
Defines functions fix_grouping_comment_association pd_is_grouping

Documented in pd_is_grouping

# grouping.R
# This file is part of the R package `parsetools`.
# Author: Andrew Redd
# Copyright: 2017 The R Consortium
# ========
# The R package `parsetools` is free software:
# you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the
# GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
# Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
# any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/.

pd_is_grouping <-
function( id, pd, .check=TRUE){
  #' @title test if an id is a grouping element
  #' @inheritParams pd_get_children_ids
  if (.check){
     pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
     id <- ._check_id(id, pd)
  if(length(id) > 1) return(sapply(id, pd_is_grouping, pd=pd, .check=FALSE))

  #' @description
  #' A grouping is defined as a non empty set
  return(  length(children(id))
        #' starting with a curly brace token and
        && token(firstborn(id)) == "'{'"
        #' and for which there is no parent or the parent is also a grouping.
        && ( parent(id) == 0
          || pd_is_grouping(parent(id), pd, .check=FALSE)
  #! @return a logical indicating if the root node(s) is a grouping node or not
is_grouping <- internal(pd_is_grouping)
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='{
    }', keep.source=TRUE))
    id <- pd[match("'{'", pd$token), 'id']
    gid <- parent(id)
    expect_true (pd_is_grouping(gid, pd))
    expect_false(pd_is_grouping( 1L, pd))

    expect_is(pd_is_grouping(pd$id, pd=pd), 'logical')
    expect_equal(sum(pd_is_grouping(pd$id, pd=pd)), 1)

    expect_equal(sum(pd_is_grouping(pd$id, pd=pd)), 1L)

    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='
        {# first Group
        {# nested group
            "expression in double nested group"
        ', keep.source=TRUE))
    expect_equal(sum(pd_is_grouping(pd$id, pd=pd)), 2)

#' @title get the grouping ids
#' @inheritParams pd_get_children_ids
#' @description get the ids that represent the grouping nodes.
#' @return an integer vector of ids.
all_grouping_ids <- make_get_all(pd_is_grouping)
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text='{
    }', keep.source=TRUE))

    expect_is(all_grouping_ids(pd), 'integer')
    expect_equal(length(all_grouping_ids(pd)), 1)
    expect_equal(all_grouping_ids(pd), pd[match("'{'", pd$token), 'parent'])

fix_grouping_comment_association <-
function( id = all_grouping_ids(pd)
        , pd = get('pd', parent.frame())
        , .check=TRUE
    if (.check){
        pd <- ._check_parse_data(pd)
        id <- ._check_id(id, pd)
        stopifnot(all(pd_is_grouping(id, pd)))
    for (i in id) {
        cids <- children(i, pd)
        for (cid in cids)
            if (is_comment(cid, pd)) {
                n <- next_sibling(cid)
                while (!is.na(n) && (is_comment(n,pd) || token(n) == "'}'"))
                    n <- next_sibling(n)
                if (!is.na(n)) {
                    if (is_root(n, pd))
                        pd[ pd$id == cid, 'parent'] <- -n
                        pd[ pd$id == cid, 'parent'] <- -ascend_to_root(n, pd) # nocov
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
    {# grouped code
        # normal comment
        #' Documenation before
        hw <- function(){
            #! documentation comment inside.
            print('hello world')
    {# Second Group
    # Comment 3
    "}, keep.source=TRUE))

    ids <- all_grouping_ids(pd)
    fixed <- fix_grouping_comment_association(ids, pd)

    expect_identical( -parent(.find_text("#' Documenation before", fixed), fixed)
                    , parent(.find_text('<-'))

    expect_identical(fixed[-6], pd[-6])

    text(all_comment_ids(fixed), fixed)

    x <- pd_get_ancestor_ids(.find_text('print', fixed), fixed)

    inside.parent <- max(x[is_in_function(x, fixed) & ! is_function(x)])

    expect_equal( abs(parent(all_comment_ids(fixed), fixed))
                , c( rep(ascend_to_root(.find_text('hw', fixed), fixed), 3)
                   , inside.parent
                   , parent(.find_text('+'))
if(FALSE){#@test fix_grouping_comment_association Special case
    pd <- get_parse_data(parse(text={"
    {#' Documenation before
        hw <- function(){
            #! documentation comment inside.
            print('hello world')
    }"}, keep.source=TRUE))

    fixed <- fix_grouping_comment_association(roots(pd), pd)

    expect_equal(nrow(pd), nrow(fixed))
    expect_identical(pd$id, fixed$id)

    cid <- .find_text("#' Documenation before")
    expect_true( parent(cid, fixed) !=  parent(cid, pd))

    expect_true(is_assignment(abs(parent(cid, fixed)), fixed))
    expect_true(!any(is_comment(children(roots(fixed), fixed), fixed)))
RDocTaskForce/parsetools documentation built on April 10, 2020, 11:58 p.m.