
#' Arithmetic Operators
#' Binary operations for distributed matrix/distributed matrix and distributed
#' matrix/vector operations.
#' If \code{e1} and \code{e2} are distributed matrices, then they must be
#' conformable, on the same BLACS context, and have the same blocking
#' dimension.
#' @param e1,e2
#' numeric distributed matrices or numeric vectors
#' @return 
#' Returns a distributed matrix.
#' @name arithmetic
#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @keywords Methods

# ----------------
# +
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (prod(dim)%%len > 0 && len%%prod(dim) > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)){
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data+e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=0) # FUN=0 for "+"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("+", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data + e2@Data

# ----------------
# -
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1 )
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data-e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=1) # FUN=1 for "-"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    e2@Data <- -e2@Data

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data - e2@Data

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("-", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="missing"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    e1@Data <- -e1@Data

# ----------------
# *
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data*e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=2) # FUN=2 for "*"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2)

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("*", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data * e2@Data

# ----------------
# /
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data/e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=3) # FUN=3 for "/"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    if (base.ownany(dim=e2@dim, bldim=e2@bldim, ICTXT=e2@ICTXT))
      e2@Data <- 1 / e2@Data

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("/", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data / e2@Data

# ----------------
# ^
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("^", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data^e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=4) # FUN=4 for "^"

## numeric ^ ddmatrix
#setMethod("^", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
#  function(e1, e2){
#  }

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("^", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data ^ e2@Data

# ----------------
# Modulo stuff --- pretty useless, really
# ----------------

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%%", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data %% e2@Data

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%%", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e1@dim
    len <- length(e2)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e1@Data <- e1@Data %% e2
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ldim=e1@ldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT)
        e1@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e1@Data, descx=descx, vec=e2, FUN=5) # FUN=5 for "%%"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%%", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    dim <- e2@dim
    len <- length(e1)
    if ( (dim[1]%%len > 0 && len%%dim[1] > 0) && len > 1)
      comm.warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    if (base.ownany(dim=dim, bldim=e2@bldim, ICTXT=e2@ICTXT))
      if (len==1)
        e2@Data <- e1 %% e2@Data
      else {
        descx <- base.descinit(dim=e2@dim, bldim=e2@bldim, ldim=e2@ldim, ICTXT=e2@ICTXT)
        e2@Data <- base.rl2blas(x=e2@Data, descx=descx, vec=e1, FUN=6) # FUN=0 for reverse "%%"

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%/%", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    base.checkem(x=e1, y=e2, checks=1:3)
    if (base.ownany(dim=e1@dim, bldim=e1@bldim, ICTXT=e1@ICTXT))
      e1@Data <- e1@Data %/% e2@Data

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%/%", signature(e1="numeric", e2="ddmatrix"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    return(floor(e1 / e2))

#' @rdname arithmetic
#' @export
setMethod("%/%", signature(e1="ddmatrix", e2="numeric"), 
  function(e1, e2){
    return(floor(e1 / e2))
RBigData/pbdDMAT documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 6:20 p.m.