
# TODO: Determine how to extend correlation view to multiple assets
# TODO: Create plot distributions function

# This example script compares the numerical and the analytical solution of entropy-pooling, see
# "A. Meucci - Fully Flexible Views: Theory and Practice 
# and associated script S_Main
# Example compares analytical vs. numerical approach to entropy pooling

# Code by A. Meucci, September 2008
# Last version available at > Teaching > MATLAB

# prior
library( matlab )
library( MASS )
# analytical representation
N = 2 # market dimension (2 assets)
Mu = zeros( N , 1 )
r = .6
Sigma = ( 1 - r ) * eye( N ) + r * ones( N , N ) # nxn correlation matrix with correlation 'r' in off-diagonals

# numerical representation
J = 100000 # number of scenarios
p = ones( J , 1 ) / J
dd = mvrnorm( J / 2 , zeros( N , 1 ) , Sigma ) # distribution centered on (0,0) with variance Sigma
X = ones( J , 1 ) %*% t(Mu) + rbind( dd , -dd ) # JxN matrix of scenarios

# views

# location
Q = matrix( c( 1 , -1 ) , nrow = 1 ) # long the first and asset and short the second asset produces an expectation (of Mu_Q calculated below)
Mu_Q = .5

# scatter
G = matrix( c( -1 , 1 ) , nrow = 1 )
Sigma_G = .5^2

#  posterior 

# analytical posterior
RevisedMuSigma = Prior2Posterior( Mu , Q , Mu_Q , Sigma , G , Sigma_G )
Mu_ = RevisedMuSigma$M_
Sigma_ = RevisedMuSigma$S_

# numerical posterior
Aeq = ones( 1 , J )  # constrain probabilities to sum to one...
beq = 1

# create views
QX = X %*% t(Q) # a Jx1 matrix

Aeq = rbind( Aeq , t(QX) )    # ...constrain the first moments... 
# QX is a linear combination of vector Q and the scenarios X
beq = rbind( beq , Mu_Q )
SecMom = G %*% Mu_ %*% t(Mu_) %*% t(G) + Sigma_G  # ...constrain the second moments... 
# We use Mu_ from analytical result. We do not use Revised Sigma because we are testing whether
# the numerical approach for handling expectations of covariance matches the analytical approach
# TODO: Can we perform this procedure without relying on Mu_ from the analytical result?
GX = X %*% t(G)
for ( k in 1:nrow( G ) )
  for ( l in k:nrow( G ) )
    Aeq = rbind( Aeq , t(GX[ , k ] * GX[ , l ] ) )
    beq = rbind( beq , SecMom[ k , l ] )

emptyMatrix = matrix( , nrow = 0 , ncol = 0 )
p_ = EntropyProg( p , emptyMatrix , emptyMatrix , Aeq , beq ) # ...compute posterior probabilities

# plots
PlotDistributions( X , p , Mu , Sigma , p_ , Mu_ , Sigma_ )
R-Finance/Meucci documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.