
Defines functions get_type_of_week get_week_duration get_week_start

#' translate user input to the start date of the week
#' @param a weekday specification: ISOweek, MMWRweek, EPIweek, Mon-week, Tue-week, etc. 
#' @return the corresponding weekday
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' get_week_start("ISOweek")
#' get_week_start("MMWRweek")
#' get_week_start("EPIweek")
#' # weeks that start on saturday
#' get_week_start("Sat-week")
#' get_week_start("week: Saturday")
#' get_week_start("2 weeks: Saturday")
#' get_week_start("epiweek: Saturday")
get_week_start <- function(weekday) {
  wkdy <- gsub("weeks?", "", tolower(weekday))
  wkdy <- gsub('[[:punct:][:blank:][:digit:]]*', "", wkdy)
  wkdy <- if (wkdy == "") "monday" else wkdy # the input was "weeks"
  res <- switch(wkdy, 
                "mmwr" = "sunday", # MMWR == CDC epiweek
                "epi"  = "sunday", # CDC epiweek
                "iso"  = "monday", # ISOweek == WHO epiweek
                wkdy # all others
  gsub("epi", "", res) # if they specify something like "epiweek:saturday"

#' Translate a custom interval to a valid interval
#' @param the_interval an interval like 2 epiweeks or 1 ISOweek
#' @return an interval compatible with `seq.Date()`
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
#' @examples
#' get_week_duration("2 weeks (wednesday)") # 2 weeks
#' get_week_duration("2 epiweeks") # 2 weeks
get_week_duration <- function(the_interval) {

  if (the_interval == 7) return(the_interval)
  res <- gsub('^(\\d*) ?.*(weeks?).*$', '\\1 \\2', tolower(the_interval), perl = TRUE)


get_type_of_week <- function(x) {

  switch(as.character(attr(x$weeks, "week_start")),
         "1" = "ISO",
         "7" = "MMWR",
         sprintf("(%s)", weekdays(x$dates[1]))
OutbreakResources/incidence documentation built on Aug. 10, 2024, 8:27 p.m.