
Defines functions get_sources

Documented in get_sources

#' @title Get metadata for source entities defined in the Frost API
#' @description \code{get_sources()} retrieves metadata about (data) source
#' entities defined for use in the Frost API. The function requires an
#' input for \code{client_id}. The other function arguments are optional, and
#' default to \code{NULL}, which means that the response from the API is not
#' filtered on these parameters.
#' NB: At the time of writing (2019-06-08), the Frost API "sources" resource
#' only returns country names in Norwegian.
#' @usage
#' get_sources(client_id,
#'             ids = NULL,
#'             types = NULL,
#'             geometry = NULL,
#'             nearest_max_count = NULL,
#'             valid_time = NULL,
#'             name = NULL,
#'             country = NULL,
#'             county = NULL,
#'             municipality = NULL,
#'             wmo_id = NULL,
#'             station_holder = NULL,
#'             external_ids = NULL,
#'             icao_code = NULL,
#'             ship_code = NULL,
#'             wigos_id = NULL,
#'             fields = NULL,
#'             return_response = FALSE)
#' @param client_id A string. The client ID to use to send requests to the
#' Frost API.
#' @param ids A character vector. The Frost API source ID(s) that you want
#' metadata for.
#' @param types A string. The type of Frost API source that you want
#' metadata for. Must be set to either "SensorSystem", "InterpolatedDataset",
#' or "RegionDataset". Defaults to \code{NULL}, which returns all three types.
#' @param geometry A string. Get Frost API sources defined by a specified
#' geometry. Geometries are specified as either "nearest(POINT(...))" or
#' "POLYGON(...)" using well-known text representation for geometry (WKT).
#' @param nearest_max_count A string. The maximum number of sources returned
#' when using "nearest(POINT(...))" for the \code{geometry} argument. Defaults
#' to 1.
#' @param valid_time A string. The time interval for which the sources have
#' been, or still are, valid (or applicable). Specify as "<date>/<date>" or
#' "<date>/now" where <date> is a date in the ISO-8601 format (YYYY-MM-DD).
#' Defaults to "now" if not specified, which returns only currently valid
#' sources.
#' @param name A string. The data source name to get metadata for.
#' @param country A string. The country name or country code to get metadata
#' for.
#' @param county A string. The county name or county ID to get metadata for.
#' @param municipality A string. The municipality to get metadata for.
#' @param wmo_id A string. The WMO ID to get metadata for.
#' @param station_holder A string. The station holder name to get metadata
#' for.
#' @param external_ids A character vector. The external ID to get metadata
#' for.
#' @param icao_code A string. The ICAO code to get metadata for.
#' @param ship_code A string. The ship code to get metadata for.
#' @param wigos_id A string. The WIGOS ID to get metadata for.
#' @param fields A character vector. Fields to include in the response (i.e.
#' output). If this parameter is specified, then only these fields are
#' returned in the response. If not specified, then all fields will be
#' returned in the response.
#' @param return_response A logical. If set to \code{TRUE}, then the function
#' returns the response from the GET request. If set to \code{FALSE} (default),
#' then the function returns a tibble (data frame) of the content in the
#' response.
#' @return The function returns either a data frame with metadata about source
#' entities, or the response of the GET request, depending on the boolean value
#' set for \code{return_response}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' frost_client_id <- "<YOUR FROST CLIENT ID>"
#' # Get data for all sources
#' sources <- get_sources(client_id = frost_client_id)
#' # Get data for sources in Norway
#' sources_norway <- get_sources(client_id = frost_client_id,
#'                               country   = "NO")
#' }
#' @export get_sources

get_sources <-
    ids = NULL,
    types = NULL,
    geometry = NULL,
    nearest_max_count = NULL,
    valid_time = NULL,
    name = NULL,
    country = NULL,
    county = NULL,
    municipality = NULL,
    wmo_id = NULL,
    station_holder = NULL,
    external_ids = NULL,
    icao_code = NULL,
    ship_code = NULL,
    wigos_id = NULL,
    fields = NULL,
    return_response = FALSE
  ) {

    input_args <-
        ids             = frost_csl(ids),
        types           = types,
        geometry        = geometry,
        nearestmaxcount = nearest_max_count,
        validtime       = valid_time,
        name            = name,
        country         = country,
        county          = county,
        municipality    = municipality,
        wmoid           = wmo_id,
        stationholder   = station_holder,
        externalids     = frost_csl(external_ids),
        icaocode        = icao_code,
        shipcode        = ship_code,
        wigosid         = wigos_id,
        fields          = frost_csl(fields)

    frost_control_args(input_args = input_args, func = "get_sources")

    url <-
      paste0("https://", client_id, "@frost.met.no/sources/v0.jsonld",
             collapse = NULL)

    frostr_ua <- httr::user_agent("https://github.com/imangR/frostr")

    r <- httr::GET(url, frostr_ua, query = input_args)


    if (return_response) return(r)

    r_content <- httr::content(r, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8")
    r_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(r_content, flatten = TRUE)


PersianCatsLikeToMeow/frostr documentation built on Aug. 6, 2020, 7:15 p.m.