
Defines functions La.svd.tshaq svd.tshaq svd.shaq

#' svd
#' Singular value decomposition.
#' @details
#' The factorization works by first forming the crossproduct \eqn{X^T X} for
#' shaqs (\eqn{XX^T} for tshaqs) and then taking its eigenvalue decomposition.
#' In this case, the square root of the eigenvalues are the singular values.
#' For shaqs, if the left/right singular vectors \eqn{U} or \eqn{V} are desired,
#' then in either case, \eqn{V} is computed (the eigenvectors).  From these,
#' \eqn{U} can be reconstructed, since if \eqn{X = U\Sigma V^T}, then \eqn{U =
#' XV\Sigma^{-1}}. For tshaqs, a similar game can be played, noting that the
#' left singular vectors \eqn{U} map to the eigenvectors of \eqn{XX^T}.
#' @section Communication:
#' The operation is completely local except for forming the crossproduct, which
#' is an \code{allreduce()} call, quadratic on the number of columns.
#' @param x
#' A shaq.
#' @param nu 
#' number of left singular vectors to return.
#' @param nv 
#' number of right singular vectors to return.
#' @param LINPACK
#' Ignored.
#' @return 
#' A list of elements \code{d}, \code{u}, and \code{v}, as with R's own
#' \code{svd()}.  The elements are, respectively, a regular vector, a shaq, and
#' a regular matrix.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' library(kazaam)
#' x = ranshaq(runif, 10, 3)
#' svd = svd(x)
#' comm.print(svd$d) # a globally owned vector
#' svd$u # a shaq
#' comm.print(svd$v) # a globally owned matrix
#' finalize()
#' }
#' @name svd
#' @rdname svd

utils::globalVariables(c("n", "p"))

svd.shaq = function(x, retu=FALSE, retv=FALSE)
  only.values = !retu && !retv
  cp = cp.shaq(x)
  ev = eigen(cp, only.values=only.values, symmetric=TRUE)
  d = sqrt(ev$values)
  if (retu)
    # u.local = ev$vectors %*% diag(1/d)
    u.local = sweep(ev$vectors, STATS=1/d, MARGIN=2, FUN="*")
    u.local = DATA(x) %*% u.local
    u = shaq(u.local, nrow(x), ncol(x), checks=FALSE)
    u = NULL
  if (retv)
    v = ev$vectors
    v = NULL
  list(d=d, u=u, v=v)

#' @rdname svd
#' @export
setMethod("svd", signature(x="shaq"),
  function(x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p), LINPACK = FALSE)
    n = nrow(x)
    p = ncol(x)
    retu = nu > 0
    retv = nv > 0
    ret = svd.shaq(x, retu, retv)
    if (nu && ncol(ret$u) > nu)
      ret$u = ret$u[, 1:nu]
    if (nv && NCOL(ret$v) > nv)
      ret$v = ret$v[, 1:nv]

svd.tshaq = function(x, retu=FALSE, retv=FALSE)
  only.values = !retu && !retv
  cp = tcp.shaq(x)
  ev = eigen(cp, only.values=only.values, symmetric=TRUE)
  d = sqrt(ev$values)
  if (retu)
    u = ev$vectors
    u = NULL
  if (retv)
    v.local = sweep(ev$vectors, STATS=1/d, MARGIN=2, FUN="*")
    v.local = crossprod(DATA(x), v.local)
    v = shaq(v.local, ncol(x), nrow(x), checks=FALSE)
    v = NULL
  list(d=d, u=u, v=v)

#' @rdname svd
#' @export
setMethod("svd", signature(x="tshaq"),
  function(x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p), LINPACK = FALSE)
    n = nrow(x)
    p = ncol(x)
    retu = nu > 0
    retv = nv > 0
    ret = svd.tshaq(x, retu, retv)
    if (nu && NCOL(ret$u) > nu)
      ret$u = ret$u[, 1:nu]

    if (nv && NCOL(ret$v) > nv)
      ret$v = ret$v[, 1:nv]

#' @rdname svd
#' @export
setMethod("La.svd", signature(x="shaq"),
  function(x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p))
    n = nrow(x)
    p = ncol(x)
    ret = svd(x, nu, nv)
    if (nv)
      ret$vt = t(ret$v)
      ret$v = NULL

La.svd.tshaq = function(x, retu=FALSE, retv=FALSE)
  only.values = !retu && !retv
  cp = tcp.shaq(x)
  ev = eigen(cp, only.values=only.values, symmetric=TRUE)
  d = sqrt(ev$values)
  if (retu)
    u = ev$vectors
    u = NULL
  if (retv)
    vt.local = sweep(ev$vectors, STATS=1/d, MARGIN=2, FUN="*")
    vt.local = crossprod(vt.local, DATA(x))
    vt = tshaq(vt.local, nrow(x), ncol(x), checks=FALSE)
    vt = NULL
  list(d=d, u=u, vt=vt)

#' @rdname svd
#' @export
setMethod("La.svd", signature(x="tshaq"),
  function(x, nu = min(n, p), nv = min(n, p))
    n = nrow(x)
    p = ncol(x)
    retu = nu > 0
    retv = nv > 0
    ret = La.svd.tshaq(x, retu, retv)
    if (nu && NCOL(ret$u) > nu)
      ret$u = ret$u[, 1:nu]

    if (nv && NROW(ret$vt) > nv)
      DATA(ret$vt) = DATA(ret$vt)[1:nv, ]
RBigData/pbdSHAQ documentation built on Nov. 9, 2021, 9:10 a.m.