Man pages for PerkinElmer/phenoptr
inForm Helper Functions

compute_all_nearest_distanceNearest neighbors from a file.
count_touching_cellsFind and count touching cells for pairs of phenotypes.
count_withinCount cells within a radius for a single field.
count_within_batchCount cells within a radius for multiple tissue categories,...
density_at_distanceEstimate cell density at distance from a tissue boundary.
density_bandsEstimate cell density in bands from a tissue boundary.
distance_matrixCreate a distance matrix from cell seg data.
find_nearest_distanceNearest neighbor distances for each cell and phenotype.
get_field_infoRead information about a field from a component image file.
list_cell_seg_filesFind inForm data files.
parse_phenotypesParse a vector of phenotype names
parse_tissue_descriptionParse the description tag of the tissue map image read from...
phenoptr-packageHelpers for working with inForm data
plot_divergingPlot a distance map using a diverging color scale with white...
read_cell_seg_dataRead and clean an inForm data file.
read_componentsRead a component TIFF file.
read_mapsRead an inForm segmentation map file.
sample_cell_seg_dataSample cell segmentation data.
select_rowsFlexibly select rows of a data frame.
spatial_distribution_reportCreate a spatial distribution report.
split_and_trimSplit a single string and trim whitespace from the results
subset_distance_matrixSubset the rows and columns of a distance matrix.
PerkinElmer/phenoptr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:01 a.m.