constant: Collection of REDCap-specific constants

View source: R/constant.R

constantR Documentation

Collection of REDCap-specific constants


Collection of constants defined by the REDCap developers.





Name of constant. Required character.


Form Completeness

The current constants relate to the 'complete' variable at the end of each form.

  • form_incomplete: 0L (i.e., an integer)

  • form_unverified: 1L

  • form_complete: 2L

Export Rights

See https://your-server/redcap/api/help/?content=exp_users.

  • data_export_rights_no_access : 0L

  • data_export_rights_deidentified : 1L

  • data_export_rights_full : 2L

Form Rights

See https://your-server/redcap/api/help/?content=exp_users. The order of these digits may be unexpected.

  • form_rights_no_access : 0L

  • form_rights_readonly : 2L

  • form_rights_edit_form : 1L

  • form_rights_edit_survey : 3L

Access Rights

See https://your-server/redcap/api/help/?content=exp_users.

  • access_no : 0L

  • access_yes : 1L

To add more, please for and edit constant.R on GitHub and submit a pull request. For instructions, please see Editing files in another user's repository # nolint in the GitHub documentation.


The constant's value. Currently all are single integers, but that could be expanded in the future.


Will Beasley


REDCapR::constant("form_incomplete")  # Returns 0L
REDCapR::constant("form_unverified")  # Returns 1L
REDCapR::constant("form_complete"  )  # Returns 2L

REDCapR::constant("data_export_rights_no_access"   )  # Returns 0L
REDCapR::constant("data_export_rights_deidentified")  # Returns 1L
REDCapR::constant("data_export_rights_full"        )  # Returns 2L

REDCapR::constant("form_rights_no_access")   # Returns 0L
REDCapR::constant("form_rights_readonly" )   # Returns 2L --Notice the order
REDCapR::constant("form_rights_edit_form")   # Returns 1L
REDCapR::constant("form_rights_edit_survey") # Returns 3L

REDCapR::constant("access_no" )  # Returns 0L
REDCapR::constant("access_yes")  # Returns 1L

)) # Returns c(2L, 2L, 0L)
)) # Returns c(0L, 2L, 1L, 3L)

constant_to_form_completion( c(0, 2, 1, 2, NA))
constant_to_form_rights(     c(0, 2, 1, 2, NA))
constant_to_export_rights(   c(0, 2, 1, 3, NA))
constant_to_access(          c(0, 1, 1, 0, NA))

## Not run: 
# The following line returns an error:
#     Assertion on 'name' failed: Must be a subset of
#     {'form_complete','form_incomplete','form_unverified'},
#     but is {'bad-name'}.

REDCapR::constant("bad-name")    # Returns an error

REDCapR::constant(c("form_complete", "bad-name")) # Returns an error

## End(Not run)

OuhscBbmc/REDCapR documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 6:51 a.m.