CovFromBoots: Extract the inter-gene covariance matrices for continuous and...

View source: R/CovFromBoots.R

CovFromBootsR Documentation

Extract the inter-gene covariance matrices for continuous and discrete components of a MAST model for a given coefficient from bootstrap replicates


Computes the genewise covariance for a model coefficient from bootstrap replicates from 'MAST::bootVcov1()'. If coefficients are unestimable (i.e. NA) for a gene, that row/column in the covariance matrix will be NA. Returns a list with components "C" and "D" containing the covariance matrices for the "C"ontinuous and "D"iscrete components of the MAST model.


CovFromBoots(boots = NULL, coefficient = NULL)



a multidimensional array returned by 'bootVcov1' or 'pbootVcov1'.


'character' the name of the model coefficient for which to return the inter-gene covariance matrices.


list with components "C" and "D" containing covariance matrices for the continuous and discrete components of the model.

RGLab/MAST documentation built on Sept. 30, 2023, 1:08 p.m.