mgp_sampleProfilesMeta: Mock metadata for the mock dataset for cell type profiles

Description Usage Format See Also


This is a simplified mock dataset that represents the minimal information required for marker gene selection. The metadata columns must include:

Additionally a column can be added to represent the brain region that the sample is extracted from ('region' in this example). If multiple regions apply they can be added to the same column and be separated with commas without spaces. Gene selection functions will consider regions seperately and output results for each of them. If desired one can create a region hierarchy (see mpg_sampleRegionHiearchy) in order to indicate regions that are subsets of each other.




An object of class data.frame with 18 rows and 7 columns.

See Also

mpg_sampleProfiles, mpg_sampleRegionHiearchy, input of mpg_markerCandidates

PavlidisLab/markerGeneProfile documentation built on July 11, 2019, 11:42 p.m.