
setGeneric("likelihoodSurfacePlot", function(bmr, grid.x, grid.y, whch, nlevels, 
    fdr, ...) {

setMethod("likelihoodSurfacePlot", signature(bmr = "BetaMixResult", grid.x = "integer", 
    grid.y = "integer", whch = "integer", nlevels = "integer", fdr = "numeric"), 
    function(bmr, grid.x, grid.y, whch, nlevels = 30, fdr = 0.01) {
        # set up the grid
        if (bmr@alternative.model == "not equal") {
            alternative <- "two.sided"
        } else {
            alternative <- "greater"
        gr <- expand.grid(1:grid.x, 1:grid.y)
        N <- colSums(matrix(unlist(bmr@data[whch, ]), 2, byrow = TRUE))
        gr <- cbind(gr, t(N - t(gr)))
        colnames(gr) <- c("ns", "nu", "Ns", "Nu")
        z <- sqrt(((matrix(bmr@w[1] * exp(.Call("MarginalNULL", ns = gr[, "ns"], 
            Ns = gr[, "Ns"], nu = gr[, "nu"], Nu = gr[, "Nu"], alpha0 = rep(bmr@alpha0, 
                nrow(gr)), beta0 = rep(bmr@beta0, nrow(gr)), alphaS = rep(bmr@alphaS, 
                nrow(gr)), betaS = rep(bmr@betaS, nrow(gr)), bmr@w, log = TRUE, package = "MIMOSA")) + 
            bmr@w[2] * exp(.Call("MarginalGT", ns = gr[, "ns"], Ns = gr[, "Ns"], 
                nu = gr[, "nu"], Nu = gr[, "Nu"], alpha0 = rep(bmr@alpha0, nrow(gr)), 
                beta0 = rep(bmr@beta0, nrow(gr)), alphaS = rep(bmr@alphaS, nrow(gr)), 
                betaS = rep(bmr@betaS, nrow(gr)), bmr@w, log = TRUE, 500, package = "MIMOSA")), 
            ncol = grid.x))))
        # plot the likelihood surface
        image(z, x = 1:grid.x, y = 1:grid.y, col = rev(gray.colors(30)), xlab = "ns", 
            ylab = "nu")
        contour(1:grid.x, 1:grid.y, z, xlab = "ns", ylab = "nu", add = TRUE, nlevels = nlevels)
        # plot the data points
        points(bmr@data[whch, 1:2, FALSE], pch = 3, col = c("black", "red")[(bmr@fdr < 
            fdr) + 1][whch])
        points(bmr@data[whch, 1:2, FALSE], pch = 2, col = c("black", "green")[(apply(bmr@data, 
            1, function(x) p.adjust(fisher.test(matrix(x, 2, byrow = TRUE), alternative = alternative)$p.value, 
                "fdr") < fdr) + 1)[whch]])
        # plot the identity line
        lines(t(t(matrix(seq(0, 1, l = 2)) %*% N)), lwd = 2, lty = 2)
RGLab/MIMOSA documentation built on Nov. 13, 2020, 5:04 a.m.