
Annual Report Readme

This document describes how to configure and run the Coho Technical Committee Annual Reporting Tool. Remember to first import the updated post-season template .csv files

The write the annual report run the R function:

                          post.season.fram.db = NA,
                          post.season.tamm = NA,
                          post.season.tamm.fishery.ref = "./csv/TammFisheryQueetsRef.csv",
                          post.season.tamm.esc.ref = "./csv/TammEscQueetsRef.csv",
                          pre.season.fram.db = NA,
                          pre.season.tamm = NA,
                          pre.season.tamm.fishery.ref = "./csv/TammFisheryFullRef.csv",
                          pre.season.tamm.esc.ref = "./csv/TammEscFullRef.csv",
                          template.dir = "./templates/",
                          report.dir = "./report/",
                          data.dir = "./csv/",
                          combine.GS = NA)

As you can see it requires post season versions of the FRAM database and the TAMM files. The run.names need to be set. If others are left as NA then a selection dialog will be prompted, otherwise set the path manually. Be sure the use the same FRAM db that the updated imported templates were imported to

In addition combine.GS decides if the Georgia Strait MUs should be a single MU or split into VI and Mainland. If it is left has NA it decides based on the run.year (with 2020 or greater combining the MUs).

For example:

writeAnnualReport(run.year = 2018,
     = "bc-BKCoho2018_A_2_a",
     = "bc-Coho1830",
              post.season.fram.db = "./fram db/Final/devloping BK2018 (8).mdb",
              post.season.tamm = "./fram db/TAMM_Files_Postseason/BKCoho2018 final ver 8 postseason run.xlsx",
              post.season.tamm.fishery.ref = "./csv/TammFisheryQueetsRef.csv",
              post.season.tamm.esc.ref = "./csv/TammEscQueetsRef.csv",
              pre.season.fram.db= "./fram db/Final/FramVS2-PSC-Coho-PreSeason-thru2019.mdb",
              pre.season.tamm = "./fram db/TAMM_Files_Preseason/Coho1830_Final.xlsx",
              pre.season.tamm.fishery.ref = "./csv/TammFisheryFullRef.csv",
              pre.season.tamm.esc.ref = "./csv/TammEscFullRef.csv",
              template.dir = "./templates/",
              report.dir = "./report/",
              data.dir = "./csv/",
              combine.GS = TRUE)

PSC-CoTC/AnnualReport documentation built on March 26, 2022, 9:33 a.m.