
#' @include Class-Documentation.R
#' @include Class-Documentation-Default-Value.R
#' @include utils.R

#' @export
option_documentation <-
setClass('option-Documentation', contains = 'BaseDocumentation'
        , slots = c( key         = 'character'
                   , default     = 'Documentation-Default-Value'
                   , constraints = 'list'
#' @export
setMethod('initialize', 'option-Documentation',
    function( .Object
            , key                       #< [character] name of the argument
            , description               #< [character] description of the argument
            , default     = NULL        #< language object.
            , constraints = list()      #< list of constraints
        #! Create documentation for a function argument.
        .Object@key         <- as.character(key)
        .Object@description <- FT(as.character(description))
            .Object@default     <- as(default, 'Documentation-Default-Value')
        .Object@constraints <- constraints
if(FALSE){#! @testing
    docs <- option_documentation('anOption', 'a description')
    expect_identical(docs@key, 'anOption')
    expect_identical(docs@description, FormattedText('a description'))
    expect_identical(docs@constraints, list())

set_option_documentation <-
function( key #< [character] Option name.
        , ... #< passed on to `<option_documentation>` to create the documentation object.
        , where   = topenv(parent.frame())  #< where to store the documentation
        , pkg     = getPackageName(where)   #< package that option refers to.
        , verbose = getOption("documentation::verbose", FALSE) #< Should informational messages be shown?
    dname <- documentationMetaName(key, pkg, subsystem ='Options')
    docs  <- option_documentation(key=key, ...)

        if(exists(dname, where, mode='S4', inherits=FALSE))
            message("documentation already exists; overwriting.")
    assign(dname, docs, envir=where)

#TODO: Arguments should automatically inherit description from option
#       when argument defaults to a getOption.

    o <- new('option-Documentation', 'anOption', 'a description')
    expect_is(o, 'option-Documentation')
    expect_is(o, 'Documentation')
    expect_identical(o@key, 'anOption')
    expect_identical(o@description, FormattedText('a description'))

    o <- option_documentation('anOption', 'a description')
    expect_is(o, 'option-Documentation')
    expect_is(o, 'Documentation')
    expect_identical(o@key, 'anOption')
    expect_identical(o@description, FormattedText('a description'))
RDocTaskForce/documentation documentation built on May 8, 2019, 5:50 a.m.