
Exporting Preason FRAM models to .xlsx

You can export the data from a preseason FRAM model run using the following R function:

getPreseasonERs(pre.season.fram.db = NA,, run.year, pre.season.tamm = NA, pre.season.tamm.fishery.ref = "./csv/TammFisheryFullRef.csv", pre.season.tamm.esc.ref = "./csv/TammEscFullRef.csv", template.dir = "./templates/", report.dir = "./report/", data.dir = "./csv/", combine.GS = TRUE)

You will requrie: * pre.season.fram.db: The FRAM .mdb file with the preseaon run. Defaults to NA, which prompts a selection screen allowing the user to select the file. Can be manually set by specifing the file location relative to your current working directory (using "\" or "/" in the path)

Exports a .xlsx file to the report.dir containing 4 tabs: Fishery_ERs_year-year: detailed FRAM fishery ERs similar to the export from the exportFisheryERs() function Fishery_mortality: Fisherys ERs by PSC fisheries. Similar to annual report table 3, but in a long format with more details stock_summary: similar to annual report table 2 Run_info: meta data about the FRAM model run

Exports a .pdf file to the report.dir with two summary tables: A table of pre-season estimates of ER, escapement, and recruits (similar to table 1 of the annual report) A table of fishery specific pre-season ERs for each MU (pre-season version of table 3 from the annual report)

PSC-CoTC/AnnualReport documentation built on March 26, 2022, 9:33 a.m.