
fit <- lm(100/mpg ~ disp + hp + wt + am, data = mtcars)
df  <- data.frame(v = names(coef(fit)), e = coef(fit), confint(fit), row.names = NULL)
names(df) <- c("variable", "estimate", "lower", "upper")

test_that("Unite CI will unite the colums by name", {
  united <- unite_ci(df, "slope (CI)", estimate, lower, upper, m100 = FALSE, percent = FALSE)
  expect_length(united, 2)
  expect_named(united, c("variable", "slope (CI)"))
  expected <- c(
    "0.74 (-0.77-2.26)",
    "0.00 (-0.00-0.01)",
    "0.01 (-0.00-0.01)",
    "1.00 (0.38-1.62)",
    "0.16 (-0.61-0.93)"
  expect_identical(united[[2]], expected)
  expect_identical(united[[1]], df[[1]])


test_that("Unite CI needs three columns to work its magic", {
  expect_error(unite_ci(df, "what", estimate, lower), "This function requires three columns: an estimate, a lower value, and an upper value")

test_that("Unite CI will give a default name for the missing slope name", {
  u <- unite_ci(df, NULL, estimate, lower, upper)
  expect_named(u, c("variable", "estimate"))
  u <- unite_ci(df, NULL, estimate, lower, upper, remove = FALSE)
  expect_named(u, c("variable", "estimate", "lower", "upper", "estimate_ci"))
R4EPI/msfmisc documentation built on Feb. 9, 2023, 4:40 a.m.