Figures {-}

(#fig:epu-map) Map of Newfoundland and Labrador (NL) case study area showing the Northeast NL Shelf (purple), Grand Bank (green), and Southern NL (yellow) ecosystem production units.{width=10cm}

(#fig:scores) LOO-CV and Hindcast-CV scores from a series of production model formulations of increasing complexity, from a single-species production model ("Single-species") to a multispecies production model with a covariate effect and species and temporal correlations ("Full"), fit to seven species in three ecosystem production units (Northeast NL Shelf, Grand Bank, and Southern NL) off the east coast of Canada. Overall scores for each model across score type and ecosystem production unit are shown on the rightmost facet.

(#fig:survey-trends) Trends in survey indices (dots) along with predicted indices (thin lines) and model estimates of biomass from the best fitting multispecies production model (thick lines). Uncertainty in the biomass estimates are represented by 95% confidence intervals (shaded region). Results from three ecosystem production units (Northeast NL Shelf, Grand Bank, and Southern NL) off the east coast of Canada are presented. Though data from seven species were used in each region, the species facet is limited to four for simplicity. Differences in biomass estimates from the indices stem from differing survey catchability estimates. Note differences in scale across facets.

(#fig:pop-trends) Trends in biomass, expected production, reported landings, and residual change from the best fitting multispecies production model across three ecosystem production units (Northeast NL Shelf, Grand Bank, and Southern NL) off the east coast of Canada. Species-specific trends from a subset of species are shown along with totals including seven species. Expected production represents expected changes from intrinsic growth and density-dependence (i.e., change from the production equation) and residual change represent process errors not explained by the production equation or reported landings. Note difference in scale across facets.

(#fig:pe-cor) Trends (upper facet) and species-to-species correlations (lower facet) in standardized process errors from the best fitting multispecies production model applied to seven species within three ecosystem production units (Northeast NL Shelf, Grand Bank, and Southern NL) off the east coast of Canada. Process errors represent changes not explained by the production equation or reported landings. Points in the correlation plots are coloured and scaled by the level of species-to-species correlation, $\rho$.

PaulRegular/MSP documentation built on Dec. 16, 2024, 1:59 p.m.