
Defines functions as.data.table.ranges

Documented in as.data.table.ranges

#' @include S4classes.R

#' Get ranges for query.
#' Get ranges (pairs of left and right corpus positions) for queries.
#' @param mc If \code{logical} value \code{TRUE}, the value of
#'   \code{getOption("polmineR.cores")} is passed into \code{mclapply} or
#'   \code{pblapply} as the specification of the number of cores to use. It is
#'   also possible to supply an integer value with the number of cores directly.
#'   Defaults to 1 (no multicore). Relevant only if several queries are to be
#'   processed.
#' @param progress A \code{logical} value, whether to show a progess bar when
#'   processing multiple queries.
#' @inheritParams cpos
#' @rdname ranges
#' @exportMethod ranges
setGeneric("ranges", function(.Object, ...) standardGeneric("ranges"))

#' @rdname ranges
setMethod("ranges", "corpus", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, p_attribute = "word", verbose = TRUE, mc = 1L, progress = FALSE){
  if (is.logical(mc)) if (mc) mc <- getOption("polmineR.cores") else mc <- 1L
  .fn <- function(x){
    cpos(.Object = .Object, query = x, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute, verbose = FALSE)
  if (!is.null(names(query))) if (any(nchar(names(query)) == 0L)) stop(
    "If vector query is named, all individual queries need to be named."
  if (progress){
    cpos_list <- pblapply(as.list(query), .fn, cl = mc)
  } else {
    cpos_list <- mclapply(as.list(query), .fn, mc.cores = mc)

  if (is.null(names(query))) names(cpos_list) <- query
  for (i in length(query):1L)
    if (is.null(cpos_list[[i]])) cpos_list[[i]] <- NULL
  y <- as(.Object, "ranges")
  y@cpos <- do.call(rbind, cpos_list)
  y@query <- unlist(
    lapply(names(cpos_list), function(x) rep(x, times = nrow(cpos_list[[x]])))

#' @rdname ranges
setMethod("ranges", "character", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, p_attribute = "word", verbose = TRUE, mc = 1L, progress = FALSE){
  ranges(.Object = corpus(.Object), query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute, verbose = verbose, mc = mc, progress = progress)

#' @rdname ranges
setMethod("ranges", "subcorpus", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, p_attribute = "word", verbose = TRUE, mc = 1L, progress = FALSE){

  rng <- ranges(
    .Object = as(.Object, "corpus"),
    query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check,
    p_attribute = p_attribute,
    verbose = verbose, mc = mc, progress = progress
  strucs_matches <- cl_cpos2struc(
    corpus = .Object@corpus,
    s_attribute = .Object@s_attribute_strucs,
    cpos = rng@cpos[,1], registry = .Object@registry_dir
  rng@cpos <- rng@cpos[strucs_matches %in% .Object@strucs,]
  rng@query <- rng@query[strucs_matches %in% .Object@strucs]

#' @rdname ranges
setMethod("ranges", "partition", function(.Object, query, cqp = FALSE, check = TRUE, p_attribute = "word", verbose = TRUE, mc = 1L, progress = FALSE){
  ranges(.Object = as(.Object, "subcorpus"), query = query, cqp = cqp, check = check, p_attribute = p_attribute, verbose = verbose, mc = mc, progress = progress)

#' @param x A \code{ranges} class object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments (unused).
#' @rdname ranges_class
#' @export
#' @method as.data.table ranges
as.data.table.ranges <- function(x, ...){
  y <- data.table::as.data.table(x@cpos)
  colnames(y) <- c("cpos_left", "cpos_right")
  y[, "query" := x@query]
PolMine/polmineR documentation built on Nov. 9, 2023, 8:07 a.m.