
Defines functions base.finalize base.blacsexit base.free_blacs_system_handle base.gridexit sys2blacs.handle init.grid get.comm.from.ICTXT set.comm.from.ICTXT base.blacs_gridinit base.blacs_init base.procgrid

Documented in base.blacsexit base.blacs_gridinit base.blacs_init base.finalize base.free_blacs_system_handle base.gridexit base.procgrid get.comm.from.ICTXT init.grid sys2blacs.handle

#' procgrid
#' "Optimal" process grid when nprow and npcol are empty
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param nprocs
#' Number of processors.
#' @return A list contains nprow and npcol.
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   opt <- base.procgrid(4)
#'   comm.print(opt)
#'   opt <- base.procgrid(6)
#'   comm.print(opt)
#'   opt <- base.procgrid(8)
#'   comm.print(opt)
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 1L)
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_optimal_grid
#' @export
base.procgrid <- function(nprocs)
  .Call(R_optimal_grid, as.integer(nprocs))

procgrid <- base.procgrid

#' blacs_init
#' BLACS grid initialization.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' @param ICTXT
#' BLACS context.
#' @param NPROW,NPCOL
#' Number of process rows/cols.
#' @param ...
#' Additional arguments.
#' @param quiet
#' Verbose initialization or not.
#' @return None
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_blacs_init
#' @name gridinit
#' @rdname gridinit
#' @export
base.blacs_init <- function(ICTXT, NPROW, NPCOL, ..., quiet = FALSE)
  if (missing(ICTXT))
    ICTXT <- base.minctxt(after=-1)
  else if (!isint(x=ICTXT) || ICTXT < 0)
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("ICTXT must be a non-negative integer")
#  pbdMPI::init() # initialize pbdMPI communicator
  nprocs <- pbdMPI::comm.size()
  if (missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)){
    procs <- base.procgrid(nprocs=nprocs)
    NPROW <- as.integer(procs$nprow)
    NPCOL <- as.integer(procs$npcol)
  else if (missing(NPROW) && !missing(NPCOL))
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("You must also provide a value for 'NPROW'")
  else if (!missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("You must also provide a value for 'NPCOL'")
  else if (!isint(x=NPROW) || !isint(x=NPCOL))
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("'NPROW' and 'NPCOL' must be integers")
  else if (NPROW*NPCOL > nprocs) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop(paste("Error: grid size of ", NPROW, "x", NPCOL, " is not possible with ", nprocs, " processes", sep=""))
  nm <- paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", ICTXT, sep="")
  if (exists(nm, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)){
    pbdMPI::comm.warning(paste("Context", ICTXT, "is already in use. No new grid created"))
    return( invisible(1) )
  value <- .Call(R_blacs_init, as.integer(NPROW), as.integer(NPCOL), as.integer(ICTXT))
  assign(x=nm, value=value, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)
  set.comm.from.ICTXT(value$ICTXT, .pbd_env$SPMD.CT$comm)

  if (ICTXT==0 && !quiet)
    pbdMPI::comm.cat(sprintf("%s", paste("Using ", NPROW, "x", NPCOL, " for the default grid size\n\n", sep="")), quiet=TRUE)
  else if (ICTXT > 0 && !quiet)
    pbdMPI::comm.cat(sprintf("%s", paste("Grid ICTXT=", ICTXT, " of size ", NPROW, "x", NPCOL, " successfully created\n", sep="")), quiet=TRUE)
  if (!exists(".__blacs_initialized", envir=.pbdBASEEnv))
    assign(x=".__blacs_initialized", value=TRUE, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)

#' @rdname gridinit
#' @export
blacs_init <- base.blacs_init

#' @rdname gridinit
#' @export
blacs_gridinit <- base.blacs_init

#' Creating Grid From A System Context
#' Creates a grid from a System Context obtained from a call to `sys2blacs_handle`.
#' @param NPROW
#' Number of rows in the process grid
#' @param NPCOL
#' Number of columns in the process grid
#' @param SYSCTXT
#' System context obtained from a call to `sys2blacs_handle`
#' @param nprocs
#' Number of processors in the communicator
#' @param comm
#' An MPI (not BLACS) communicator.
#' @return A blacs context number
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_blacs_gridinit
#' @export
base.blacs_gridinit <- function(SYSCTXT, NPROW, NPCOL, nprocs = pbdMPI::comm.size(comm), comm = .pbd_env$SPMD.CT$comm)
   if (missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)){
    procs <- base.procgrid(nprocs=nprocs)
    NPROW <- as.integer(procs$nprow)
    NPCOL <- as.integer(procs$npcol)
  else if (missing(NPROW) && !missing(NPCOL))
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("You must also provide a value for 'NPROW'")
  else if (!missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("You must also provide a value for 'NPCOL'")
  else if (!isint(x=NPROW) || !isint(x=NPCOL))
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("'NPROW' and 'NPCOL' must be integers")
  else if (NPROW*NPCOL > nprocs) 
    pbdMPI::comm.stop(paste("Error: grid size of ", NPROW, "x", NPCOL, " is not possible with ", nprocs, " processes", sep=""))
  value <- .Call('R_blacs_gridinit', as.integer(NPROW), as.integer(NPCOL), as.integer(SYSCTXT))
  nm <- paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", value$ICTXT, sep="")
  set.comm.from.ICTXT(value$ICTXT, comm)
  assign(x=nm, value=value, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)
  if (!exists(".__blacs_initialized", envir=.pbdBASEEnv))
    assign(x=".__blacs_initialized", value=TRUE, envir=.pbdBASEEnv)

set.comm.from.ICTXT <- function(ICTXT, comm)
    if(!exists("comm.ctxt.map", envir = .pbdBASEEnv))
        .pbdBASEEnv$comm.ctxt.map <- list()
    .pbdBASEEnv$comm.ctxt.map[[ICTXT + 1L]] <- comm

#' Getting Communicator From BLACS Context
#' Blacs context are associated with a certain communicator. It can be useful to retrieve this communicator to manipulate the matrix accordingly.
#' @param ICTXT a BLACS context
#' @return A communicator
#' @export
get.comm.from.ICTXT <- function(ICTXT)
  if (!exists("comm.ctxt.map", envir = .pbdBASEEnv))
    pbdMPI::comm.warning("No context seem to have been setup")
  comm <- .pbdBASEEnv$comm.ctxt.map[[ICTXT + 1L]]
  if (is.null(comm))
    pbdMPI::comm.warning(sprintf("Context: %i is not set", ICTXT))

#' Initialize Process Grid
#' Manages the creation of BLACS context grids.
#' \code{blacs_init()} is for experienced users only.  It is a shallow
#' wrapper of the BLACS routine \code{BLACS_INIT}, with the addition of
#' creating the \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_ICTXT} objects, as described below.
#' The remainder of this section applies only to \code{init.grid()}.
#' If \code{ICTXT} is missing, three variables will be created in the
#' \code{.pbdBASEEnv} environment:
#' \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_0}
#' \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_1}
#' \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_2}
#' These variables store the BLACS process grid information for the BLACS
#' context corresponding to the trailing digit of the variable. Most users
#' should invoke \code{init.grid()} in this fashion, namely with ICTXT missing,
#' and only do so once.
#' Contexts 0, 1, and 2 are reserved. Additional custom contexts are possible
#' to create, but they must be integers >= 3.
#' Context 0 is the ``full'' process grid of \code{NPROW} by \code{NPCOL}
#' processes; contexts 1 is the process grid consisting of 1 process row and
#' \code{NPROW}*\code{NPCOL} processes columns; context 2 is the process grid
#' consisting of \code{NPROW}*\code{NPCOL} processes rows and 1 process column.
#' These contexts can be redundant depending on the number of prcesses
#' available.
#' BLACS contexts have important internal use, and advanced users familiar with
#' ScaLAPACK might find some advantage in directly manipulating these process
#' grids. Most users should not need to directly manage BLACS contexts, in this
#' function or elsewhere.
#' If the \code{NPROW} and \code{NPCOL} values are missing, then a best process
#' grid will be chosen for the user based on the total available number of
#' processes. Here ``best'' means as close to a square grid as possible.
#' The variables \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_ICTXT} are just storage mechanisms to
#' avoid needing to directly invoke the BLACS routine \code{BLACS_GRIDINFO}.
#' Additionally, another variable is created in the \code{.pbdBASEEnv}
#' environment, namely \code{.__blacs_initialized}. Its existence is to alert
#' \code{finalize()} to shut down BLACS communicators, if necessary, to prevent
#' memory leaks.
#' @param NPROW 
#' number of process rows. Can be missing; see details.
#' @param NPCOL 
#' number of process columns. Can be missing; see details.
#' @param ICTXT 
#' BLACS context number.
#' @param quiet 
#' logical; controls whether or not information about grid size
#' should be printed.
#' @return 
#' Silently returns 0 when successful. Additionally, several variables
#' are created in the \code{.pbdBASEEnv} environment.  See Details section.
#' @keywords BLACS
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   ### Do something here. For example, below.
#'   comm.print(ls(.pbdBASEEnv))
#'   finalize()
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @name InitGrid
#' @rdname init.grid
#' @export
init.grid <- function(NPROW, NPCOL, ICTXT, quiet = FALSE)
  # initialize pbdMPI communicator
  # determine the ICTXT if it is missing
  if (missing(ICTXT)){
    ICTXT <- base.minctxt(after=-1)
  } else if (ICTXT==0 || ICTXT==1 || ICTXT==2){
      pbdMPI::comm.stop("Contexts 0, 1, and 2 are reserved; use 3 or above.")
  # determine number processor rows/columns
  if (missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)){
    if (exists(".__blacs_gridinfo_0")){
      pbdMPI::comm.warning("Context 0 is already initialized. No new grid created")
      return( invisible(1) )
  } else if (missing(NPROW) || missing(NPCOL)){
    pbdMPI::comm.stop("You must supply either both 'NPROW' and 'NPCOL' or neither.")
  # initialize grid
  base.blacs_init(ICTXT=ICTXT, NPROW=NPROW, NPCOL=NPCOL, quiet=quiet)
  if (ICTXT==0){
    if (missing(NPROW) && missing(NPCOL)){
      nprocs <- pbdMPI::comm.size()
      procs <- base.procgrid(nprocs=nprocs)
      NPROW <- as.integer(procs$nprow)
      NPCOL <- as.integer(procs$npcol)
    base.blacs_init(ICTXT=1L, NPROW=1, NPCOL=NPROW*NPCOL, quiet=TRUE)
    base.blacs_init(ICTXT=2L, NPROW=NPROW*NPCOL, NPCOL=1, quiet=TRUE)

#' Context Within a Given Communicator
#' Creates a context that will be valid for a given communicator
#' @param comm Communicator for which you want to set the BLACS context
#' @return A system handle, i.e. the system context number. System contexts can be used to have ScalaPACK methods run in different communicators.
#' @seealso base.free_blacs_system_handle, base.blacs_gridinit
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_sys2blacs_handle
#' @export
sys2blacs.handle <- function(comm)
  .Call("R_sys2blacs_handle", comm, PACKAGE="pbdBASE")

#' gridexit
#' Frees a BLACS context.
#' For advanced users only. See pbdDMAT for high-level functions.
#' The function frees the requested BLACS context. It is a trivial wrapper for
#' the BLACS routine \code{BLACS_GRIDEXIT}. Also removes the object
#' \code{.__blacs_gridinfo_ICTXT}.
#' Contexts 0, 1, and 2 can not be freed in this way unless the argument
#' \code{override=FALSE}. This will probably break something and I do not
#' recommend it.
#' @param ICTXT 
#' BLACS context number.
#' @param override 
#' logical; if TRUE, ignores normal check preventing the
#' closing of \code{ICTXT} values of 0, 1, and 2. This could cause things
#' to go crazy and I do not recommend it.
#' @return
#' Silently returns 0 when successful. Silently returns 1 when
#' requested \code{ICTXT} does not exist.
#' @keywords BLACS
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_blacs_gridexit
#' @name gridexit
#' @rdname gridexit
#' @export
base.gridexit <- function(ICTXT, override=FALSE)
  base.valid_context(ICTXT=ICTXT, override=override)
  blacs_ <- base.blacs(ICTXT=ICTXT)
  FCTXT <- blacs_$ICTXT
  if (blacs_$MYROW != -1 && blacs_$MYCOL != -1)
    .Call("R_blacs_gridexit", as.integer(FCTXT), PACKAGE="pbdBASE")

  rm(list = paste(".__blacs_gridinfo_", ICTXT, sep=""), envir=.pbdBASEEnv)


#' Free Blacs System Handle
#' @param SHANDLE A system handle. Obtained via a call to `sys2blacs.handle`
#' @return None
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_free_blacs_system_handle
#' @export
base.free_blacs_system_handle <- function(SHANDLE)
  .Call("R_free_blacs_system_handle", as.integer(SHANDLE), PACKAGE = "pbdBASE")

#' @rdname gridexit
#' @export
gridexit <- base.gridexit

#' BLACS Exit
#' Shuts down all BLACS communicators.
#' If the user wishes to shut down BLACS communicators but still have access to
#' MPI, then call this function with \code{CONT=TRUE}.  Calling
#' \code{blacsexit(CONT=FALSE)} will shut down all MPI communicators,
#' equivalent to calling
#' \code{> blacsexit(CONT=TRUE)} \code{> finalize(mpi.finalize=TRUE)}
#' This function is automatically invoked if BLACS communicators are running
#' and \code{finalize()} is called.
#' @param CONT 
#' logical; determines whether or not to shut down \emph{all} MPI
#' communicators
#' @return 
#' Has an invisible return of 0 when successful.
#' @keywords BLACS
#' @examples
#' spmd.code <- "
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdMPI))
#'   suppressMessages(library(pbdBASE))
#'   init.grid()
#'   ### Do something with BLACS here.
#'   ### Don't use this unless you know what to do after this.
#'   # blacsexit()
#'   ### Then, do others without BLACS here.
#'   finalize()  # This should be off since blacexit().
#' "
#' pbdMPI::execmpi(spmd.code = spmd.code, nranks = 2L)
#' @useDynLib pbdBASE R_blacs_exit
#' @name blacsexit
#' @rdname blacsexit
#' @export
base.blacsexit <- function(CONT=TRUE)
  .Call("R_blacs_exit", as.integer(CONT), PACKAGE="pbdBASE")

#' @rdname blacsexit
#' @export
blacsexit <- base.blacsexit

#' Finalizer
#' A replacement for \code{pbdMPI::finalize()} that automatically
#' shuts BLACS communicators down.
#' @param mpi.finalize
#' If MPI should be shut down.
#' @return None
#' @name finalizer
#' @rdname finalizer
#' @export
base.finalize <- function(mpi.finalize=.pbd_env$SPMD.CT$mpi.finalize)
  if (exists(".__blacs_initialized", envir = .pbdBASEEnv)){
    rm(list = ".__blacs_initialized", envir = .pbdBASEEnv)

#' @rdname finalizer
#' @export
finalize <- base.finalize
RBigData/pbdBASE documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:19 p.m.