
Defines functions roc_curves

Documented in roc_curves

#' Functions for plotting roc curves
#' @param H2OAutoML_object An object containing multiple models trained in H2O.
#' @param plot (Optional) Whether to plot the output. Default is TRUE.
#' @param best (Optional) If set to TRUE, the function returns only the best model.
#' @param save_png (Optional) Whether to save a .png with ggsave(). Default is FALSE.
#' @param test_data The test data set
#' @param n_models (Optional) The number of trained models to include.
#' @export
#' @import dplyr
#' @import purrr
#' @import ggplot2
#' @import h2o
### function for preparing ROC curves for plotting

roc_curves <- function(H2OAutoML_object, plot = T, best = F, save_png = F, test_data, n_models =5) {

  if (best == T) {
    models <- as.vector(as.character(H2OAutoML_object@leader@model_id)) %>%
  else {
    models <- as.vector(as.character(H2OAutoML_object@leaderboard$model_id))[1:n_models] %>%

  df <- tibble()

  for (i in 1:length(models)) {

    perf <- h2o.performance(models[[i]], test_data)
    tpr  <- perf@metrics$thresholds_and_metric_scores$tpr
    fpr  <- perf@metrics$thresholds_and_metric_scores$fpr

    model_id  <- models[[i]]@model_id
    algorithm <- models[[i]]@algorithm

    d <- tibble(model_id,algorithm,tpr,fpr)
    d <- add_row(d,model_id = model_id, algorithm=algorithm,tpr=0,fpr=0,.before=T)
    d <- add_row(d,model_id = model_id, algorithm=algorithm,tpr=0,fpr=0,.before=F)
    d <- add_column(d, model_rank = i)

    df <- rbind(df,d)

  df$model_id1 <- str_split(df$model_id, "_AutoML") %>%
    map_chr(1) %>%
    paste0(df$model_rank,": ",.)

  df$model_id2 <- str_split(df$model_id,"(?<=_)(?=[_model])") %>%
    map(2) %>%
    paste("_",.) %>%
    str_remove(" ")

  df$model_id <- paste0(df$model_id1,df$model_id2)
  df$model_id <- str_remove(df$model_id,"_NULL")

  if (plot == T) {
    p <- df %>%
      ggplot(aes(fpr,tpr,colour = reorder(model_id,model_rank))) +
      geom_line(size = 1,alpha=.8) +
      geom_segment(aes(x=0,y=0,xend = 1, yend = 1),linetype = 2,col='grey', size =1) +
      coord_fixed() +
      xlab('False Positive Rate') +
      ylab('True Positive Rate') +
      ggtitle('ROC curves',
              subtitle = "Comparison of the best models") +
      theme_light() +
      theme(plot.title    = element_text(size = 16),
            plot.subtitle = element_text(size = 12,face="italic",vjust=-1)) +


    if (save_png == T) {


  else {

PeerChristensen/autoMLviz documentation built on Sept. 16, 2019, 1:19 p.m.