Progression by Students' On-Track Status After Ninth Grade

Purpose: This analysis tracks the percent of ninth graders at different levels of being on-track for graduation who complete high school on-time, seamlessly enroll in college, and then persist to the second year of college.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of first-time ninth graders that progressed along the education pipeline.

#  // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe persisting 
#  to the second year of college AND are included in the on-track analysis sample

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_persist_yr2 & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_persist_yr2) %>% 
  filter(ontrack_sample == 1)

# // Step 2: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
# "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"

plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad ==1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)

# // Step 3: Generate on track indicators that take into account students’ GPAs 
# upon completion of their first year in high school

plotdf$ot <- NA
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 0] <- "Off-Track to Graduate"

# Check for correctness
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 < 3 & 
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track to Graduate, GPA < 3.0"
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 >= 3 & 
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track to Graduate, GPA >= 3.0"
#  // Step 4: Calculate aggregates for the Agency by on track status
progressTrack <- plotdf %>% group_by(ot) %>% 
  summarize(grad = mean(grad), 
            seameless_transitioners_any = mean(seamless_transitioners_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            second_year_persisters = mean(second_year_persisters, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n())

# // Step 5: Reformat the data file so that one variable contains all the outcomes 
#  of interest
progressTrack$cohort <- 1
progressTrack <- progressTrack %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -N, -ot)

progressTrack$outcome[progressTrack$outcome == "cohort"] <- "Ninth Graders"
progressTrack$outcome[progressTrack$outcome == "grad"] <- "On-time Graduates"
progressTrack$outcome[progressTrack$outcome == "seameless_transitioners_any"] <-
  "Seamless College Transitioner"
progressTrack$outcome[progressTrack$outcome == "second_year_persisters"] <- 
  "Second Year Persisters"
# Annotate for direct labels
ann_txt <- data.frame(outcome = rep("Second Year Persisters", 3), 
                      measure = c(0.22, 0.55, 0.85), 
                      textlabel = c("Off-Track \nto Graduate", 
                                    "On-Track to Graduate,\n GPA < 3.0", 
                                    "On-Track to Graduate,\n GPA >= 3.0"))
ann_txt$ot <- ann_txt$textlabel

       aes(x = outcome, y = measure, group = ot, 
           color = ot, linetype = ot)) + 
  geom_line(size = 1.1) + geom_point(aes(group = 1), color = I("black")) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(measure * 100, 1)), vjust = -0.8, hjust = -0.25, 
            color = I("black")) +
  geom_text(data = ann_txt, aes(label = textlabel)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(legend.position = c(0.825, 0.825)) + 
  scale_color_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 2) +
  guides(color = "none", 
         linetype = "none") +
  labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
       title = "Student Progression from 9th Grade Through College", 
       subtitle = "By Course Credits and GPA after First High School Year", x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n",
                "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                 "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

On-Track in Ninth Grade

Research suggests that academic performance in ninth grade strongly predicts the likelihood of a student dropping out of high school. In this section, you examine patterns of student retention and on-time transitions from ninth to tenth grade. This information can provide an early warning to an agency with students at-risk of dropping out, and might benefit from targeted support early in their high school careers.

To explore transitions from ninth to tenth grade, use the following model analyses:

  1. Proportion of Students On-Track at the End of Ninth Grade, by high school

  2. Ninth to tenth grade transition by on-track status

Proportion of Students On-Track by High School

Purpose: This analysis illustrates what percent of students are on-track after ninth grade graduate from each high school and the agency as a whole. Different levels of on-track for graduation are distinguished by high school.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school on time AND are part of the on-track sample (attended the first semester of ninth grade and never transferred into or out of the system).

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Overall school-level results can be disaggregated by student subgroups of interest, (race, FRPL status, and eighth grade academic achievement).

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students on-track at each school, and across the agency.

# Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school on time AND are part of the ontrack sample (attended the first 
# semester of ninth grade and never transferred into or out of the system)

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad) %>% 
  filter(ontrack_sample == 1)

# Step 2: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
#           "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"
plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad ==1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)

# Step 3: Generate on track indicators that take into account students’ GPAs 
# upon completion of their first year in high school

plotdf$ot <- NA
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 0] <- "Off-Track to Graduate"
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 < 3 &
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track to Graduate, GPA < 3.0"
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 >= 3 &
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track to Graduate, GPA >= 3.0"
# Step 4: Obtain the agency average for the key variables
# and obtain mean rates for each school and append the agency average

progressBars <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(ot) %>% tally() %>% ungroup %>% 
    mutate(count = sum(n), first_hs_name = "Agency Average"), 
  plotdf %>% group_by(first_hs_name, ot) %>% tally() %>% ungroup %>% 
    group_by(first_hs_name) %>%
    mutate(count = sum(n))

# replace first_hs_name = subinstr(first_hs_name, " High School", "", .)
progressBars$first_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", progressBars$first_hs_name)

# Step 5: For students who are off-track upon completion of their first year 
#  of high school, convert the values to be negative for ease of 
#  visualization in the graph

progressBars$n[progressBars$ot == "Off-Track to Graduate"] <- 
  -progressBars$n[progressBars$ot == "Off-Track to Graduate"] 
# Step 6: Plot
ggplot(progressBars, aes(x = reorder(first_hs_name, n/count), 
                         y = n/count, group = ot)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(fill = ot), stat = 'identity') + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100* n/count, 0)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust=0.3)) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.8,1), label = percent, 
                    name = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
                    breaks = seq(-0.8, 1, 0.2)) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "", type = "qual", palette = 6) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, color = "black", vjust = 0.5), 
        legend.position = c(0.15, 0.875)) +
  labs(title = "Proportion of Students On-Track to Graduate by School", 
       subtitle = "End of Ninth Grade On-Track Status \n By High School", x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 and 2005-20065 Agency first-time ninth
                      graders. \n", 
              "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                        "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

Ninth To Tenth Grade Transition by On-Track Status

Purpose: This analysis explores how on-track status after ninth grade (the horizontal axis) predicts ontrack status in tenth grade (the vertical axis). This analysis is useful for developing early dropout warning indicators for at-risk students as early as the second semester of ninth grade.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school on time AND are part of the on-track sample (attended the first semester of ninth grade and never transferred into or out of the system).

Ask Yourself:

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Identify additional risk factors, (chronic absenteeism, prior academic achievement etc.) which can be incorporated into analyses like the one above. This could be used to further understand which students struggle, why they struggle, and interventions to keep them enrolled and engaged.

# Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school on time AND are part of the ontrack sample (attended the first 
# semester of ninth grade and never transferred into or out of the system)

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad) %>% 
   filter(ontrack_sample == 1)

# Step 2: Create variables for the outcomes "regular diploma recipients", 
#  "seamless transitioners" and "second year persisters"

plotdf$grad <- ifelse(!is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad) & plotdf$ontime_grad ==1, 1, 0)
plotdf$seamless_transitioners_any <- as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                                 plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)
plotdf$second_year_persisters = as.numeric(plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr1_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$enrl_1oct_ninth_yr2_any == 1 &
                                             plotdf$ontime_grad == 1)

# Step 3: Generate on track indicators that take into account students’ GPAs 
# upon completion of their first year in high school

plotdf$ot <- NA
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 0] <- "Off-Track to Graduate"
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 < 3 &
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track, GPA < 3.0"
plotdf$ot[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 >= 3 &
            !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track, GPA >= 3.0"

# Step 4: Create indicators for students upon completion of their second 
#  year of high school

plotdf$ot_10 <- NA
plotdf$ot_10[plotdf$ontrack_endyr2 == 0] <- "Off-Track to Graduate"
plotdf$ot_10[plotdf$ontrack_endyr2 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr2 < 3 &
               !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr2)] <- "On-Track, GPA < 3.0"
plotdf$ot_10[plotdf$ontrack_endyr2 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr2 >= 3 &
               !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr2)] <- "On-Track, GPA >= 3.0"
plotdf$ot_10[plotdf$status_after_yr2 == 3 | plotdf$status_after_yr2 == 4] <-
# Step 5: Obtain mean rates for each school and append the agency average
onTrackBar <- plotdf %>% group_by(ot, ot_10) %>% 
  select(ot) %>% tally() %>% 
  ungroup %>% group_by(ot) %>%
  mutate(count = sum(n))

# Step 6: For students who are off-track upon completion of their first year 
#  of high school, convert the values to be negative for ease of visualization 
#  in the graph

onTrackBar <- na.omit(onTrackBar) # drop missing
onTrackBar$n[onTrackBar$ot_10 == "Off-Track to Graduate"] <- 
  -onTrackBar$n[onTrackBar$ot_10 == "Off-Track to Graduate"] 
onTrackBar$n[onTrackBar$ot_10 == "Dropout/Disappear"] <- 
  -onTrackBar$n[onTrackBar$ot_10 == "Dropout/Disappear"] 
ggplot(onTrackBar, aes(x = reorder(ot, n/count), 
                         y = n/count, group = ot_10)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(fill = ot_10), stat = 'identity', color = I("black")) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100* n/count, 1)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust=0.3)) + 
  theme_bw() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1), label = percent, 
      name = "Percent of Tenth Grade Students \n by Ninth Grade Status") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "End of Tenth Grade \n On-Track Status", 
                    type = "qual", palette = 3) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black"), 
        legend.position = c(0.15, 0.825)) +
  labs(title = "Proportion of Students On-Track to Graduate by School", 
       x = "Ninth Grade On-Track Status",
       subtitle = "End of Ninth Grade On-Track Status \n By High School", 
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 and 2005-2006 Agency first-time ninth
                        graders. \n", 
              "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                        "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

High School Graduation

High school graduation is a critical step to higher education. Understanding trends and variations in high school completion rates across schools and student subgroups is essential. These analyses reveal the extent to which high schools may differentially influence student trajectories towards high school completion. After identifying these high schools, you may conduct deeper analyses on your own to explore what drives these outcomes. To begin exploring high school graduation further, use the analyses below:

  1. High School Completion Rates By School
  2. High School Completion Rates by Average 8th Grade Achievement
  3. High School Completion Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles
  4. Racial gaps in completion overall and By 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles
  5. Enrollment Outcome in Year 4 by On-Track Status at the End of Ninth Grade

High School Completion Rates By School

Purpose: This analysis explores variation in high school completion rates across high schools in the system for both on-time and late high school graduates.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school one year late

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students who complete high school by school.

# // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe 
#  graduating high school one year late

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad_late & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad_late) 
# // Step 2: Obtain agency level high school and school level graduation 
#  rates

schoolLevel <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(first_hs_name) %>% 
    summarize(ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              late_grad = mean(late_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n()), 
  plotdf %>% ungroup %>%  
    summarize(first_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE",
              ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              late_grad = mean(late_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n())

#  // Step 3: Reshape the data wide
schoolLevel <- schoolLevel %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -count, -first_hs_name)
schoolLevel$first_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", schoolLevel$first_hs_name)

#  // Step 4: Recode variables for plotting

schoolLevel$outcome[schoolLevel$outcome == "ontime_grad"] <- "On-Time HS Graduate"
schoolLevel$outcome[schoolLevel$outcome == "late_grad"] <- "Graduate in 4+ Years"
#  // Step 5: Plot
ggplot(schoolLevel, aes(x = reorder(first_hs_name, measure), y = measure, 
                        group = first_hs_name, fill = outcome)) + 
  geom_bar(aes(fill = outcome), stat = 'identity', color = I("black")) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * measure, 0)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust = 0.8)) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent, 
                    name = "Percent of Ninth Graders") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "", 
                    type = "qual", palette = 7) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(color = "black", angle = 30, vjust = 0.5), 
        legend.position = c(0.15, 0.825)) +
  labs(title = "High School Graduation Rates by High School", 
       x = "",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n", 
                        "Data from Agency administrative records."))

High School Completion Rates by Average 8th Grade Achievement

Purpose: This analysis examines the relationship between academic achievement at high school entry and high school completion rates. This analysis is useful to identify high schools that beat the odds. High schools with similar incoming student achievement profiles but different high school graduation rates.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

What might explain differences in high school graduation rates for high schools with similar incoming achievement? What might explain differences in incoming achievement for high schools with similar graduation rates?

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: If substantial variation exists after controlling for average student achievement at high school entry, think about how to share this information across schools. To explore mechanisms that drive school-level differences in high school completion rates, replicate this analysis where the x-axis is a middle school at-risk index (e.g. an index that accounts for whether students failed a core class, were chronically absent, and other information predictive of student achievement in high school) in place of 8th grade test scores.

Analytic Technique: Bivariate scatterplot of school-level average student test scores and high school completion rates.

# // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school AND have non-missing eighth grade math scores

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad) %>% 
# // Step 2: Obtain agency and school level completion and prior achievement 
#  rates

schoolLevel <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(first_hs_name) %>% 
    summarize(ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              std_score = mean(test_math_8_std, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n()), 
  plotdf %>% ungroup %>%  
    summarize(first_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE",
              ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              std_score = mean(test_math_8_std, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n())

# // Step 3: Recode HS Name for display
schoolLevel$first_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", schoolLevel$first_hs_name)
# // Step 4: Plot
ggplot(schoolLevel[schoolLevel$first_hs_name != "Agency AVERAGE", ], 
       aes(x = std_score, y = ontime_grad)) + 
  geom_vline(xintercept = as.numeric(schoolLevel[schoolLevel$first_hs_name == 
                                                   "Agency AVERAGE", "std_score"]), 
               linetype = 4, color = I("goldenrod"), size = 1.1) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = as.numeric(schoolLevel[schoolLevel$first_hs_name == 
                                                   "Agency AVERAGE", "ontime_grad"]), 
               linetype = 4, color = I("purple"), size = 1.1) +
  geom_point(size = I(2)) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank()) +
  coord_cartesian() +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -.85, y = 0.025, 
           label = "Below average math scores & \n below average graduation rates", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .85, y = 0.025, 
           label = "Above average math scores & \n below average graduation rates", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .85, y = 0.975, 
           label = "Above average math scores & \n above average graduation rates", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -.85, y = 0.975, 
           label = "Below average math scores & \n above average graduation rates", 
           size = I(2.5)) + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .205, y = 0.025, 
           label = "Agency Average \n Test Score", 
           size = I(2.5), color = I("goldenrod")) + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .85, y = 0.61, 
           label = "Agency Average Graduation Rate", 
           size = I(2.5)) + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-1, 1), breaks = seq(-1, 1, 0.2)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), label = percent, 
                     name = "Percent of Ninth Graders", breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.1)) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = first_hs_name), nudge_y = 0.065, vjust = "top", size = I(4), 
            nudge_x = 0.01) +
  labs(title = "High School Graduation Rates by High School", 
       x = "Average 8th Grade Math Standardized Score",
       subtitle = "By Student Achievement Profile Upon High School Entry",
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 through 2005-2006 Agency first-time ", 
                        "ninth graders with eighth grade math test scores. \n", 
                        "Data from Agency administrative records."))

High School Completion Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles

Purpose: This analysis examines variation in completion rates for high schools among students with 8th grade test scores in the same quartile. The analysis is useful to explore high school completion rates across schools with students in the same quartile or range of achievement. Each high school is repeated as a blue bar in each quartile.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Highlight comparison schools to show variation across quartiles and explore reasons why students at different schools, but with similar academic profiles at high school entry, are more or less likely to graduate.

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students, by high school, who complete high school and an 8th grade test score quartile for each.

# // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school AND have non-missing eighth grade math scores

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad) %>% 
# // Step 2: btain the agency-level and school level high school graduation 
# rates by test score quartile

schoolLevel <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(qrt_8_math, first_hs_name) %>% 
    summarize(ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n()), 
  plotdf %>% ungroup %>% 
    summarize(first_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE",
              qrt_8_math = 1,
              ontime_grad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
              count = n())

# // Step 3: Recode HS Name for display
schoolLevel$first_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", schoolLevel$first_hs_name)
# //  Step 4: Create plot template
#  Load library for arranging multiple plots into one
library(gridExtra); library(grid)

# Create a plot template that you can drop different data elements into
p2 <-  ggplot(schoolLevel[schoolLevel$qrt_8_math == 2 & 
                       schoolLevel$first_hs_name != "Agency AVERAGE", ], 
       aes(x = reorder(first_hs_name, ontime_grad), y = ontime_grad)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept =
                   as.numeric(schoolLevel$ontime_grad[schoolLevel$first_hs_name ==
                                                        "Agency AVERAGE"]),
               linetype = 2, size = I(1.1)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "lightsteelblue4", color = I("black")) + 
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                       expand = c(0, 0), label = percent) + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, color = "black", 
                                                  vjust = 0.5, size = 6),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.line.y = element_blank(), 
          panel.border = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "", x = "") + 
    geom_text(aes(label = round(ontime_grad * 100, 0)), vjust = -0.2) +
    expand_limits(y = 0, x = 0)

# Step 5: Create four plots, three using the template above and with the legend, 
# put these in a list

grobList <- list(
  ggplot(schoolLevel[schoolLevel$qrt_8_math == 1 & 
                       schoolLevel$first_hs_name != "Agency AVERAGE", ], 
       aes(x = reorder(first_hs_name, ontime_grad), y = ontime_grad)) + 
        geom_hline(yintercept =
                     schoolLevel$ontime_grad[schoolLevel$first_hs_name ==
                                                          "Agency AVERAGE"],
                   linetype = 2, size = I(1.1)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "lightsteelblue4", color = I("black")) + 
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                       expand = c(0, 0), label = percent) + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, size = 6,
                                                  color = "black", vjust = 0.5),
          axis.line.y = element_line(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),panel.border = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", x = "") + 
    annotate(geom = "text", x = 5, 
    y = 0.025 + schoolLevel$ontime_grad[schoolLevel$first_hs_name == "Agency AVERAGE"], 
          label = "Agency Average") +
    geom_text(aes(label = round(ontime_grad * 100, 0)), vjust = -0.2) +
    expand_limits(y = 0, x = 0),
  # Use the %+% argument to pass a different data element to the p2 plot template
  p2 %+% schoolLevel[schoolLevel$qrt_8_math == 3 & 
                       schoolLevel$first_hs_name != "Agency AVERAGE", ],
  p2 %+% schoolLevel[schoolLevel$qrt_8_math == 4 & 
                       schoolLevel$first_hs_name != "Agency AVERAGE", ]

# Step 6: Apply a label to the bottom of each plot object
wrap <- mapply(arrangeGrob, grobList, 
               bottom = c("Bottom Quartile", "2nd Quartile", 
                          "3rd Quartile", "Top Quartile"), 

# Step 7: Draw the plot
grid.arrange(grobs=wrap, nrow=1, 
    top = "On-Time High School Graduation Rates \n by Prior Student Achievement", 
    bottom = textGrob(
      label = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 through 2005-2006 Agency first-time",
      "ninth graders with eighth grade math test scores. \n",
      "Data from Agency administrative records."), 
      gp=gpar(fontsize=10,lineheight=1), just = 1, x = unit(0.99, "npc")))

Racial Gaps in Completion Overall and by 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles

Purpose: This analysis displays an overall graduation gap by race, and examines the extent to which this gap is explained by average differences in academic achievement between racial sub-groups at high school entry. The analysis is useful to diagnose whether racial gaps in high school result from persistent academic achievement gaps that emerge in early grades, or if other factors unique to the high school experience drive high school completion rate differences by race.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Repeat analyses for only students that qualify for free or reduced price lunch (FRPL) to explore if racial gaps are better explained by disparities in prior academic achievement and family socioeconomic status.

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students who complete high school by race/ethnicity overall, and by race/ethnicity and 8th grade test score quartile.

# // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school AND have non-missing eighth grade math scores

plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad) %>% 

plotdf$race <- as_factor(plotdf$race_ethnicity)
# // Step 2: Obtain average on-time completion by race for agency
plotOne <- plotdf %>% group_by(race) %>% 
  summarize(ontimeGrad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm = TRUE), 
            N = n()) %>% ungroup %>% 
  filter(N > 100)

# // Step 3: Obtain average on-time completion by race for agency by 
# math score quartile
plotTwo <- plotdf %>% group_by(race, qrt_8_math) %>% 
  summarize(ontimeGrad = mean(ontime_grad, na.rm=TRUE), 
            N = n()) %>% ungroup %>% 
  filter(race %in% c("Black", "Asian", "Hispanic", "White"))

# // Step 4: Make labels
plotTwo$qrt_label <- NA
plotTwo$qrt_label[plotTwo$qrt_8_math == 1] <- "Bottom Quartile"
plotTwo$qrt_label[plotTwo$qrt_8_math == 2] <- "2nd Quartile"
plotTwo$qrt_label[plotTwo$qrt_8_math == 3] <- "3rd Quartile"
plotTwo$qrt_label[plotTwo$qrt_8_math == 4] <- "Top Quartile"

plotTwo$qrt_label <- factor(plotTwo$qrt_label, 
                            ordered = TRUE, 
                            levels = c("Bottom Quartile", 
                                       "2nd Quartile", 
                                       "3rd Quartile", 
                                       "Top Quartile"))
# // Step 5: Plot
ggplot(plotOne, aes( x= reorder(race, -N), y = ontimeGrad, fill = race)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = I("black")) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 4, guide = "none") + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(ontimeGrad*100, 0)), vjust = -0.4) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(),
                     axis.line = element_line()) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0), 
                     breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), name = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
                     label = percent) + 
  labs(x = "", title = "On-Time High School Graduation Rates",
       subtitle = "by Race", 
       caption = paste0(
         "Sample: 2004-2005 through 2005-2006 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n", 
         "All data from Agency administrative records."))

ggplot(plotTwo, aes( x = qrt_label, 
                     group= reorder(race, -N), y = ontimeGrad, fill = race)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", color = I("black"), position = "dodge") + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 4) + 
  guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow=1, title = "", keywidth = 2)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(ontimeGrad*100, 0)), position = position_dodge(0.9), vjust = -0.3) + 
  theme_bw() + theme(panel.grid = element_blank(), panel.border = element_blank(),
                     axis.line = element_line(), legend.position = "top") + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0), 
                     breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), name = "Percent of Ninth Graders", 
                     label = percent) + 
  labs(x = "", title = "On-Time High School Graduation Rates",
       subtitle = "by Race", 
       caption = paste0(
         "Sample: 2004-2005 through 2005-2006 Agency first-time ninth graders. \n ", 
         "All data from Agency administrative records."))

Enrollment Outcome in Year Four By On-Track Status At the End of Ninth Grade

Purpose: This analysis explores how strongly student performance in ninth grade predicts high school graduation three years later. Building upon our analysis of the relationship between student performance in ninth and tenth grade, the analysis assesses the utility of using course-level performance data early in students’ high school careers to assess risk of non-completion, and target students in need of academic and/or socio-emotional support.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions: - Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating high school AND are part of the on-track sample (attended the first semester of ninth grade and never transferred into or out of the system).

Ask Yourself - How does on-track status at the end of ninth grade relate to high school completion status at the end of four years?

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Repeat analyses for only students that qualify for free or reduced price lunch (FRPL) to explore whether racial gaps are better explained by disparities in prior academic achievement and family socioeconomic status.

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students who graduate high school within four years, dropout, remain enrolled in high school for a fifth year, etc. based on on-track status upon completion of ninth grade.

# // Step 1: Keep students in ninth grade cohorts you can observe graduating 
# high school AND have non-missing eighth grade math scores AND are part of 
# the on-track sample
plotdf <- filter(cgdata, chrt_ninth >= chrt_ninth_begin_grad & 
                   chrt_ninth <= chrt_ninth_end_grad)  %>% 
  filter(!is.na(cum_gpa_yr1)) %>% 
  filter(ontrack_sample == 1)

# // Step 2: Recode status variables
plotdf$statusVar <- as_factor(plotdf$status_after_yr4)

# // Step 3: Generate on-track indicators that take into account students' 
# GPA upon completion of their first year in high school
plotdf$ontrackStatus <- NA
plotdf$ontrackStatus[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 0] <- "Off-Track to Graduate"
plotdf$ontrackStatus[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 < 3 &
                       !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track, GPA < 3.0"
plotdf$ontrackStatus[plotdf$ontrack_endyr1 == 1 & plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1 >= 3 &
                       !is.na(plotdf$cum_gpa_yr1)] <- "On-Track, GPA >= 3.0"
# // Step 4: Create average outcomes by on-track status at the end of ninth grade
plotOne <- plotdf %>% group_by(ontrackStatus, statusVar) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>% ungroup %>%
  group_by(ontrackStatus) %>% 
  mutate(sum = sum(count))

# // Step 5: Recode negative values for dropped out and disappeared

plotOne$count[plotOne$statusVar == "Dropped Out"] <- 
  -plotOne$count[plotOne$statusVar == "Dropped Out"]
plotOne$count[plotOne$statusVar == "Disappeared"] <- 
  -plotOne$count[plotOne$statusVar == "Disappeared"]  
plotOne$statusVar <- ordered(plotOne$statusVar, 
                             c("Graduated On-Time", "Enrolled, Not Graduated", 
                               "Disappeared", "Dropped Out"))
ggplot(plotOne, aes(x = ontrackStatus, y = count/sum, fill = statusVar, 
                    group = statusVar)) + 
  geom_bar(stat="identity") + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round((count/sum) * 100, digits = 0))) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "div", palette=7, direction = -1) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0, size =1.1) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.6, 1), label = percent, 
                     breaks = seq(-0.6, 1, 0.2), name = "Percent of Students") + 
  labs(x = "Ninth Grade On-Track Status", fill = "Status After Year Four", 
       title = "Enrollment Status After Four Years in High School", 
       subtitle = "By Course Credits and GPA after First Year of High School", 
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2004-2005 through 2005-2006 Agency", 
                        " first-time ninth graders. \n", 
                        "Students who transferred into or out of the agency are", 
                        " excluded from the sample. \n",
                        "All data from Agency administrative records.")) + 
  theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = c(0.8, 0.2),
                          axis.text = element_text(color = "black")) 

College Enrollment

Given the substantial economic and social benefits of a college degree, understanding a high schools’ role in preparing students to persist through college is essential. This section provides a series of analyses that highlight college-going rates across high schools in your agency. You will consider whether high school graduates enroll in colleges and universities well-aligned to their incoming academic qualifications. This is one factor that may increase a students’ likelihood of college persistence and degree attainment.

To explore these questions, consider the following model analyses:

  1. College Enrollment Rates by High School
  2. Seamless and Delayed College Enrollment Rate by High School
  3. College Enrollment Rates by Average 8th Grade Achievement
  4. College Enrollment Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quantiles
  5. Rates of Non-Enrollment Among Graduates Highly Qualified to Attend Four-Year Colleges

The following three analyses in College Enrollment include the three Strategic Performance Indicators (SPIs) SDP has released to provide deeper insight into the college-going performance of educational systems. These SPIs were conducted using data from a number of SDP's partner agencies. This section of Analyze will help you conduct these analyses yourself. You can read more about the SPIs at sdp.cepr.harvard.edu/spi.

  1. Gaps in Rates of College Enrollment Between Latino High School Graduates and White High School Graduates
  2. College Enrollment Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles
  3. Undermatch Rates Among Highly Qualified High School Graduates

College Enrollment Rates by High School

Purpose: This analysis provides an agency snapshot of college enrollment to understand how patterns of college going for high school graduates vary across high schools. By illuminating the extent to which enrollment varies by entry time for seamless enrollers and college level (2- vs. 4-year), the analysis helps diagnose compositional differences for the college-bound population by high school attended.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself - How do college enrollment rates differ by high schools? Why might certain schools have a greater percentage of high school graduates enrolling in college? Do certain schools have higher percentages of 2-year or delayed college enrollers?

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Replicate this analysis to include all first-time ninth graders (i.e. ninth grade cohorts) in place of graduates. Additionally, create individual high school reports that provide more details for school administrators (top enrolling institutions of the school’s graduates).

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students who enroll in college by high school.

# // Step 2: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation
plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end)
# // Step 3: Obtain the agency-level and school averages for seamless enrollment

chartData <- 
  bind_rows(plotdf %>% select(last_hs_name, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr,
                              enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, hs_diploma) %>%
              group_by(last_hs_name) %>% 
              summarize_all(funs(sum), na.rm=TRUE),
  plotdf %>% select(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, 
                               hs_diploma) %>% 
    summarize_all(funs(sum), na.rm=TRUE) %>% 
    mutate(last_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE")

# // Step 4: Reshape agency data for plotting
chartData <- chartData %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -last_hs_name, -hs_diploma)

# // Step 5: Calculate rates
chartData %<>% group_by(last_hs_name) %>% 
  mutate(enroll_any = sum(measure) / hs_diploma[1]) %>% 

# // Step 6: Recode variables
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub("High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)
# Split levels
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" ", "\n", chartData$last_hs_name)
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr"] <- 
  "2-yr Seamless Enroller"
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr"] <- 
  "4-yr Seamless Enroller"
ggplot(chartData, aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, enroll_any), 
                      y = measure/hs_diploma, 
                      fill = outcome, group = outcome)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack", color = I("black")) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * measure/hs_diploma)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * enroll_any), y = enroll_any), 
            vjust = -0.5, color = I("gray60")) +
  theme_classic() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                     expand = c(0,0),
                     label = percent) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "", type = "qual", palette = 1) +
  labs(x = "", y = "Percent of High School Graduates", 
       title = "College Enrollment by High School", 
       subtitle = "Seamless Enrollers", 
       caption = paste0(
         "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency graduates.",
         "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records.", 
         "\n All other data from administrative records.")) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.8, color = "black"), 
        legend.position = c(0.1, 0.8), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

Seamless and Delayed College Enrollment Rates by High School

Purpose: This analysis provides an agency snapshot of college enrollment to understand how patterns of college going for high school graduates vary across high schools. By illuminating the extent to which enrollment varies by entry time (seamless vs. delayed) and college level (2- vs. 4-year), the analysis helps diagnose compositional differences for the college-bound population by high school attended.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Replicate this analysis to include all first-time ninth graders (i.e. ninth grade cohorts) in place of graduates. Additionally, create individual high school reports that provide more details for school administrators (top enrolling institutions of the school’s graduates).

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of graduates who enroll in four-year institutions across high schools according to the selectivity ranking of the postsecondary institutions attended.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_ever_w2_grad_2yr, enrl_ever_w2_grad_any,
         enrl_ever_w2_grad_4yr, hs_diploma, last_hs_code, last_hs_name)
# // Step 2: Create binary outcomes for late enrollers
# NA now means that there is no postsec
plotdf$late_any <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 0 & 
                            plotdf$enrl_ever_w2_grad_any == 1, 1, 0)
plotdf$late_4yr <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 0 & 
                            plotdf$enrl_ever_w2_grad_4yr == 1, 1, 0)
plotdf$late_2yr <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 0 & 
                            plotdf$enrl_ever_w2_grad_2yr == 1, 1, 0)

# // Step 3: Obtain the agency and school average for seamless and 
# delayed enrollment

chartData <-  bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% select(last_hs_name, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, 
                              enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, late_4yr, late_2yr,
                              hs_diploma) %>%
              group_by(last_hs_name) %>% 
              summarize_all(funs(sum), na.rm=TRUE),
  plotdf %>% select(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, 
                              enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, late_4yr, late_2yr,
                              hs_diploma) %>% 
    summarize_all(funs(sum), na.rm=TRUE) %>% 
    mutate(last_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE")

# // Step 4: Reshape for plotting

chartData <- chartData %>% gather(key = outcome, 
                             value = measure, -last_hs_name, -hs_diploma)

# // Step 5: Generate percentages of high school grads attending college. 

chartData %<>% group_by(last_hs_name) %>% 
  mutate(enroll_any = sum(measure) / hs_diploma[1]) %>% 

# // Step 6: Recode values for plotting
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub("High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" ", "\n", chartData$last_hs_name)
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr"] <- "2-yr Seamless"
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr"] <- "4-yr Seamless"
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "late_2yr"] <- "2-yr Delayed"
chartData$outcome[chartData$outcome == "late_4yr"] <- "4-yr Delayed"
# // Step 7: Plot
ggplot(chartData, aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, enroll_any), 
                      y = measure/hs_diploma, 
                      fill = outcome, group = outcome)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack", color = I("black")) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * measure/hs_diploma)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * enroll_any), y = enroll_any), 
            vjust = -0.5, color = I("gray60")) +
  theme_classic() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                     expand = c(0,0),
                     label = percent) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(name = "", type = "seq", palette = "YlGnBu") +
  labs(x = "", y = "Percent of High School Graduates", 
       title = "College Enrollment by High School", 
       subtitle = "Seamless and Delayed Enrollers", 
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency graduates.",
                        "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records.", 
                        "\n All other data from administrative records.")) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.8, color = "black"), 
        legend.position = c(0.1, 0.8), axis.ticks.x = element_blank())

College Enrollment Rates by Average 8th Grade Achievement

Purpose: This analysis displays variations in college enrollment rates across high schools by examining the extent to which academic achievement at high school entry explains variation in college going across high schools. This analysis is useful to identify high schools with similar incoming student achievement profiles but divergent college enrollment rates; or on the other hand, high schools with similar college-going rates but different academic performance at high school entry.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself - What might explain variation in college enrollment rates for high schools with similar incoming achievement? What might explain variation in incoming achievement for high schools with similar college enrollment rates?

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Repeat this analysis to include all first-time ninth graders (i.e. ninth grade cohorts) in place of graduates, and explore college enrollment within two years of high school completion. Additionally, replicate this analysis to explore the relationship between college enrollment and students’ ELA achievement at high school entry. Consider why schools with similar incoming student profiles may report dramatically different college-going rates. Conversely, consider why schools with dissimilar student bodies report similar matriculation rates to college.

Analytic Technique: Bivariate scatterplot of school-level average student test scores and college enrollment rates.

# // Step 2: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation AND have non-missing eighth 
# grade math scores

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, test_math_8_std,
         last_hs_name) %>% 
# // Step 2: Obtain agency-level college enrollment rate and prior 
# achievement score for dotted lines. Also get position of their labels

AGENCYLEVEL <- plotdf %>% 
  summarize(agency_mean_enroll = mean(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            agency_mean_test = mean(test_math_8_std)) %>% 

# // Step 3: Obtain school-level college enrollment rates and prior 
# achievement scores
chartData <- plotdf %>% group_by(last_hs_name) %>% 
  summarize(math_test = mean(test_math_8_std), 
            enroll_rate = mean(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            count = n())
# // Step 4: Shorten HS name for plotting
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub("High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" ", "\n", chartData$last_hs_name)
# // Step 5: Plot
ggplot(chartData, aes(x = math_test, y = enroll_rate)) + 
  geom_point() + geom_text(aes(label = last_hs_name), 
                           nudge_x = -0.02, nudge_y= 0.02, angle = 30,
                           check_overlap = FALSE) +
  theme_classic() + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = AGENCYLEVEL$agency_mean_enroll, linetype = 2, 
             size = I(1.1), color = I("slateblue")) +
  geom_vline(xintercept = AGENCYLEVEL$agency_mean_test, linetype = 2, 
             size = I(1.1), color = I("goldenrod")) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), label = percent) + 
  scale_x_continuous(limits = c(-0.8, 1), breaks = seq(-0.8, 1, 0.2)) + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -.675, y = 0.025, 
           label = "Below average math scores & \n below average college enrollment", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .88, y = 0.025, 
           label = "Above average math scores & \n below average college enrollment", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .88, y = 0.975, 
           label = "Above average math scores & \n above average college enrollment", 
           size = I(2.5)) +
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -.675, y = 0.975, 
           label = "Below average math scores & \n above average college enrollment", 
           size = I(2.5)) + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = .255, y = 0.125, 
           label = "Agency Average \n Test Score", 
           size = I(2.5), color = I("goldenrod")) + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = -.675, y = 0.71, 
           label = "Agency Average \nCollege Enrollment Rate", 
           size = I(2.5)) + 
  labs(x = "Percent of High School Graduates", 
       y = "Average 8th Grade Math Standardized Score", 
       title = "College Enrollment Rates by Prior Student Achievement",
       subtitle = "Seamless Enrollers", 
       caption = paste0("Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency graduates. Postsecondary", 
                        " enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n ", 
                        "All other data from administrative records.")) + 
  theme(axis.text = element_text(color="black", size = 12))

College Enrollment Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quartiles

Purpose: This analysis explores whether variation in college enrollment across high schools is similar among low-, middle, and top-achieving students. It also considers whether overall variation across schools derives from concentrated divergence among students scoring in a particular achievement range. Additionally, the analysis facilitates granular school-to-school comparisons to identify those especially under-, or over-performing within each achievement quartile. Finally, the analysis also helps identify which student subgroups require additional resources and support within each school.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Repeat this analysis to include all first-time ninth graders (i.e. ninth grade cohorts) in place of graduates, and explore college enrollment within two years of high school completion. Additionally, replicate this analysis to explore the relationship between college enrollment and students’ ELA achievement at high school entry. Consider why schools with similar incoming student profiles may report dramatically different college-going rates. Conversely, consider why schools with distinct student bodies may report similar matriculation rates to college.

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of graduates who enrolled in college by October 1st following their high school graduation year by high school and 8th grade test score quartile.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation AND have non-missing eighth 
# grade math scores

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, qrt_8_math,
         last_hs_name) %>% 
# // Step 2: Obtain the overall agency-level high school graduation rate for 
# dotted line along with the position of its label
AGENCYLEVEL <- plotdf %>% 
  summarize(agency_mean_enroll = mean(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 

# // Step 5: Obtain school-level and agency level college enrollment rates by 
# test score quartile and append the agency-level enrollment rates 
# by quartile
chartData <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(last_hs_name, qrt_8_math) %>% 
  summarize(enroll_rate = mean(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            count = n()),
  plotdf %>% group_by(qrt_8_math) %>% 
  summarize(enroll_rate = mean(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            count = n(), 
            last_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE")

# // Step 6: Recode HS Name for plotting
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub("High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)
# chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" ", "\n", chartData$last_hs_name)
# // Step 7: Make plot for first panel with legend and labels

p1 <- ggplot(chartData[chartData$qrt_8_math == 1, ], 
       aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, enroll_rate), y = enroll_rate)) + 
        geom_hline(yintercept = as.numeric(AGENCYLEVEL$agency_mean_enroll),
               linetype = 2, size = I(1.1)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "lightsteelblue4", color = I("black")) + 
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                       expand = c(0, 0), label = percent) + 
    theme_bw() + 
  annotate(geom = "text", x = 6, y = 0.775, label = "Agency Average") +
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, size=6,
                                                  color = "black", vjust = 0.5),
          axis.line.y = element_line(),  axis.line.x = element_line(),
          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),panel.border = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "Percent of Ninth Graders", x = "") + 
    geom_text(aes(label = round(enroll_rate * 100, 0)), vjust = -0.2) +
    expand_limits(y = 0, x = 0)

# // Step 8 : Make Template for following 3 panels with fewer legends and 
# labels

p2 <-  ggplot(chartData[chartData$qrt_8_math == 2, ], 
       aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, enroll_rate), y = enroll_rate)) +
      geom_hline(yintercept = as.numeric(AGENCYLEVEL$agency_mean_enroll),
               linetype = 2, size = I(1.1)) +
  geom_bar(stat = "identity", fill = "lightsteelblue4", color = I("black")) + 
    scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0,1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                       expand = c(0, 0), label = percent) + 
    theme_bw() + 
    theme(panel.grid = element_blank(),
                       axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, size=6,
                                                  color = "black", vjust = 0.5),
          axis.ticks = element_blank(), axis.line.x = element_line(),
          axis.text.y = element_blank(), axis.line.y = element_blank(), 
          panel.border = element_blank()) +
    labs(y = "", x = "") + 
    geom_text(aes(label = round(enroll_rate * 100, 0)), vjust = -0.2) +
    expand_limits(y = 0, x = 0)

# schoolLevel$order <-

# // Step 9: Combine first plot with template applied to quartiles 2, 3, and 4
# Use %+% operator to replace the data in the plot template with another data
# set
grobList <- list(
  p2 %+% chartData[chartData$qrt_8_math == 3, ],
  p2 %+% chartData[chartData$qrt_8_math == 4, ]

# // Step 10: Apply quartile labels to each panel
wrap <- mapply(arrangeGrob, grobList, 
               bottom = c("Bottom Quartile", "2nd Quartile", 
                          "3rd Quartile", "Top Quartile"), 

# // Step 11: Plot with labels
grid.arrange(grobs=wrap, nrow=1, 
             top = paste0("College Enrollment Rates ", 
                          "\n by Prior Student Achievement, Seamless Enrollers Only"), 
             bottom = textGrob(label = paste0(
               "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009.",
               "Agency graduates with eighth grade math scores. \n", 
               "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n", 
               "All other data from Agency administrative records."
               ), gp=gpar(fontsize=10,lineheight=1), just = 1, 
               x = unit(0.99, "npc")))

Rates of College Enrollment by College Type Among Highly Qualified Graduates

Purpose: Research consistently finds wide variation in rates of persistence and completion across postsecondary institutions. This analysis examines whether high school graduates enroll in colleges and universities that provide the right academic fit to maximize their chances of completion. "Match"describes the extent high school graduates with strong academic records attend colleges and universities that allow them to take advantage of their ambition and abilities. While "matching" to an appropriately selective college is only one factor to consider when choosing a postsecondary institution, the implications of under-matching (i.e. lower rates of persistence and degree completion) suggest students should be encouraged to attend realistic, yet challenging postsecondary institutions.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: This analysis leads to important questions that warrant further exploration. What factors drive undermatch differences across student subgroups and high schools? To what extent is undermatching concentrated among first-time college-goers? To what extent is undermatching driven by students’ proximity to 2-year versus 4-year institutions? What college aspirations do incoming ninth graders hold, and do these aspirations change by the time they enter or complete 12th grade? To what extent are teachers, counselors, and administrators supported to work with students to cultivate postsecondary aspirations and weigh factors in the college selection process?

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of highly qualified graduates who do not enroll in college, enroll in 2-year college, and enroll in least competitive and unranked 4-year colleges the fall following high school graduation.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, race_ethnicity, highly_qualified, 
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr)

# Use race_ethnicity as a labeled factor for plotting
plotdf$race_ethnicity <- as_factor(plotdf$race_ethnicity)
# // Step 2: Take total of all students in sample
totalCount <- nrow(plotdf)
# // Step 3: Create "undermatch" outcomes
plotdf$no_college <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 0, 1, 0)
plotdf$enrl_2yr <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr == 1, 1, 0)
plotdf$enrl_4yr <- ifelse(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr == 1, 1, 0)

# // Step 3: Create agency-level outcomes for total undermatching rates
agencyLevel <- plotdf %>% filter(highly_qualified == 1) %>% 
  summarize(no_college = mean(no_college, na.rm=TRUE), 
            enrl_2yr = mean(enrl_2yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            enrl_4yr = mean(enrl_4yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            total_count = n(), 
            race_ethnicity = "TOTAL")

# // Step 4: Create race/ethnicity-level outcomes for undermatching rates by 
# race/ethnicity
chartData <- plotdf %>% filter(highly_qualified == 1) %>% 
  group_by(race_ethnicity) %>%
  summarize(no_college = mean(no_college, na.rm=TRUE), 
            enrl_2yr = mean(enrl_2yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            enrl_4yr = mean(enrl_4yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            total_count = n())

chartData <- bind_rows(chartData, agencyLevel)

# // Step 5: Convert negative outcomes to negative values and reshape 
# data for plotting
chartData$no_college <- -chartData$no_college
chartData$enrl_2yr <- -chartData$enrl_2yr
chartData <- chartData %>% gather(key = outcome, value = measure, 
                                  -race_ethnicity, -total_count)

# // Step 7: Convert to percentages and relabel ethnicities for plot labels
chartData$groupPer <- round(100 * chartData$total_count/totalCount)
chartData$race_ethnicity[chartData$race_ethnicity == "Black"] <- "African American"
chartData$race_ethnicity[chartData$race_ethnicity == "Asian"] <- "Asian American"
chartData$race_ethnicity[chartData$race_ethnicity == "Hispanic"] <- "Hispanic American"
chartData$race_ethnicity[chartData$race_ethnicity == "TOTAL"] <- "Total"

chartData$label <- paste0(chartData$race_ethnicity, "\n ", 
                          chartData$groupPer, "% of Graduates")

chartData %<>% filter(chartData$race_ethnicity != "Multiple/Other")

# // Step 8: Create a label variable to label the outcomes on the plot
chartData$outcomeLabel <- NA
chartData$outcomeLabel[chartData$outcome == "no_college"] <- "Not Enrolled in College"
chartData$outcomeLabel[chartData$outcome == "enrl_2yr"] <- "Enrolled at 2-Yr College"
chartData$outcomeLabel[chartData$outcome == "enrl_4yr"] <- "Enrolled at 4-Yr College"

# // Step 9: Order the factor to plot in the correct order
chartData$outcomeLabel <- factor(chartData$outcomeLabel, 
                                 ordered = TRUE, 
                                 levels = c("Enrolled at 4-Yr College", 
                                            "Not Enrolled in College", 
                                            "Enrolled at 2-Yr College"))
#// Step 10: Create a caption to put under the figure

myCap <- paste0(
        "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency first-time ninth graders. ", 
        "Students who transferred into or out of\nAgency are excluded ", 
        "from the sample. Eligibility to attend a public four-year university ", 
        "is based on students' cumulative GPA\nand ACT/SAT scores. ",
        "Sample includes 30 African American, 82 Asian American students, ",
        "53 Hispanic, \nand 198 White students. ", 
        "Post-secondary enrollment data are from NSC matched records.")

# // Step 11: Plot

ggplot(chartData, aes(x = reorder(label, total_count), y = measure, 
                      group = outcomeLabel, 
                      fill = outcomeLabel)) + 
  geom_bar(position = 'stack', stat = 'identity', color = I("black")) + 
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(measure * 100, 0)), 
            position=position_stack(vjust = 0.85)) +
  scale_y_continuous(label = percent) +
  theme_classic() + 
  guides(fill = guide_legend(nrow=1, title = "", keywidth = 2)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 2, direction = -1) + 
  theme(legend.position = "top", axis.text = element_text(color = "black"), 
        plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 8), 
        plot.title = element_text(hjust = 0.5), 
        plot.subtitle = element_text(hjust = 0.5)) + 
  labs(x = "", y = "Percent of Highly-Qualified Graduates", 
       title = "Rates of Highly Qualified Students Attending College, by Race", 
       subtitle = "Among Graduates Eligible to Attend Four-Year Universities", 
       caption = myCap)

Gaps in Rates of College Enrollment Between Latino and White Graduates

Purpose: This Strategic Performance Indicator explores gaps in college enrollment rates by ethnicity, before and after accounting for differences in prior academic achievement, socioeconomic status, and both of these background characteristics. While the analysis evaluates separately the college enrollment gaps between Black and White students and between Latino and White students, it can be modified to focus on the gap between any two races or ethnicities.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the difference between the proportion of Black (or Latino) high school graduates and the proportion of White high school graduates who enrolled in college—in raw terms and after accounting for 8th grade test scores, for eligibility for Free or Reduced Price Lunch (FRPL), and for both of these characteristics.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation AND have non-missing eighth 
# grade test scores AND non-missing FRPL status

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, race_ethnicity, test_math_8, frpl_ever,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, last_hs_code) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(frpl_ever) & !is.na(test_math_8)) %>% 
  filter(race_ethnicity %in% c(1, 3, 5) & !is.na(race_ethnicity)) %>%

# // Step 2: Recode variables and create cluster variable
plotdf$race_ethnicity <- as_factor(plotdf$race_ethnicity)
plotdf$race_ethnicity <- relevel(plotdf$race_ethnicity, ref = "White")
# // Step 3: Create a unique identifier for clustering standard errors 
# at the cohort/school level
plotdf$cluster_var <- paste(plotdf$chrt_grad, plotdf$last_hs_code, sep = "-")
# Load the broom library to make working with model coefficients simple 
# and uniform

# // Step 4: Estimate the unadjusted and adjusted differences in college 
# enrollment between Latino and white students and between black and white 
# students 

# Estimate unadjusted enrollment gap
#  Fit the model
mod1 <- lm(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any ~ race_ethnicity, data = plotdf)
#  Extract the coefficients
betas_unadj <- tidy(mod1)
#  Get the clustered variance-covariance matrix
#  Use the get_CL_vcov function from the functions.R script
clusterSE <- get_CL_vcov(mod1, plotdf$cluster_var)
#  Get the clustered standard errors and combine with the betas
betas_unadj$std.error <- sqrt(diag(clusterSE))
betas_unadj <- betas_unadj[, 1:3]
#  Label
betas_unadj$model <- "Unadjusted enrollment gap"

# Estimate enrollment gap adjusting for prior achievement
mod2 <- lm(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any ~ race_ethnicity + test_math_8, data = plotdf)
betas_adj_prior_ach <- tidy(mod2)
clusterSE <- get_CL_vcov(mod2, plotdf$cluster_var)
betas_adj_prior_ach$std.error <- sqrt(diag(clusterSE))
betas_adj_prior_ach <- betas_adj_prior_ach[, 1:3]
betas_adj_prior_ach$model <- "Gap adjusted for prior achievement"

# Estimate enrollment gap adjusting for frpl status
plotdf$frpl_ever <- ifelse(plotdf$frpl_ever > 0, 1, 0)
mod3 <- lm(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any ~ race_ethnicity + frpl_ever, data = plotdf)
betas_adj_frpl <- tidy(mod3)
clusterSE <- get_CL_vcov(mod3, plotdf$cluster_var)
betas_adj_frpl$std.error <- sqrt(diag(clusterSE))
betas_adj_frpl <- betas_adj_frpl[, 1:3]
betas_adj_frpl$model <- "Gap adjusted for FRPL status"

# Estimate enrollment gap adjusting for prior achievement and frpl status
mod4 <- lm(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any ~ race_ethnicity + frpl_ever + test_math_8, 
           data = plotdf)
betas_adj_frpl_prior <- tidy(mod4)
clusterSE <- get_CL_vcov(mod4, plotdf$cluster_var)
betas_adj_frpl_prior$std.error <- sqrt(diag(clusterSE))
betas_adj_frpl_prior <- betas_adj_frpl_prior[, 1:3]
betas_adj_frpl_prior$model <- "Gap adjusted for prior achievement & FRPL status"

# // Step 5. Transform the regression coefficients to a data object for plotting
chartData <- bind_rows(betas_unadj, betas_adj_frpl, betas_adj_prior_ach, 
# Cleanup workspace
rm(plotdf, betas_unadj, betas_adj_frpl, betas_adj_frpl_prior, 
# // Step 6. Plot
ggplot(chartData[chartData$term == "race_ethnicityHispanic", ],
       aes(x = model, y = -estimate, fill = model)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', color = I("black")) + 
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "seq", palette = 8) +
  geom_hline(yintercept = 0) + 
  guides(fill = guide_legend("", keywidth = 6, nrow = 2)) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * -estimate, 0)), vjust = -0.3) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.2, 0.5), breaks = seq(-0.2, 0.5, 0.1), 
                     label = percent, name = "Percentage Points") + 
  theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
                          axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + 
  labs(title = paste0("Differences in Rates of College Enrollment", 
                      " \nBetween Latino and White High School Graduates"), 
       x = "",
       caption = paste0(
                  "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 high school graduates. \n",
                  "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n",
                  "All other data from Agency administrative records.")

College Enrollment Rates by 8th Grade Achievement Quartile Bubbles

Purpose: This SPI highlights the variation in college-going rates across high schools when students with similar prior achievement are compared. To conduct these comparisons, we first sort all incoming ninth-graders into quartiles based on their 8th grade test scores. We then examine college-going rates by high school among graduates within each of these quartiles.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the share of students in each 8th grade test score quartile at each high school who enroll in college seamlessly after high school graduation.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation AND have non-missing eighth 
# grade test scores
plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, qrt_8_math, hs_diploma,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, last_hs_name) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(qrt_8_math)) %>% 
# // Step 2: Create agency- and school-level average outcomes for each quartile

chartData <- plotdf %>% group_by(last_hs_name, qrt_8_math) %>% 
  summarize(enroll_count = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any),
            diploma_count = sum(hs_diploma)) %>% 
  mutate(pct_enrl = enroll_count/diploma_count)

agencyData <- plotdf %>% group_by(qrt_8_math) %>% 
  summarize(enroll_count = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any),
            diploma_count = sum(hs_diploma)) %>% 
  mutate(pct_enrl = enroll_count/diploma_count) %>% as.data.frame
# // Step 3: Plot

ggplot(chartData, aes(x = factor(qrt_8_math), y = pct_enrl)) + 
  geom_point(aes(size = diploma_count), shape = 1) + 
  scale_size(range = c(3, 12), breaks = seq(0, 350, 75)) + 
  geom_point(data=agencyData, aes(x = factor(qrt_8_math), 
                                  y = pct_enrl, size = NULL), 
             color = I("red"), size = I(4)) +
  theme_classic() + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                     label = percent) +
  labs(y = "Percent of High School Graduates", 
       x = "Quartile of Prior Achievement", 
       title = "College Enrollment Rates Among High School Gradautes", 
       subtitle = "Within Quartile of Prior Achievement, by High School", 
        caption = paste0(
                  "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 high school graduates. \n", 
                  "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n", 
                  "All other data from Agency administrative records.")

Undermatch Rates Among Highly Qualified High School Graduates

Purpose: This Strategic Performance Indicator examines the prevalence of "undermatch" in the agency—that is, the extent to which high school graduates with strong academic records pursue enrollment in colleges and universities less selective than those for which they are likely qualified. The SPI does so by illustrating the rates at which highly qualified graduates are enrolling at 2-year colleges, less competitive 4-year colleges, or forgoing college altogether, instead of pursuing selective colleges that may provide a better academic and social fit for these students’ potential, ambition, and preparation.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

A Note on College Selectivity

To determine the selectivity of the postsecondary institutions in which high school graduates enroll, we typically rely on Barron’s College Rankings. Barron’s has developed well-established college selectivity ratings based on the degree of admissions competitiveness at four-year colleges and universities. Factors used in determining these rankings include the median SAT and ACT scores, high school class rankings, and grade point average among incoming college freshmen. The seven selectivity rankings Barron’s assigns are "Most Competitive", "Highly Competitive," "Very Competitive," "Competitive," "Less Competitive," "Non-Competitive," and "Special." As part of this exercise, we have provided a simplified table from which the selectivity ratings of the colleges and universities included in this dataset can be obtained. In conducting this analysis for your own agency, you need to select a source of college selectivity ratings, such as Barron’s, and use it in place of the college selectivity table used in this exercise.

Ask Yourself

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation AND are highy qualified

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_begin) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, highly_qualified, first_college_opeid_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr) %>% 
  filter(!is.na(highly_qualified)) %>% 
  filter(highly_qualified ==1 )

# // Step 2: Link the analysis file with the college selectivity table to obtain 
# the selectivity level for each college. Use this selectivity information to 
# create college enrollment indicator variables for each college selectivity 
# level. This script assumes that there are 5 levels of selectivity, as in 
# Barron’s College Rankings—Most Competitive (1), Highly Competitive (2), 
# Very Competitive (3), Competitive (4), Least Competitive (5)—as well as a 
# category for colleges without assigned selectivity (assumed to be not 
# competitive).

# Read in college selectivity data
tmpfileName <- "analysis/college_selectivity.dta"
con <- unz(description = "data/analysis.zip", filename = tmpfileName, 
           open = "rb")
coll_select <- read_stata(con) # read data in the data subdirectory

# Merge on to subset from above
plotdf <- left_join(plotdf, coll_select, 
                    by = c("first_college_opeid_4yr" = "college_id"))
# Filter out
plotdf %<>% filter(!(first_college_opeid_4yr == "" & enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr == 1))
# // Step 4. Create the undermatch outcomes
plotdf$rank[is.na(plotdf$rank)] <- 6
plotdf$outcome <- NA
plotdf$outcome[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 0] <- "No college"
plotdf$outcome[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr == 1] <- "Two year college"
plotdf$outcome[is.na(plotdf$outcome) & 
                 plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 1 & (plotdf$rank > 4)] <- "Undermatch"
plotdf$outcome[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any == 1 & plotdf$rank <= 4] <- "Match"

# // Step 5 Create agency-average undermatch outcomes and transform them into % terms
chartData <- plotdf %>% group_by(outcome) %>% 
  summarize(count = n()) %>% ungroup %>% 
  mutate(totalCount = sum(count))

chartData %<>% filter(outcome != "Match") %>% 
# // Step 6: Plot

ggplot(arrange(chartData, -count), 
       aes(x = factor(1), fill = outcome, y = count/totalCount)) +
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = "stack", color = I("black")) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette= 3, direction=1) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend("", keywidth = 6, nrow = 2)) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(100 * count/totalCount, 1)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 0.40), breaks = seq(0, 0.4, 0.1), 
                     label = percent, name = "Percent of High School Graduates") + 
  theme_classic() + theme(legend.position = "bottom", axis.text.x = element_blank(), 
                          axis.ticks.x = element_blank()) + 
  labs(title = "Undermatch Rates by Agency", 
       subtitle = "Among Highly Qualified High School Graduates",
       x = "",
       caption = paste0(
                "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 high school graduates. \n",
                 "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n", 
                "All other data from Agency administrative records."))

College Persistence

For many high school graduates, college enrollment is just the first of many hurdles on the road to postsecondary success. While considerable attention has been paid to challenges that surround college preparedness, access, and enrollment, only recently has conversation expanded to consider barriers to degree completion. These barriers must be understood and addressed at both the secondary and postsecondary levels for college attainment rates to increase. In the last section of the education pipeline, you examine patterns of persistence to the second year of college to identify early indications of student progress towards degree attainment.

To explore college persistence, use the models below:

  1. Persistence Rates to the Second Year of College By High School
  2. Persistence Across Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges
  3. Top Enrolling Colleges and Universities of Agency Graduates

Persistence Rates to the Second Year of College by High School

Purpose: Initial enrollment decisions can dramatically affect higher education trajectories and the likelihood of degree attainment. This analysis provides a snapshot of persistence to the second year of college by examining persistence rates across high schools in the system. The analysis illuminates differences in persistence by level of college first attended (two-year vs. four-year). Given another year of sample data, the analysis could also be conducted by time of initial entry (seamless vs. delayed enrollment).

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Consider establishing MOUs with local community colleges to obtain detailed data on graduates’ postsecondary pursuits at two-year colleges (Course enrollment and transcript data) allowing agencies to explore persistence rates by assignment to remediation coursework.

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of students who persist to the second year of college by the high school those students first attended.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_grad_persist_any, 
         enrl_grad_persist_2yr, enrl_grad_persist_4yr, last_hs_name, 

# // Step 2: Rename and recode for simplicity
plotdf$groupVar <- NA
plotdf$groupVar[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr == 1] <- "2-year College"
plotdf$groupVar[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr == 1] <- "4-year College"
# // Step 3: Obtain the agency-level average for persistence and enrollment
agencyData <- plotdf %>% group_by(groupVar) %>%
  summarize(persistCount = sum(enrl_grad_persist_any, na.rm=TRUE),
            totalCount = n()) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(total = sum(persistCount)) %>% 
  mutate(persistRate = persistCount / totalCount, 
         last_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE")

# // Step 4: Obtain the school-level average for persistence and enrollment
schoolData <- plotdf %>% group_by(groupVar, last_hs_name) %>%
  summarize(persistCount = sum(enrl_grad_persist_any, na.rm=TRUE), 
            totalCount = n()) %>% 
  ungroup %>% group_by(last_hs_name) %>%
  mutate(total = sum(persistCount)) %>% 
  mutate(persistRate = persistCount / totalCount)

# Combine for chart
chartData <- bind_rows(agencyData, schoolData)
# // Step 5: Recode variables for plotting 
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)

# // STep 6: Filter rows out with missing values or small cell sizes
chartData <- na.omit(chartData)
chartData <- filter(chartData, totalCount > 20)

# // Step 7: Calculate rank for plot order
chartData <- chartData %>% group_by(groupVar) %>% 
  mutate(order = min_rank(-persistRate))
chartData %<>% arrange(last_hs_name)

# Make ranks the same for 2 and 4 year colleges
chartData$order[chartData$groupVar == "2-year College"] <-
  chartData$order[chartData$groupVar == "4-year College"] 
# Conver to a factor and order for ggplot purposes
chartData$groupVar <- factor(chartData$groupVar)
chartData$groupVar <- relevel(chartData$groupVar, ref = "4-year College")
# // Step 8: Plot
ggplot(chartData, aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, -order), 
                                      group = groupVar, 
                      y = persistRate, fill = groupVar, 
                      color = I("black"))) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'dodge') +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(persistRate * 100, 0)), 
            position = position_dodge(0.9), vjust = -0.4) +
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2), 
                     name = "% Of Seamless Enrollers", 
                     expand = c(0,0), label = percent) +
  theme_classic() + 
  guides(fill = guide_legend("", keywidth = 3, nrow = 2)) + 
  theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.5, color = "black"), 
        legend.position = c(0.1, 0.925), axis.ticks.x = element_blank(),
        legend.key = element_rect(color = "black")) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "div", palette = 2) + 
  labs(x = "", 
       title = "College Persistence by High School, at Any College", 
       subtitle = "Seamless Enrollers by Type of College", 
       caption = paste0(
         "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency high school graduates.\n",
                 "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n", 
                  "All other data from agency administrative records"))

Persistence Across Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges

Purpose: This analysis provides a snapshot of persistence to the second year of college from one type of college to another for different high schools in the system. The left analysis charts explores how seamless enrollers in 4-year colleges either persist at a 4-year or switch to a 2-year. The right analysis charts how seamless enrollers in 2-year colleges either persist at a 2-year or switch to a 4-year.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Possible Next Steps or Action Plans: Create individual school-level reports for administrators and college counselors to communicate which postsecondary institutions are associated with greater rates of persistence. Additionally, conduct similar analyses that include more detailed institutional information that may be associated with students’ prospects of persisting (e.g. cost of tuition and room/board, financial aid, etc.).

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of 4-yr college-goers who persist through four years of college by the postsecondary institution first attended and cumulative high school GPA category.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_any, enrl_grad_persist_any, 
         enrl_grad_persist_2yr, enrl_grad_persist_4yr, last_hs_name) 
# Clean up missing data for binary recoding
plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_4yr <- zeroNA(plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_4yr)
plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_2yr <- zeroNA(plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_2yr)
plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr <- zeroNA(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr)
plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr <- zeroNA(plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr)

# // Step 2: Create binary outcomes for enrollers who switch from 4-yr to 2-yr, 
# or vice versa and recode variables
plotdf$persist_pattern <- "Not persisting"
plotdf$persist_pattern[plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_4yr == 1 &
                         !is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad)] <- "Persisted at 4-Year College"
plotdf$persist_pattern[plotdf$enrl_grad_persist_2yr ==1 &
                         !is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad)] <- "Persisted at 2-Year College"
plotdf$persist_pattern[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr == 1 & 
                        plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_2yr == 1 & 
                         !is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad)] <- "Switched to 2-Year College"
plotdf$persist_pattern[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr == 1 & 
                        plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_4yr == 1 & 
                         !is.na(plotdf$chrt_grad)] <- "Switched to 4-Year College"

plotdf$groupVar <- NA
plotdf$groupVar[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr == 1] <- "2-year College"
plotdf$groupVar[plotdf$enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr == 1] <- "4-year College"
# Drop NA
plotdf %<>% filter(!is.na(groupVar))
# // Step 3: Obtain agency and school level average for persistence outcomes
chartData <- plotdf %>% 
  group_by(last_hs_name, groupVar, persist_pattern) %>% 
  summarize(tally = n()) %>% # counts the occurrence persist_pattern
  ungroup %>% 
  group_by(last_hs_name, groupVar) %>% # regroup by grouping variable and school
  mutate(denominator = sum(tally)) %>% # sum all levels of persist_pattern
  mutate(persistRate = tally / denominator) %>% # calculate rate
  filter(persist_pattern != "Not persisting") %>%
  mutate(rankRate = sum(persistRate))

agencyData <- plotdf %>%
  group_by(groupVar, persist_pattern) %>% 
  summarize(tally = n(), 
            last_hs_name = "Agency AVERAGE") %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  group_by(last_hs_name, groupVar) %>% 
  mutate(denominator = sum(tally)) %>% 
  mutate(persistRate = tally / denominator) %>% 
  filter(persist_pattern != "Not persisting") %>%
  mutate(rankRate = sum(persistRate))

chartData <- bind_rows(chartData, agencyData)

# // Step 4: Recode variable names, sort data frame, and code labels for plot
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" High School", "", chartData$last_hs_name)
chartData$last_hs_name <- gsub(" ", "\n", chartData$last_hs_name)
# chartData %<>% filter(persist_pattern != "Not persisting")
chartData %<>% arrange(persist_pattern)
chartData <- as.data.frame(chartData)
chartData$persist_pattern <- factor(as.character(chartData$persist_pattern), 
                                    ordered = TRUE, 
                                    levels = c("Switched to 4-Year College", 
                                               "Switched to 2-Year College", 
                                               "Persisted at 2-Year College", 
                                               "Persisted at 4-Year College"))
# // Step 5: Prepare plot for 2-year colleges
p1 <- ggplot(chartData[chartData$groupVar == "2-year College",], 
       aes(x = reorder(last_hs_name, rankRate), 
           y = persistRate, group = persist_pattern, 
           fill = persist_pattern)) + 
  scale_y_continuous(limits = c(0, 1), expand = c(0, 0), 
                     label = percent, breaks = seq(0, 1, 0.2)) + 
  geom_bar(stat = 'identity', position = 'stack', 
           color = I("black")) + 
  geom_text(aes(label = round(persistRate * 100, 0)), 
            position = position_stack(vjust = 0.5)) +
  geom_text(aes(label = round(rankRate * 100, 0), y = rankRate), vjust = -0.7) +
  guides(fill = guide_legend("", keywidth = 2, nrow = 2)) +
  scale_fill_brewer(type = "qual", palette = 1) +
  labs(x = "", y = "Percent of Seamless Enrollers") + 
  theme_classic() + theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 30, vjust = 0.2), 
                          axis.ticks.x = element_blank(), 
                          legend.position = c(0.3, 0.875), 
                          plot.caption = element_text(hjust = 0, size = 7)) + 
  labs(subtitle = "Seamless Enrollers at 2-year Colleges", 
       caption = paste0(
          "Sample: 2007-2008 through 2008-2009 Agency high school graduates.\n", 
              "Postsecondary enrollment outcomes from NSC matched records. \n", 
              "All other data from agency administrative records"))

# // Step 6: Prepare plot for 4-year colleges by replacing data in plot 
# above with 4 year data
p2 <- p1 %+% chartData[chartData$groupVar == "4-year College",] + 
  labs(subtitle = "Seamless Enrollers at 4-year Colleges")

# // Step 7: Print out plots with labels
grid.arrange(grobs= list(p2, p1), nrow=1, 
             top = "College Persistence by High School")

Top-Enrolling Colleges/Universities of Agency Graduates

Purpose: This analysis reports enrollment and persistence rates among top-enrolling two- and four- year institutions attended by graduates. This analysis illuminates differences in persistence rates to the second year of college among top-enrolling postsecondary institutions. Agency staff that advise students during their senior year may find this information useful when meeting to weigh college options.

Required Analysis File Variables:

Analysis-Specific Sample Restrictions:

Ask Yourself

Analytic Technique: Calculate the proportion of college-goers attending top-enrolling 2- and 4-year institutions, as well as the proportion of seamless enrollers who persist to the second year of any college, by the postsecondary institution graduates first attended.

# // Step 1: Keep students in high school graduation cohorts you can observe 
# enrolling in college the fall after graduation

plotdf <- cgdata %>% filter(chrt_grad >= chrt_grad_begin & 
                              chrt_grad <= chrt_grad_end) %>% 
  select(sid, chrt_grad, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_any, enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_2yr, enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_4yr,
         enrl_1oct_grad_yr2_any, enrl_grad_persist_any, 
         enrl_grad_persist_2yr, enrl_grad_persist_4yr, 
         first_college_name_any, first_college_name_2yr, first_college_name_4yr) 

# // Step 2: Indicate the number of institutions you would like listed

num_inst <- 5
# // Step 3: Calculate the number and % of students enrolled in each college 
# the fall after graduation, and the number and % of students persisting, by 
# college type

chart4year <- bind_rows(
  plotdf %>% group_by(first_college_name_4yr) %>% 
  summarize(enrolled = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            persisted = sum(enrl_grad_persist_4yr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(total_enrolled = sum(enrolled)) %>% 
  mutate(perEnroll = round(100 * enrolled/total_enrolled, 1), 
         perPersist = round(100 * persisted/enrolled, 1)),
  plotdf %>% 
  summarize(enrolled = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_4yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            persisted = sum(enrl_grad_persist_4yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            first_college_name_4yr = "All 4-Year Colleges") %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(total_enrolled = sum(enrolled)) %>% 
  mutate(perEnroll = round(100 * enrolled/total_enrolled, 1), 
         perPersist = round(100 * persisted/enrolled, 1))

chart2year <- bind_rows(plotdf %>% group_by(first_college_name_2yr) %>% 
  summarize(enrolled = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            persisted = sum(enrl_grad_persist_2yr, na.rm=TRUE)) %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(total_enrolled = sum(enrolled)) %>% 
  mutate(perEnroll = round(100 * enrolled/total_enrolled, 1), 
         perPersist = round(100 * persisted/enrolled, 1)),
  plotdf %>% 
  summarize(enrolled = sum(enrl_1oct_grad_yr1_2yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            persisted = sum(enrl_grad_persist_2yr, na.rm=TRUE), 
            first_college_name_2yr = "All 2-Year Colleges") %>% 
  ungroup %>% 
  mutate(total_enrolled = sum(enrolled)) %>% 
  mutate(perEnroll = round(100 * enrolled/total_enrolled, 1), 
         perPersist = round(100 * persisted/enrolled, 1))
# // Step 4: Create tables
chart4year %>% arrange(-enrolled) %>% 
  select(first_college_name_4yr, enrolled, perEnroll, persisted, perPersist) %>%
  head(num_inst) %>%
   knitr::kable(., col.names = c("Name", "Number Enrolled", 
                         "% Enrolled", "Number Persisted", 
                         "% Persisted"))

chart2year %>% arrange(-enrolled) %>% 
  select(first_college_name_2yr, enrolled, perEnroll, persisted, perPersist) %>%
  head(num_inst) %>%
  knitr::kable(., col.names = c("Name", "Number Enrolled", 
                         "% Enrolled", "Number Persisted", 
                         "% Persisted"))

OpenSDP/OpenSDPsynthR documentation built on June 20, 2020, 6:18 a.m.