
#' info
#' @name info
#' @docType package
#' @import tidyverse


# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#' Check whether a vector is an element of the probability simplex
#' @param p vector the vector to check
#' @param allow_zero boolean whether to allow elements with zero entries (boundary of simplex)
#' @return boolean whether p is a valid probability distribution
#' @export

simplex_check <- function(p, allow_zero = TRUE){
	if(min(is.na(p)) == 1) return(FALSE)
	nonneg <- ifelse(allow_zero, min(p >= 0), min(p > 0))
	normed <- abs(sum(p) - 1) < .01 # numerical tolerance
	nonneg & normed

#' Normalize a nonnegative vector so that it lies in the probability simplex
#' @param p vector the vector
#' @export

simplex_normalize <- function(p){

	normed <- p / sum(p)
	# if (min(p > 0) == 0){
	# 	warning('p lies on simplex boundary')
	# }

#' Find the entropy of a distribution
#' @param p a normalized vector of nonnegative probabilities.
#' @export
H <- function(p){
		message <- paste0('p is not on the simplex: sum(p) = ', sum(p))
	drop <- p < 10^(-10)
	p <- p[!drop]
	as.numeric(- p %*% log(p))
#' Compute the binary entropy function for a fixed proportion.
#' @param p the proportion
#' @export
H_B <- function(p){
	-(p * log(p) + (1-p) * log(1-p))

#' Compute the mutual information of a data frame or matrix of crosstabs
#' @param input a data frame or matrix representing a crosstab
#' @param drop_threshold numerical keyword to KL divergence avoiding 0*0 multiplication. Should not be modified.
#' @export
mutual_info <- function(input){
	if(class(input) != 'matrix'){
		input <- as.matrix(input)
	ind <- as.matrix(rowSums(input) / sum(input)) %*%
		   t(as.matrix(colSums(input)/sum(input)))              # margin product
	DKL(input/sum(input), ind)
PhilChodrow/compositional-complexity documentation built on May 8, 2019, 1:33 a.m.