
Defines functions base.firstfew base.checkem base.dropper

# redistribution tools

# dropper function, used in subsetting
base.dropper <- function(x, oldbldim, iorj, ij, ICTXT)
  blacs_ <- base.blacs(ICTXT)
  bldim <- oldbldim #x@bldim
  if (x@ICTXT != ICTXT){
# FIXME: would like to alter block dimension so that the data
# rebalances, but the code below causes a horrible null pointer
# problem for some cases.
#    if (ICTXT==1)
#      bldim <- c(dim(x)[1], ceiling(bldim[2] / blacs_$NPCOL))
#    if (ICTXT==2)
#      bldim <- c(ceiling(bldim[1] / blacs_$NPROW), dim(x)[2])
    newObj <- dmat.reblock(dx=x, bldim=bldim, ICTXT)
  } else {
    newObj <- x
  if (iorj=='i'){ # rows
    if (newObj@ldim[1L] == newObj@dim[1L]){
      new <- newObj@Data[ij, ]
      if (base::length(new)==0)
        new <- matrix(0.0)
      else {
        dim <- c(length(new)/newObj@ldim[2L], newObj@ldim[2L])
        dim(new) <- dim
      newObj@Data <- new
  } else { # columns
    if (newObj@ldim[2L] == newObj@dim[2L]){
      new <- newObj@Data[, ij]
      if (base::length(new)==0)
        new <- matrix(0.0)
      else {
        dim <- c(newObj@ldim[1L], length(new)/newObj@ldim[1L])
        dim(new) <- dim
      newObj@Data <- new
  if (iorj=='i'){
    if (ij[1L] > 0)
      newObj@dim[1L] <- base::length(ij)
      newObj@dim[1L] <- newObj@dim[1L] - base::length(ij)
  } else {
    if (ij[1L] > 0)
      newObj@dim[2L] <- base::length(ij)
      newObj@dim[2L] <- newObj@dim[2L] - base::length(ij)
  newObj@ldim <- dim(newObj@Data)

dropper <- base.dropper

# other

# checking compatibility between distributed matrices for use with
# scalapack/pblas. For internal use only.
base.checkem <- function(x, y, checks=1:3)
  # All dimension equal
  if (1 %in% checks)
    if (any(x@dim!=y@dim))
      comm.stop("Error: non-conformable distributed arrays")
  # Same BLACS context
  if (2 %in% checks)
    if (x@ICTXT != y@ICTXT)
      comm.stop("Error: Distributed matrices 'x' and 'y' must belong to the same BLACS context")
  # Same blocking dimension
  if (3 %in% checks)
    if (any(x@bldim != y@bldim))
      comm.stop("Distributed matrices 'x' and 'y' must have the same block dimension.")

checkem <- base.checkem

# print first few entries of the global matrix
base.firstfew <- function(dx, atmost=5)
  blacs_ <- base.blacs(dx@ICTXT)
  MYROW <- blacs_$MYROW
  MYCOL <- blacs_$MYCOL
  NPROW <- blacs_$NPROW
  NPCOL <- blacs_$NPCOL

  MB <- dx@bldim[1]
  NB <- dx@bldim[2]

  if (prod(dx@dim) < atmost)
    atmost <- prod(dx@dim)

  dim <- c( min(dx@dim[1], atmost), min(dx@dim[2], atmost) )

  out <- numeric(atmost)
  ct <- 1
  for (j in 1:dim[2]-1){
    for (i in 1:dim[1]-1){
      l <- floor(i / (NPROW * MB))
      m <- floor(j / (NPCOL * NB))
      pr <- (0 + floor(i/MB)) %% NPROW
      pc <- (0 + floor(j/NB)) %% NPCOL
      if (MYROW==pr && MYCOL==pc){
        x <- 1 + i %% MB;
        y <- 1 + j %% NB;
        out[ct] <- dx@Data[x+MB*l,y+NB*m]

        ct <- ct+1
      ct <- pbdMPI::allreduce(ct, op='max')
      if (ct == atmost+1)
    if (ct == atmost+1)
  out <- pbdMPI::allreduce(out, op='sum')
RBigData/pbdDMAT documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:20 p.m.