
#' This script illustrate the semi-circular law of random matrix theory, as described in A. Meucci, 
#' "Risk and Asset Allocation", Springer, 2005,  Chapter 4.
#' @references
#' A. Meucci - "Exercises in Advanced Risk and Portfolio Management" \url{},
#' "E 189 - Random matrix theory: semi-circular law".
#' See Meucci's script for "S_SemiCircular.m"

### Inputs
N = 1000; # matrix size

### Empirical eigenvalues

#X = rnorm( N );                           # normal
#X = ( runif(N)-0.5 ) * sqrt(12);   	   # uniform
X = log( matrix( runif(N^2), N, N )) + 1;  # exponential

Y = (X + t(X) ) / ( 2 * sqrt( 2 * N ));    # symmetrize and rescale
E = t(eigen(Y)$values);

### Theoretical eigenvalues
t = seq( -1, 1, 0.01 ); 
g = 2 / pi * sqrt(1 - t^2);

NumBins = ceiling( 10 * log( length( E )));
h = hist(E, NumBins, plot = FALSE); 
t_= h$mids;
b = h$counts;
D = t_[ 2 ] - t_[ 1 ];
h = b / (D * N);

### Plots;
plot( t_, h, type = "h" , lwd = 5 );
lines( t, g, col = "red", lwd = 3 );
R-Finance/Meucci documentation built on May 8, 2019, 3:52 a.m.