

test_that("clump_month_date -typical", {
  detailed <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2011-04-21"), to = as.Date("2011-05-14"), by = "day")
  expected <- structure(c(
    15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079, 15079,
    15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109, 15109
  ), class = "Date")
  observed <- clump_month_date(detailed)#; dput(observed)

  expect_equal(observed, expected, label = "The dates should be clumped corrected.")
  expect_equal(class(observed), "Date", "The returned array should remain a date data type.")

test_that("clump_month_date -not a date", {
  detailed <- letters
    , regexp = "The `date_detailed` parameter must be a Date, POSIXct, or POSIXlt data type\\."

test_that("clump_month_date -bad day character", {
  detailed <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2011-04-21"), to = as.Date("2011-05-14"), by = "day")
    clump_month_date(detailed, day_of_month = "a")
    , regexp = "The `day_of_month` parameter must be an integer or numeric data type\\."

test_that("clump_month_date -day not a scalar", {
  detailed <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2011-04-21"), to = as.Date("2011-05-14"), by = "day")
    clump_month_date(detailed, day_of_month = 1:4)
    , regexp = "The `day_of_month` contains more than one element; it should contain only one\\."

test_that("clump_month_date -bad day 32", {
  detailed <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2011-04-21"), to = as.Date("2011-05-14"), by = "day")
    clump_month_date(detailed, day_of_month = 32)
    , regexp = ".*?The `day_of_month` parameter must be bound by \\[1, 31]\\."

test_that("clump_month_date -bad day 31.5", {
  detailed <- seq.Date(from = as.Date("2011-04-21"), to = as.Date("2011-05-14"), by = "day")
    clump_month_date(detailed, day_of_month = 31.5)
    , regexp = ".*The `day_of_month` parameter must be bound by \\[1, 31]\\."
OuhscBbmc/OuhscMunge documentation built on March 2, 2024, 11:44 a.m.