phenoptr-package: Helpers for working with inForm data

Description Details Package options Author(s) See Also


phenoptr contains functions that make it easier to read and analyze data tables and images created by PerkinElmer's inForm software.


phenoptr is part of the PerkinElmer Phenoptics family of Quantitative Pathology Research Solutions. For more information visit the Phenoptics home page.

Package options

read_cell_seg_data converts pixel measurements to microns. Several other functions also implicitly convert pixels to microns. The default conversion is given by getOption('phenoptr.pixels.per.micron'), which has a default value of 2 pixels/micron, i.e. pixels are 0.5 micron square (the resolution of 20x MSI fields taken on Vectra Polaris and Vectra 3). To use a different value, either pass a pixels_per_micron parameter to functions which take one, or set options(phenoptr.pixels.per.micron=<new value>).


Maintainer: Kent S Johnson

Other contributors:

See Also

Useful links:

PerkinElmer/phenoptr documentation built on May 30, 2019, 8:01 a.m.